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Amazons, ancient roman warriors in a battle.	Source: neurobite/Adobe Stock

“Vaginas Have Received You, And You Know Of Nothing Else!” - Finding The Amazons

Feminist Amazons? In the conclusion to her essay in the Feminist Theology magazine Olga Papamichali writes: “The independent and radical nature of the Amazon spirit changed the way men used to see...
Nemrut Mountain at 2150 meters with colossal statues, and stone heads. A UNESCO World Heritage site. Anatolia, modern day Turkey. 	Source: Bulent/Adobe Stock

Ancient Anatolia: Cradle of Civilizations (Video)

Ancient Anatolia: Cradle of Civilizations (Video) Ancient Anatolia stands as a rich tapestry of human civilization, with its history weaving together a myriad of cultures, empires, and innovations...
Stone Figures of Yandi and Huangdi, Yellow River Scenic Area, Zhengzhou, China. Source: Public domain

Mythical Ancient Emperors Who Fought Over the Birth of China

In Zhengzhou, China, stands a monumental testament to antiquity: a towering sculpture, reaching a staggering 106 meters (348 ft) in height. This awe-inspiring structure immortalizes two fabled...
Deity Rama  Source: Ruslan Batiuk/Adobe Stock

Rama's Bridge: Where Modern Science and Ancient Myths Collide

Historians, archaeologists, and researchers in our distant past insist that civilized life began on the Earth about 5,000 years ago. They point to the fact that there is no hard evidence to support...
Eve tempted by the serpent in a paradise illustrated according to the texts of the Bible. An image showing good and evil in one scene.

Lilith: Ancient Demon, Dark Deity or Sensual Goddess?

Lilith, an ancient mythological figure and one of the oldest known female spirits in the world, has embodied various roles across cultures. In some sources she has been described as a demon, while in...
The Temple to Ninmakh to the east of Ishtar Gate in ancient Babylon. Source: CC BY-SA 4.0

Babylon’s Temple of Ninmakh, the Mesopotamian Goddess of Humankind

One of the great temples constructed during the Neo-Babylonian period (626-539 BC), the golden age of the city of Babylon, was the Temple of Ninmakh. The temple was built adjacent to the famous...
Painting by Kobayashi Eitaku depicting Sugawara no Michizane reborn as the Tenjin.             Source: Public Domain

Tenjin: How to Become a God in Classical Japan (Video)

In classical Japan, Sugawara no Michizane, later known as Tenjin, rose from humble beginnings to become a revered figure. Born in 845 AD during the Heian Era into a scholarly family, he excelled in...
Detail from Nicolas Poussin’s depiction of the Biblical story of Joshua’s victory over the Amalek. Source: Public domain

Who Were the Biblical Amalek People?

If you’ve been following the news, you will have heard references to the use of the term Amalek which was cited by South Africa at the International Court of Justice in The Hague in January 2024. But...
Statue of Hindu God Shiva Nataraja in the cosmic dance. Source: Elena Kovaleva/Adobe Stock

Shiva, One of the Oldest Gods in the World

Shiva, one of the principal deities in Hinduism, is a complex and multifaceted figure whose significance extends far beyond the bounds of religious worship. Revered as the god of destruction and...
William Blake's ‘The Madness of Nebchuadnezzar’: Does the Book of Daniel confuse Nebchuadnezzar II with Nabonidus? Source: New World Encyclopedia/CC-BY-SA 3.0

The Lost Years of Nabonidus, Last King of the Neo-Babylonian Empire

Nabonidus was the last king of the Neo-Babylonian Empire, reigning from 556-539 BC. He took the throne after the assassination of the boy-king Labashi-Marduk, who was murdered in a conspiracy only...
A representation of the Queen of Sheba who is also known Bilqīs, Makeda, or Nicaula. Source: Archivist/Adobe Stock

Little Known Facts About the Queen of Sheba (Video)

The Queen of Sheba , a figure entwined in diverse mythologies, offers a rich tapestry of narratives across various cultures. Mentioned in the Hebrew Bible, Torah, Bible, and Qur'an, she weaves...
Representational image of the Hanging Gardens of Babylon. Source: Creative Digital Art / Adobe Stock

Searching for the Hanging Gardens of Babylon

The real location of the elusive Hanging Gardens of Babylon has eluded researchers for centuries. It is the only one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World whose location is still unknown, yet...
One version of the Sumerian King List was previously interpreted as stating that King Dumuzid the Fisherman of Uruk captured Enmebaragesi, but a new translation exchanges Enmebaragesi as the one who captured Dumuzid. Source:  Paolo Gallo/Adobe Stock

Enmebaragesi, the Semi-Mythical King of Kish

Sumer is regarded by many scholars as the cradle of human civilization. Its history - although veiled in enigma - is so intriguing and offers a wealth of new discoveries. From the first writing...
Representational AI generated image of Sambation River. Source: Tech Hendra / Adobe Stock

The Legend of Sambation River and the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel

Deep within the realms of ancient Jewish folklore lies a tale of intrigue and mystery surrounding the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel and their elusive barrier, the Sambation River. This mythical...
Depiction of Death in an 18th-century Russian icon.

Ivan Turbinca – The Man Who Belonged in Neither Heaven Nor Hell

Myth, legend and literature are full of tales about people ending up in either Heaven or Hell. However, every now and then a story arises about someone who belongs in neither. Such is the tale of...
Representation of Dwarka underwater. Source:  Amith / Adobe Stock.

Dwarka's Submerged Secret: Finding the Lost Kingdom of Krishna (Video)

Dwarka , a city steeped in mythical and historical significance, holds a unique place among the seven holy pilgrimage centers of India. Its prominence lies in its association with the ancient kingdom...
Lilith has been portrayed as a demoness who refused to return to the Garden of Eden. Source: Gasi / Adobe Stock

Adam’s First Wife Lilith: Diabolical Demoness or the First Feminist?

Lilith is first mentioned in ancient Babylonian texts as a winged female demon that attacks pregnant women and infants. From Babylonia, the legend of “the lilith” spread to ancient Anatolia, Syria,...
The ruined remains of Kuldhara village in India. Source: bluesea / Adobe Stock

Abandoned for Love and Cursed for Eternity: What Happened in Kuldhara?

The Indian village of Kuldhara is shrouded in mystery. Once a prosperous and thriving community, the village was suddenly abandoned in the 19th century and has remained uninhabited ever since...
Manananggal, mythical creature of the Philippines. Source: Public Domain

Alleged Sighting of the Mythical ‘Manananggal’ in the Philippines Causes Public Anxiety

Police in the Philippines are working to ease the fears of residents in a city where reports of a fearsome creature have been circulating. The strange incident began last Thursday evening in the...
Edinburgh Castle is reputed to be one of the most haunted monuments in the world! This is unsurprising, given all the bloodshed it’s seen since the 12th century.	Source: Savvapanf Photo / Adobe Stock

Seven Haunted Monuments and Their Violent Past

Who doesn’t love a good ghost story? Historic monuments throughout the globe are said to be home to ghostly goings-on. Travel to any city in the world and you’re likely to find haunted landmarks and...
The mythical city of Shambhala, as generated by AI technology. Source: EwaStudio / Adobe Stock

What is Shambhala? Understanding the Mysterious Kingdom of Shambhala

Shambhala, which is a Sanskrit word meaning “place of peace” or “place of silence,” is a mythical paradise spoken of in ancient texts, including the Kalachakra Tantra and the ancient scriptures of...
Hundreds of people report cryptid sightings like Bigfoot every year. Will definitive proof ever be found?           Source: Dave / Adobe Stock

7 Monstrously Famous Cryptids We’re Still Looking For

A cryptid is a type of animal that some people believe to be real, despite the fact that its existence is disputed or “unproven”. Sometimes these are animals that science believes to be extinct, but...
Phantoms islands never existed in the first place, but their origins are varied. Source: Indstock / Adobe Stock

7 Phantom Islands We Never Really Discovered

The Earth is a big place, and it has taken us a long, long time to fully map it. Today, it is easy to feel like the last of the great adventures is over, and we’ve found all that there is to be found...
Talk of folklore creatures have terrified people for centuries, but how many were based on real monsters? Source: Анна Богатырева / Adobe Stock

8 Bizarre Folklore Creatures That Will Keep You Up at Night

We’ve all heard of mythical creatures and cryptids like Bigfoot or the Loch Ness Monster, but those aren’t the only strange creatures rumored to be wandering the earth. Throughout history, there have...
