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 Relic of St. Valentine in the church of Santa Maria in Cosmedin, Rome, Italy.

The Dark Origins of Valentine’s Day

On February 14, couples from around the world recognize Valentine’s Day. For most, Valentine’s Day is a day of love, a day to shower a beloved with gifts and tokens of appreciation, to enjoy a...
: Mosaic inscription “This place belongs to the Lord and the One Son.”

Byzantine Church Discovered in Israel Reveals Surprising Pagan Connection

Hidden out of sight and forgotten for centuries in the Shoham Community Forest, near the heart of Israel, archaeologists have now uncovered the remains of an extraordinary 6th-century Byzantine...
One of the two pagan altars that have been uncovered at Perperikon

Two Pagan Altars Uncovered at Perperikon: Insights into Ancient Rituals

The ancient city of Perperikon, a sprawling and partially rock hewn site, nestled in the Eastern Rhodopes of Bulgaria, continues to offer glimpses into its rich, multi-layered history with each new...
A modern Pagan Wiccan altar set up.

Secrets of Magic in Modern Paganism Revealed

Magic is one of the aspects that can be found in many of the groups that are part of the movement known collectively as Modern Paganism. According to practitioners of magic within the movements of...
Drone view of lighthouses from Cape Arkona

Cape Arkona - the Last Stronghold of Pagan Slavs

Cape Arkona, a truly dramatic and poignant headland on the island of Rügen in Germany, stands as an important historical and cultural monument, and one of the most important places in the history of...
AI image of a painting, showing a Pagan Christmas card of Holly King and Winter Goddess. Source: Kelly Cree/Adobe Stock

Modern Activities That Can Be Traced Back to Pagan Culture (Video)

A search for hidden pagan influence on our daily activities reveals a mix of modern traditions and customs deeply rooted in ancient belief systems. Emerging from the early Christian era, the term "...
The last battle of the Ostrogoths and the end of their influence was fought on the slopes of Mount Vesuvius in the Battle of Mons Lactarius. Painting from 1890, by Alexander Zick.  Source: Captain Blood/ Public domain

Shaping European History- What Made the Goths Unique (Video)

The Goths , pioneers in military strategy, left an indelible mark on European history. Introducing cavalry to warfare, they confronted the Romans at the Battle of Adrianople in 378 AD, a pivotal...
A digital representation of a vibrant ancient temple, possibly of the Carthage religion. Source: Kristian/Adobe Stock

The Religion of Ancient Carthage (Video)

The religion of Carthage , though now largely forgotten, once held a significant presence across the Mediterranean. Despite the scarcity of surviving records, modern archaeology has played a crucial...
Detail of illustration showing Roman soldiers killing the Anglesey Druids, as described by Tacitus. Source: Public domain

The Conquest of Anglesey and the Destruction of Druidism’s Last Stronghold

With a reputation for their savagery, the destruction of the Anglesey Druids and conquest of the Welsh Isle of Anglesey by the Romans put an end to the last pagan corner of Wales in 77 AD. But was...
A Roman Coffin has been unearthed during restoration works in Bath.

Roman Sarcophagus Containing Two Skeletons Unearthed in Bath

Bath is the largest city in the county of Somerset and, as the name suggests, it is renowned for its Roman-built baths which were used until the end of Roman rule in Britain in the 5th century AD...
Experts Still Stumped By Child Buried With A Bird In Its Mouth

Bizarre Burial: Girl With A Bird Skull In Her Mouth

Between the 18th and 19th century in Poland, a child was given an unusual burial involving bird skulls within the Tunel Wielki Cave. A ritualistic burial like this surely would have been a spectacle...
The birthday of a Sun God became the birthday of the Son of God.

Why Christmas is Held on December 25th

According to popular tradition, Christmas is celebrated on December 25th to honor the birth of Jesus. However, no records exist in the Bible or elsewhere to suggest that Jesus was actually born on...
The Wolf Shepherd Deity, Lame Devils And Saints In Slavic Beliefs

The Wolf Shepherd Deity, Lame Devils And Saints In Slavic Beliefs

The world of Slavic mythology is of the most mysterious and richest ancient and living traditions in the world. As Slavs are the largest ethno-linguistic group in Europe, their beliefs are widespread...
Return of the Ancient Gods: The Resurgence of Paganism

Return of the Ancient Gods: The Resurgence of Paganism

Over the past two centuries, Europe has become increasingly secular. Scholars in fact no longer talk of the Christian West when they speak of Modern Europe and North America, but of the Secular West...
Known to all and feared by many, the Curonians were famed for their prowess in battle, strong warrior culture, and an infamous reputation of raiding and plundering their neighboring shores. Source: destillat / Adobe Stock

Men from the Land of Amber: The Shocking History of the Fierce Curonians

The modern Baltic nations of Latvia and Lithuania owe a lot to their fierce and rich history. The fearsome tribes of Balts – close cousins to the neighboring Slavs – carved for themselves a small...
Soldiers of Odin in Stockholm 2016

Swastikas Carved at Prehistoric Sites in England by Neo-Nazi Groups that Worship Norse God Odin

Neo-Nazi groups in England have been carrying out sinister torchlit rituals and carving swastikas into trees at ancient sites across the country. An investigation by The Telegraph revealed that far-...
Khachkars of Noratus, old cemetery. The oldest khachkars (Armenian cross-stones) are of 9-10th centuries, but the most of them are from 13-17th centuries.

The Khachkar Stones of Noratus and a Peculiar Resistance of the Invasion of Tamerlane

The ancient village of Noratus, in the Gegharkunik region of Armenia , is a hidden gem with a number of historical monuments. The modern village was established in 1829, but it was first declared a...
Beltane Fire Festival Celebrations.

The Pagan Wheel of the Year: What Elaborate Rituals and Events Mark this Sacred Cycle?

As more and more people describe themselves as ‘spiritual’ rather than religious, experts expect eco-friendly pagan movements will continue to grow. Already there are perhaps a million pagans in the...

Living in a Man's World: The Untimely & Brutal Death of Hypatia

Hypatia was a philosopher, mathematician, and astronomer who lived in a man’s world in 4th century Alexandria. Times were turbulent and the brutal and sudden end to Hypatia’s life shows just how...

Rekindling of the Hearth of Hellenism - A Return to Worship of the Greek Gods

Europe is in the midst of a pagan revival. Across Europe , different cultures are attempting to revive their pre-Christian religious heritage. Greece is no exception. Although the movement is small,...
Statue of the god Moloch, Turin Cinema Museum.

Was Moloch really Ba’al, the Ancient God Who Demanded Child Sacrifice?

Moloch, or Molech, is well known in the Bible for being the god to whom child sacrifices appear to have been made in a shrine outside the city of Jerusalem. Although Moloch is well known in the Bible...
Constellation Ursa Major

Arth Vawr and the Pendragon: Astronomical Link Between the Great Bear and Draco Constellations and the Arthurian Legend?

From Mystery Hill and the spot dubbed Calendar Hill in New England to the venerable Stonehenge, from Incan Pyramids to the Australian outback, from the windswept northern Islands of Great Britain to...
Representative image. The Eruption of Vesuvius in December 1820 by Johann Christian Dahl

Did a Brutal Volcanic Eruption Lead People to Abandon Their Pagan Gods and Embrace Christianity?

Memories of the largest lava flood in the history of Iceland, recorded in an apocalyptic medieval poem, were used to drive the island's conversion to Christianity, new research suggests. A team of...
Pagans in a Modern World: What is Neopaganism?

Pagans in a Modern World: What is Neopaganism?

Modern Paganism (known also as Neopaganism or Contemporary Paganism) is a movement / group of religions / spiritual traditions centered on the reverence of nature. Modern Paganism borrows and adapts...
