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Science & Space

Ancient Origins articles related to Science & Space in the sections of history, archaeology, human origins, unexplained, artifacts, ancient places and myths and legends.

The Great Pyramid of Giza: A Modern View on Ancient Knowledge, Earth and Water – Part I

The Great Pyramid of Giza: A Modern View on Ancient Knowledge, Earth and Water – Part I

The four visible side faces of the Great Pyramid of Giza reflect the four earthly elements Earth, Water, Air and Fire. The fifth invisible element Aether is represented by the invisible ground...
The Comet that Changed Civilization – And May Do Again

The Comet that Changed Civilization – And May Do Again

On 30 September this year the first human spacecraft ever to orbit a comet was deliberately crashed onto its surface in order to get the closest possible pictures of the enigmatic celestial body...
Otzi Speaks: Scientists Reconstruct Voice of 5,300-Year-Old Iceman

Otzi Speaks: Scientists Reconstruct Voice of 5,300-Year-Old Iceman

Scientists have made the best approximation of the voice of Otzi the Iceman, the world-famous mummy who met a violent death in the mountains of Austria around 5,300 years ago. His voice was...
Secrets of Ancient Scroll of En-Gedi are Digitally Unraveled

Secrets of Ancient Scroll of En-Gedi are Digitally Unraveled

University of Kentucky Professor Brent Seales and his team have further unlocked writings in the ancient En-Gedi scroll -- the first severely damaged, ink-based scroll to be unrolled and identified...
Deriv; Old Father Time and Ancient Ruins and Boeing 757-300, Galaxy

Thinking Critically about Time: A Cyclical View of Knowledge and Civilization

Many people think of time as linear. In other words, human beings begin ignorant, and as the ages progress, they become increasingly more advanced. However, various cultures worldwide perceive time...
A woolly mammoth inside a permafrost cave in Yakutsk.

Initial Stage Reached on Dream of Cloning Woolly Mammoth

By The Siberian Times / By Olga Gertcyk A South Korean specialist hails the opening of new World Mammoth Centre in Siberia, dedicated to bringing the beast back to life. Cloning guru Professor Hwang...
The Greek amphora analysed in the study

Russian scientists use a mass spectrometer to look inside an ancient Greek amphora

Russian scientists have identified the components of the oldest bitumen sample to be found in an ancient vase and made an accurate estimate of its age. In their article in the Journal of Mass...
issected foetal skull dating from the 1800s, originally held in the University of Cambridge Anatomy Museum.

Infant Bodies Were Prized by 19th Century Anatomists, Study Suggests

A study of the University of Cambridge anatomy collection dating from the 1700s and 1800s shows how the bodies of stillborn foetuses and babies were a “prized source of knowledge” and were dissected...
Ancient Egyptian pigment provides modern forensics with new coat of paint

Ancient Egyptian pigment provides modern forensics with new coat of paint

It was during a trip to Indianapolis that Professor Simon Lewis, a forensic and analytical chemist, was approached by Gregory Smith from the Indianapolis Museum of Art (IMA) with an idea. Smith,...
Batagaika started to form in 1960s after a chunk of forest was cleared: the land sunk, and has continued to do so, evidently speeded by recent warmer temperatures melting the permafrost

200,000-Year-Old Soil Found at Mysterious Crater, A 'Gate to the Subterranean World'

By The Siberian Times reporter Locals have heard 'booms from the underworld' in a giant ravine but now scientists say it holds secrets of the planet's past. Many Yakutian people are said to be scared...
A color composite image of the Pleiades from the Digitized Sky Survey. Credit: NASA/ESA/AURA/Caltech. Inset: Sappho fresco

Scientists Use Advanced Astronomical Software to Date 2,500-Year-Old Lyric Poem

Physicists and astronomers from the University of Texas at Arlington have used advanced astronomical software to accurately date lyric poet Sappho's "Midnight Poem," which describes the night sky...
Cosmic Rays Reveal Further Secrets of the Bent Pyramid

Cosmic Rays Reveal Further Secrets of the Bent Pyramid

A team of researchers has presented the results of an analysis focused on the internal structure of the Bent Pyramid of pharaoh Sneferu (Snefru), a 4,500-year-old monument named after its sloping...
Artistic representation of a meteorite striking the Earth.

Studies Begin on a Crater That May Explain the Dinosaur Extinction 65 Million Years Ago

Around 65 million years ago there was a mass extinction of dinosaurs. In addition, plankton, the base of the ocean food chain, was greatly affected. Many families of brachiopods and sponges...
One of the ways to find something new is to look somewhere where no one has ever looked before.

Lake Baikal and remote Siberian caves hold key to new advances in antibiotics

A global and highly competitive search is underway for new bacteria strains leading to fresh sources of antibiotics, with 'great potential' for SIberia to lead the way, according to leading...
Restoration of a group in late Pleistocene northern Spain, by Mauricio Antón

Why do Ice Ages occur? A New Paradigm Shift on a Prehistoric Problem

Why do ice ages occur? Surprisingly, even after many decades of paleoclimatic research we simply do not know for sure. Most scientists will agree that ice age cycles have something to do with...
Human DNA

An ancient retrovirus has been found in human DNA – and it might still be active

Striking evidence has emerged that an ancient virus previously known only from fossil evidence has persistently infected some humans at very low levels for hundreds of thousands or even millions of...
An example of a sinking tanker. AMOCO CADIZ grounding and oil spill, Brittany, France.

Norwegian Scientists Unintentionally Provide Fuel for a Fringe Theory on the Bermuda Triangle

Scientists in Norway are making waves with an announcement this week that has unintentionally linked giant craters in the Barents Sea to the controversial Bermuda Triangle. They say that the craters...
'We managed to take some samples of skin along with the muscle tissue, and we hope that we will find what we want in these samples.'

South Koreans Kick Off Efforts to Clone Extinct Siberian Cave Lions

By: The Siberian Times reporter Samples taken from cubs frozen in permafrost for at least 12,000 years. Two infant prehistoric big cats - dating from Pleistocene times - were found in a 'sensational...
A calcite crystal found on an Elizabethan ship believed to have helped the Vikings navigate the seas.

Did the Vikings use crystal sunstones to discover America?

By Stephen Harding Ancient records tell us that the intrepid Viking seafarers who discovered Iceland, Greenland and eventually North America navigated using landmarks, birds and whales, and little...
The Clay Tablet that reveals the Babylonians were using calculus to track the path of Jupiter.

Clay Tablet Reveals Ancient Babylonians Used Calculus to Track Jupiter 1,500 Years before Europeans

A new analysis of a set of ancient clay tablets has revealed that ancient astronomers of Babylonia used advanced geometrical methods to calculate the position of Jupiter – a conceptual leap that was...
Main: Tampa Bay in Florida (pictured). Inset: Photograph of an ITE-2.

BREAKING NEWS: New Telescope Observes Otherwise Invisible Terrestrial Entities with Intelligent Movement

A new report published in the latest edition of the American Journal of Modern Physics has revealed a startling finding – a newly developed telescope with concave lenses has observed, for the first...
NASA artist’s depiction of the Black hole Cygnus X-1.

Did the Beginning of Life on Earth Depend on Black Holes?

An American researcher believes that there is a chance that complex life on habitable planets, such as Earth, could have been “switched on” by black holes. The results of his research seem to be...
Meteorite recovered from Kati Thanda – Lake Eyre.

4.5 Billion-Year-Old Meteorite Recovered Before Being Washed Away as Heavy Rains Cause Rare Filling of Ancient Australian Lake

A meteorite that is older than Earth itself was recovered from Kati Thanda – Lake Eyre in South Australia, just hours before heavy rains would have washed away all trace of it. The retrieval of the...
Top Ten Historical Health and Medical Discoveries of 2015

Top Ten Historical Health and Medical Discoveries of 2015

There is much more to archaeology than just learning about our past. The study of the ancient world has also led to astounding discoveries that may have real utility in the modern day. As well as...
