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Science & Space

Ancient Origins articles related to Science & Space in the sections of history, archaeology, human origins, unexplained, artifacts, ancient places and myths and legends.

AI image of skulls in a catacomb.

The Role of Disease in the Decline of Great Empires

During their heights, many great empires were considered invincible - before God and Man. Ruling over great territories and thriving for centuries, such empires were major global powers, and invading...
Native American society

Evolution of a Native American Society: A Journey Through Ancient History

As a Native American culture, the Chickasaw people broadly trace their ancestry back to the migratory peoples of the Paleo-Indian period, which spanned from roughly 10,000 BC - 8500 BC. Legend has it...
Conrad Hass manuscript rocket description page.

Sibiu Manuscript: A Forgotten Document on 16th Century Space Flight (video)

This video explores the extraordinary Sibiu Manuscript, discovered in Romania in 1961. Written by 16th century Austrian military engineer Conrad Haas, the manuscript contains detailed descriptions of...
This artist’s impression shows Barnard b, a sub-Earth-mass planet that was discovered orbiting Barnard’s star.

Astronomers Find New Planet Orbiting Red Dwarf 6 Light-Years from Earth

For the second time in the past eight years, astronomers examining stars in the Milky Way close to Earth discovered a planet orbiting one of these celestial objects. The first such discovery took...
Deep sea fish, the type imagined to be found in the Mariana Trench

10-year Mystery of ‘Alien’ Sounds from Deepest Ocean Trench Solved

Ten years ago scientists detected odd and mysterious noises coming from inside the planet’s deepest ocean trench, the Mariana Trench. The sounds were identified as “biotwangs” and were comprised of...
Artist’s impression of a ring around the Earth.

Hidden Craters Reveal Earth May Once Have Had A Ring Like Saturn

By Andrew Tomkins /The Conversation The rings of Saturn are some of the most famous and spectacular objects in the Solar System. Earth may once have had something similar. In a paper published last...
Medieval Theology Has an Old Take on a New Problem − AI Responsibility

Medieval Theology Has an Old Take on a New Problem − AI Responsibility

By David Danks & Mike Kirby /The Conversation A self-driving taxi has no passengers, so it parks itself in a lot to reduce congestion and air pollution. After being hailed, the taxi heads out to...
AI generated image of alien spaceships visiting the Maya.

Belief in Alien Visits to Earth is Spiraling Out of Control...

By Tony Milligan /The Conversation The idea that aliens may have visited the Earth is becoming increasingly popular. Around a fifth of UK citizens believe Earth has been visited by extraterrestrials...
History Fuzz Logo

Podcast: History Fuzz: Episode 01: Professor Giulio Magli. Intentionality vs Chance in Archaeoastronomy

In this episode, I interview Professor Giulio Magli, a leading astrophysicist and archaeoastronomer who heads the Department of Mathematics at the Polytechnic University of Milan. Magli, a prominent...
History Fuzz Logo

Podcast: History Fuzz: Episode 00: Ashley Cowie. Introduction. Delineating the Show Themes, Structure, and Schedule

Ancient Origins Premium is now featuring select episodes of the History Fuzz Podcast hosted by historian, adventurer, author, broadcaster, Ashley Cowie! Each episode will be featured bi-weekly and...
A scan of a color copy of the original computer printout, taken several years after the 1977 arrival of the Wow! signal.

New Research on the Famous Wow! Signal Thinks It Has Found the Source

On August 15th, 1977, astronomer Jerry Ehman, working on the SETI project in Ohio, detected for the first and last time (at least officially) a 72-second signal coming from outer space. This event,...
An illustration of various planetary technosignatures, including artificial atmospheric gases. Source: Sohail Wasif / UC Riverside

Scientists Identify Greenhouse Gases Which Could Signal an Inhabited Planet

While we have yet to identify life on any other planet or anywhere else in space, a new study has revealed the telltale signs which could indicate a planet being inhabited . Researchers at the...
Marubo tribe receive the Starlink antenna system that brought them the internet.

First World Problems Come to Tribe that was Delivered the Internet By Starlink

In September of last year, the Marubo tribe, residing deep within the Amazon rainforest, was introduced to the Internet through Starlink, Elon Musk’s satellite-based broadband service. This...
Drop of water

Study Shows Fresh Water Reached Earth from Space Four Billion Years Ago

A chemical analysis of rare and ancient zircon crystals taken from the remote and foreboding Jack Hills of Western Australia is causing scientists to reevaluate their assumptions about when the first...
Conceptual image of T Coronae Borealis outburst predicted for late 2024.                  Source: NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center

Blazing Star Event First Recorded in a Medieval Manuscript to Return

An astronomical anomaly that was first observed and recorded more than eight centuries ago is about to make a return visit to Earth’s night skies. Sometime between now and September, a double star...
The pile field at the site of Dispilio. Almost 800 piles, mostly made of juniper and oak wood, were sampled and dendrochronologically measured.	Source: Dispilio Excavation Archive/Bern University

Cosmic Rays Date the Precise Year of 7000-year-old Settlement!

University of Bern Researchers at the University of Bern have for the first time been able to pin down a prehistoric settlement of early farmers in northern Greece dating back more than 7,000 years...
No Ziggy? The Inca City at the Martian Pole surrounded by thousands of spiders from Mars, here seen as tiny dark spots. Source: European Space Agency / CC-BY-SA 3.0.

Spiders From Mars? Strange Formations Spotted at Martian Pole

ESA's Mars Express has captured images revealing distinctive formations dubbed "spiders" dispersed across the southern polar region of Mars. These features are caused by a fascinating interplay of...
University of Rochester illustration based on the miniature of Christine and Sybil from Christine de Pizan’s Collected works (‘The Book of the Queen’). British Library Harley MS 4431, fol 189v.	Source: Michael Osadciw/University of Rochester

Surprising Facts and Beliefs About Eclipses from the Medieval and Renaissance Eras

By Sandra Knispel/ University of Rochester In medieval and Renaissance society and culture, celestial events were not mere spectacles in the sky. Rather, they were omens, predictors of the future,...
Earth’s distance to Mars varies between 55 and 400 million kilometers, but that doesn’t stop it influencing our oceans. (Photo not to scale)	Source: University of Sydney

2.4-Million-Year Connection Between Earth and Mars Found

University of Sydney Geoscientists from Sydney and Sorbonne have embarked on an extraordinary journey, linking the dance of Earth and Mars to the pulsating life of our deep oceans. They have...
Ancient Botanical medicine involved smell and taste. Source: Thomas Mucha/Adobe Stock

Ancient Botanical Medicine Was Driven By Taste and Smell, Study Finds

With the advent of modern medicine, it’s hard to imagine the role taste had in the preparation of ancient botanical remedies. In layman terms, taste and flavor had a huge role to play in their...
Deposits from the Sturtian Glaciation 717¬–664 million years ago in the northern Flinders Ranges, Australia. Research lead author Dr Adriana Dutkiewicz pointing to a thick bed of glacial deposits.  Source:  Professor Dietmar Müller/University of Sydney

What Made Earth a Giant Snowball 700m Years Ago? Scientists Have an Answer

Around 700 million years ago, Earth experienced an extreme ice age known as the Sturtian Glaciation, turning our planet into a vast, icy snowball. This period of deep freeze, marked by glaciers...
When reindeer ruminate, aka chew, they are actually catching up on their sleep, claims new study. Source: Leo Rescia / Current Biology / Furrer et al.

Scientists Discover A Reindeer Superpower - Ruminating is a Naturally Restful Sleep Hack!

Throughout history, reindeer have woven themselves into the fabric of Arctic society, mythology and folklore. Reindeer have also found their way into popular culture, prominently featuring in the...
Sulimaniya brick B318, part of the collection holding the signature of the geomagnetic anomaly.	Source: MIT License

Ancient Mesopotamian Bricks Record 3,000-Year-Old Geomagnetic Anomaly

A geomagnetic anomaly that occurred between 3,000 and 2,500 years ago has shed light on ancient Mesopotamia in a way that has never been explored before. Analysis of ancient bricks from Mesopotamia,...
Scientists believe they’ve discovered evidence of Earth’s collision with Theia nearly 4.5 billion years ago thanks to seismic imaging. Source: Hongping Deng, Hangzhou Sphere Studio, China/Nature

Buried Planet: Evidence of Earth’s Collision with Theia Revealed

While scanning at a depth of 1,800 miles (2,900 kilometers) below the Earth’s surface, geologists found two huge continent-sized masses embedded in the planet’s mantle (a solid area of silicone rock...
