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A modern Pagan Wiccan altar set up.

Secrets of Magic in Modern Paganism Revealed

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Magic is one of the aspects that can be found in many of the groups that are part of the movement known collectively as Modern Paganism. According to practitioners of magic within the movements of Modern Paganism, magic is something real, and not merely a figment of one’s imagination. Nevertheless, there is no ‘one size fits all’ definition of what magic is. Several different views of magic are available, and it is up to a practitioner to decide which of these best suits him / her.

Representation of a Pagan ritual.

Representation of a Pagan ritual. Source: Paul Stevenson/CC BY 2.0

Popular Definitions of Magic in Modern Paganism

One of the most common ways of understanding Modern Pagan magic is that it is the ‘Art of Causation’. Aleister Crowley, the founder of Thelema, famously defined magic as “the science and art of causing change to occur in conformity with the will”. According to this view, magic is an innate human ability that everyone is born with. In order to tap into this supernatural force, one needs to learn it and then put it into practice. By using magic, a practitioner is making a connection with the energies of nature, and by doing so, is able to cause changes in the material world.

Aleister Crowley. (Public Domain) Crowley’s definition of magic influenced one of the most common ways of understanding Modern Pagan magic - the ‘Art of Causation’.

Aleister Crowley. (Public Domain) Crowley’s definition of magic influenced one of the most common ways of understanding Modern Pagan magic - the ‘Art of Causation’.

Another definition of magic in Modern Paganism is provided by Dion Fortune, a co-founder of the Fraternity of the Inner Light. Fortune’s perception of magic is an adaptation from the one provided by Crowley. Instead of causing changes in the material world, Fortune advocated the use of magic to bring about change within the self. By causing internal change to occur, a practitioner of magic would in turn be able to effect change on the external world. It has been pointed out that this view perceives magic as a form of psychology. The difference between magic and psychology, however, is that the former draws energy from nature and the supernatural, whilst the latter does not.

‘The Magic Circle’ by John William Waterhouse.

‘The Magic Circle’ by John William Waterhouse. (Public Domain) Many Modern Pagans believe in magic.

Yet another understanding of magic is that it is a ‘re-enchanting’ of the world. To put it in other words, magic may be used by a practitioner to view the nature of existence from a different perspective. In other words, magic can be used to discover, re-discover the subtle, hidden connections that exist within the self, in the natural world, and between human beings and the natural world. Therefore, magic in this sense is a means of connecting with the self, with others, and with the natural world.

Pagan handfasting ceremony at Avebury (Beltane 2005).

Pagan handfasting ceremony at Avebury (Beltane 2005). (Solar/CC BY SA 2.0)

Some Ways Modern Pagans Can Perform Magic

Modern Pagan magic may be performed in a number of ways. The best known of these is perhaps the casting of spells. In Wicca, for example, the casting of spells may involve the use of incantations, amulets, talismans, as well as a variety of other actions or objects. Magic spells function by concentrating and channeling one’s own spiritual energy. This energy would then move larger energy currents in the area where a practitioner wishes to see change, thus bringing about the desired change. As mentioned previously, Modern Pagans believe that magic is an innate ability that all human beings have. Therefore, spells can be cast by anyone, provided that he/she learns how to harness this energy and put what they have learned into practice.

A Pagan Ostara Altar, 2010.

A Pagan Ostara Altar, 2010. (Wilhelmine)

There are certain rules / ethics in Modern Paganism when it comes to the use of magic. One of the best known of these is the Wiccan Law / Rede, one of the most common forms being “An it harm none, do what ye will”. This means that magic should not be used to harm anyone, whether intentionally, or unintentionally. Other ethical considerations that a magic practitioner may have in mind could include the possibility that a spell may influence another’s freedom of choice, or if it is meant to satisfy one’s personal ego (both of which ought to be avoided).

Top image: A modern Pagan Wiccan altar set up. Source: Public Domain

By Wu Mingren


Halstead, J., 2012. What do we mean by “magic”?. [Online]
Available at:, 2017. Magic(k). [Online]
Available at:

The Pagan Journey, 2017. Lessons in Magic... for those interested in the magical side of paganism. [Online]
Available at:

The White Goddess, 2017. What Is Magic?. [Online]
Available at:, 2017. An Introduction to Wicca, Witchcraft and Magic Spells. [Online]
Available at:, 2017. Is Wicca Magick Real?. [Online]
Available at:

Wigington, P., 2017. Is Magic Real?. [Online]
Available at:



Morgain's picture

Nice summary, well done. It cuts off at the end when talking of magical morality though. The command to “harm none” is because magic used to harm will hurt the practitioner most of all. So best not.

However harming none is a big ask. Jains for example wear cotton mouth and nose masks so as not to harm microscopic insects with the breath. Without going to that tiny level it’s not hard to see how well meaning acts can lead to harm. So track the possible results. Remember too that ‘helping’ someone always means interference. Is it justified? Are we making that person into a needy, child? Or is our help making them stronger. Give a fish and feed someone but better, show them how to fish for themselves.

Lastly please try not to make a big fuss about it. Magic is perfectly natural. Happens all to time and everyone is part of it. It’s a huge stretchy web that connects us all – tug it and make things happen. Ask.  Then repay, give something back. I recommend the books by Doreen Valiente as sensible and effective.

Shan Morgain

If you want to read about some real black magic read about the Kabalah. Not that funny that hollywood types are into this type of magic whereby on communes with demons for wordly gain and power.

Magic - Majik - is the ability to use one's own aura, energy force or anima - to connect with the natural elements of nature and then manipulate them to do your will without malice or harm.
Black Magic is EVIL and that is used to force - against the will of something else to capitulate or submit or suffer some type of harm of death.
Very few practitioners of black magic can actually call up the dark forces to do their bidding's without it also doing some type of harm to their own spirit. IF you know someone who practicing Black Magic -stay away from them. They're Bad News.
White and Green Magic are safe as long your intent is purely for the benefit of something or someone else. If it is self serving - you are tampering with nature to suit yourself. There are COSTS for doing this. Let's say you find out you have a health issue - then you must request your Magic Circle of friends to cast and bind a spell for you to become whole again - and this must be done with LOVE and Respect for the forces surrounding you and them or it won't work. Protection spells for you too must done by someone else - not you. IF you cast one for yourself - it will be weak and and not long lasting.
Love Magic - or spell casting that someone love you that normally wouldn't be interested in you - is also a form of Black or Dark Magic. True Love can only come if you're pure, whole, kind, one with nature and you let your natural radiant energies flow around you. That attracts the kind Love you desire.
Christian Prayer - and prayer circles - are a type of Magic that rely upon a HOLY intermediary to answer the call and then respond favorably - or not all.
Wicca or Pagan Magic works directly with nature and the elements - there is no HOLY entity intermediary. And that's why the Bible condemns it. GOD is the ANIMA of all Nature. GOD is everywhere - or omniscient. Pagan's live free and without the confines of Christian teachings or submission to it. They're children of nature. And of course this freedom is very self evident in their mannerisms and personality. They're unencumbered by dogma's and pretentiousness. Nature sees you for whom you really are. You cannot fool or hide from it. The All Force responds to the energy and the flow of your Aura. In other words it feels you and is either one with you or it is resistant to you. So my advice here is; Be at peace with yourself, nature, accept others as they are whenever possible. What you give you receive times three - do your will and harm none - So mote it be!

Frequently Asked Questions

Modern Pagans believe in honoring nature as sacred, practicing polytheistic worship with reverence for multiple deities. They engage in rituals and magic to connect with spiritual energies, fostering personal growth and harmony with the natural world. Ethical living and celebrating seasonal cycles are core principles guiding their spiritual practices.

Yes, Wicca is considered a neopagan religion. Neopaganism refers to contemporary religious movements that draw inspiration from or attempt to revive ancient pagan beliefs and practices. Wicca itself emerged in the mid-20th century, drawing upon various elements of pre-Christian European religious traditions, folklore, and ceremonial magic. It is characterized by its reverence for nature, polytheistic beliefs, and rituals centered around seasonal cycles and lunar phases.

In Paganism, magic is viewed as a way to align with natural rhythms, connect with divine or elemental energies, and manifest intentions through symbolic actions and invocations. It encompasses a wide range of practices aimed at spiritual growth, healing, protection, and the cultivation of harmony with the natural world.

dhwty's picture


Wu Mingren (‘Dhwty’) has a Bachelor of Arts in Ancient History and Archaeology. Although his primary interest is in the ancient civilizations of the Near East, he is also interested in other geographical regions, as well as other time periods.... Read More

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