Looming over the lives of gods and mortals alike, fate was more than a concept, it was an inscrutable force, a celestial decree woven by unseen hands. Dictating the unfolding of destinies, the gods...
Sardinia is an island nation with a unique character and intriguing history. And nestled within its rugged terrain lies the Nuragic village of Tiscali, a valuable testament to the island's rich...
In the tranquil region of Tweeddale in southern Scotland, the ancient village of Drumelzier has long been entwined with the legend of Merlin, the mythical wizard famously linked to King Arthur...
A previously unknown Roman military camp has been discovered at a high-altitude location in Graubünden, Switzerland, shedding new light on the Roman military presence in the region. Situated at...
By Ellie Mackin Roberts /The Conversation Last year, one of my child’s English assignments was to rewrite a traditional fairy tale with one major plot difference, to see how the story might play out...
Archaeologists have unearthed an extraordinary piece of history, right beneath the ground of a quaint village of Vinjeøra in central Norway. They have found three ancient mortuary houses dating back...
By Joanne M. Pierce /The Conversation For decades, winning an Olympic medal has been described as the Holy Grail of sports. Athletes aren’t the only ones in search of a Holy Grail. For example, in...
The Egyptian goddess Isis held significant influence in Rome, particularly from the 2nd century BC onward. Initially associated with the fertility of the Nile and the mother of Horus, her...
This ominous inscription has been uncovered by archaeologists in Corinth, Greece, who’ve uncovered a piece of ancient Roman history that’s straight out of a thriller novel - the remains of a Roman...
Stonehenge has long been shrouded in mystery, with each new discovery adding another layer to its enigmatic history. Recent research led by Curtin University has unveiled a groundbreaking revelation...
For some reason, we’ve long been obsessed with the idea of lost cities and advanced hidden civilizations. A classic example of this is the ongoing hunt for Agartha, a legendary city supposedly hidden...
Recent excavations on the Greek island of Cephalonia have uncovered a remarkable pair of ancient wells, shedding light on some of the earliest material extraction practices in the Aegean region...
Wolves are a big part of mythology worldwide. Some stories are very well known, like the ones of Romulus and Remus , or Fenrir , and others reside in the shadows like the story of the Croatian God’s...
Monte Testaccio , an ancient Roman garbage dump, stands as a reminder of the city’s consumption and trade practices. Located on the outskirts of Rome, this massive mound of broken pottery reaches the...
King Arthur's legend , a cornerstone of Western literature, traces its origins back approximately 1,200 years. The first recorded mention appears in the "Historia Brittonum," a document penned around...
The Orphic Mysteries are just as intriguing as they sound. They’re a set of religious beliefs and practices centered around the mythical figure of Orpheus and rooted in ancient Greek mythology...
The fragility of the human mind has always been subject to fascination. Ancient societies attempted to understand and remedy emotional pain and suffering by looking to the gods, oracles, or through...
As queen to Zeus’s king, it is ironic that, Hera, the Olympian goddess of marriage, should herself be a miserable one. With a predilection for inciting vengeance against her husband’s innumerable...
An enchantress from Welsh mythology, Cerridwen is regarded as a woman of incredible power and magic. She pervades Welsh and Irish culture as an emblem of wisdom and rebirth, remaining today as a...
Nestled between the Atlas Mountains and the Nile River, amidst wild beast and unforgiving terrain, Libya was a place of wonder and uniqueness in the ancient world. Many associate this land with the...
Nestled within the eastern Peloponnese, the ancient healing sanctuary dedicated to Asclepius, the Greek god of medicine, flourished as a beacon of hope for the ailing. Initially rooted in myth and...
Sawney Bean is a legendary figure from Scotland, who is said to have been a prolific cannibal. Together with his equally cannibalistic family, Sawney Bean murdered and robbed unfortunate victims from...
The myths of ancient Greece had their fair share of unusual animals—the Chimera, the man-eating horses of Dionysus, and Pegasus, to name a few. But one that usually oinks its way under the radar is...
In the incredible complexity and richness of the old Norse mythology, amidst the pantheon of gods, giants, and cosmic beings, stands the enigmatic epic shield known as Svalinn . Its presence is...