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TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
Forum topicPlease introduce yourself aprilholloway2693 months 4 weeks ago
ArticleCraniums and Controversies of the Chachapoya Cloud Warriors Mark A. Carpenter55 months 1 day ago
ArticleReconstructing Jesus: Using Science to Flesh out the Face of Religion lizleafloor237 months 2 weeks ago
ArticleThe Serpent Priestesses and Ancient Sexual Rites Katrina Sisowath168 months 1 week ago
ArticleRh-Negative Blood: An Exotic Bloodline or Random Mutation? Caleb Strom411 year 3 months ago
Article10,000-years-ago Irish Hunter-Gatherers Were Dark-Skinned Sahir161 year 6 months ago
ArticleHistory of the 12,000-Year-Old Swastika: Origin, Meaning and Symbolism johnblack1681 year 7 months ago
ArticleDNA Study Reveals We Have a Mystery Human Ancestor Ed Whelan141 year 10 months ago
ArticleControversial Lead Codices With Earliest Written Account of Jesus Confirmed Authentic david elkington161 year 11 months ago
ArticleThe Dark Secret Behind the Hidden Room of Glamis Castle Kerry Sullivan61 year 11 months ago
ArticlePicts, Gaels, and Scots: Exploring their Mysterious (and Sometimes Mythical) Origins Steven Keith41 year 12 months ago
ArticleHow Rollo the Viking Conqueror Settled in Normandy dhwty12 years 6 months ago
ArticleEarliest Remains of Monks, Who May Have Known King Arthur, Unearthed in England Mark Miller72 years 9 months ago
ArticleThe Glastonbury Giant: Who Did the Mystery Bones of A Nine Foot Skeleton Belong To? J.P. Robinson72 years 9 months ago
ArticleAstonishing Human Heads: Do Satellite Photographs Now Prove Existence of Humans on Antarctica…6000 Years Ago? – Part I William James Veall82 years 9 months ago
ArticleGolem: A Legendary Clay Beast Created to Protect Jewish People dhwty92 years 10 months ago
ArticleHumanity’s First Ancestor is 2 Million Years Old, Skull Fragment Reveals Sahir22 years 11 months ago
ArticleResearchers Find Remains of 'Satanic' Viking Rituals in Icelandic Cave Sahir73 years 1 month ago
Forum topicEvidence of Origin of Light Skin dlidster183 years 2 months ago
ArticleDoes ‘New Evidence’ Prove Noah’s Ark Is Buried on a Turkish Mountain? ancient-origins113 years 5 months ago
ArticleThe Shroud of Turin: Jesus' Bloodstained Burial Cloth or a Fascinating Forgery? lizleafloor1803 years 6 months ago
ArticleDwelling in the Land of Nod – Was it a Real City? dhwty63 years 7 months ago
ArticleBaphomet: Was the Diabolical Demon Really Worshipped by Knights Templars? dhwty23 years 10 months ago
ArticleWhat a Way to Start the Year! 3 Shocking Acts of Vandalism in First Week ashley cowie24 years 1 week ago
ArticleThe Strange Story of the Black Prince of Canterbury Natalia Klimczak84 years 2 weeks ago
