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Science & Space

Ancient Origins articles related to Science & Space in the sections of history, archaeology, human origins, unexplained, artifacts, ancient places and myths and legends.

Antarctica’s new Map

Antarctica’s Hidden Mountains Revealed

Antarctica has been covered with ice for thousands of years, and only recently have we been able to fully identify its underlying features. Scientists have turned the spotlight on the topography of...
An atom

Peering Deeply into the Hydrogen Atom for the First Time in History

A few decades ago, who would have imagined that we’d be able to photograph a hydrogen atom? Given what we know about quantum mechanics, the whole concept would have been dismissed as absurd. But in...
Europa, Jupiter's Moon

Are Scientists Set to Discover Life Beneath Europa’s Underground Ocean?

Europa is one of Jupiter’s 79 moons. It is one of four large moons that revolve around the planet, and is slightly smaller in size than our moon. Europa was discovered in 1610 by Galileo Galilei, and...
Alien planet

NASA Telescope Discovers More than 2,600 New Alien Planets

On March 7, 2009, NASA launched the Kepler space telescope into orbit around the Sun. Outside the Earth’s atmosphere, it would be free to peer deeply into a cross-section of our galaxy in search of...
subatomic particle

Playing God in the Laboratory: The Particle That Lead to Discovery of New Form of Matter

Subatomic particles are a gateway into a world of mystery and uncertainty. In this fuzzy land, our usual assumptions about matter and energy are turned upside down. At this level, the laws of physics...
Voyager 1

Ongoing Dispatches from the First Man-Made Object to Leave Our Solar System

On September 5, 1977, NASA launched Voyager 1, a small 700 kg space probe with a special mission: to boldly go where no one or no thing has gone before. The Voyager 1 was designed to explore the...
Mars cataclysm

Evidence of Major Cataclysm on Mars Which Would Have Destroyed any Life

Analysis of data collected by the Mars Curiosity Rover revealed evidence of a past cataclysmic event that would have ended all life on the surface of the red planet. The event could have involved...
Life on Mars

DNA Sequencing Microchip Could Detect Earth-Like Life on Mars

Conditions on Mars are harsh. Its atmosphere is made up mostly of carbon dioxide and is 100 times thinner than Earth’s. Temperatures on the surface can plummet to minus-126 degrees Celsius. But the...
Curiosity Rover on Mars looks for water

Water on Mars Provides Hope for Human Habitation

The first sample of dust and soil analysed by NASA’s Curiosity Mars Rover in August 2012 was found to contain a substantial amount of water . This discovery provided new hope that a manned mission to...
Young woman levitating

Acoustic Levitation: Floating on a Wave of Sound

Experiments in sound or acoustic levitation are common and ongoing. Dozens of researchers have managed to use sound waves to levitate and move tiny particles and liquid droplets. Multiple vibrating...

Teleportation: Will Quantum Physics Make Star Trek Tech a Success?

Most of us have seen the science fiction series Star Trek and are familiar with their concept of teleportation, in which characters are ‘beamed’ off the ship to another spacecraft or to the surface...
Moon and Earth

Ancient Origins of the Moon: Was it Once Part of Earth?

The origin of the Moon has been a subject of research for many years and theories about its creation abound. Hypotheses vary from non-scientific proposals, such as that the Moon is a spaceship, to...
Was sophisticated Roman technology used in construction of the Roman Colosseum?

Romans Had Ancient Tech for Creating Seismic Invisibility Cloak Around Monuments

A team of civil engineers in France have revealed that the Romans had ancient technology for building structures that acted like modern-day electromagnetic cloaking devices. The pattern of...
The 42,000-year-old foal. Scientists hope the discovery of the animal’s liquid blood can help resurrect the Ice Age species.

Liquid Blood Extracted from 42,000-Year-Old Extinct Horse Sparks Cloning Hopes

By The Siberian Times reporter Permafrost preserved the ‘oldest blood in the world,’ boosting hopes of bringing an extinct species back to life. The blood comes from an Ice Age foal that is arguably...
A meteorite that a farmer used as a doorstop for years is actually worth $100,000!

Farmer Discovers He’s Been Using a Meteorite As a Doorstop…And It’s Worth $100,000

By Cat Bolton , Epoch Times When an anonymous farmer in Michigan purchased his property roughly 30 years ago, the previous owner claimed that a massive rock on the property—being used as a doorstop...
 Image of the findings with a tracing of the engraved figures on the piece.

Archaeologists in Spain Unearth Rare Paleolithic Art Featuring Bird and Human Interaction

Science Daily It is not very common to find representations of scenes instead of individual figures in Paleolithic art, but it is even harder for these figures to be birds instead of mammals such as...
An Asian leopard cat

Farmers in China domesticated Asian Leopard Cats 5,000 Years Ago

Farmers in China may have domesticated Asian leopard cats during the Neolithic era, more than 5,000 years ago. This is a different species than the only living type of domestic cat today, the Felis...
The CHIME telescope looking up at the night sky. The Canadian telescope has captured new bizarre radio signals from 1.5 billion light years away.

Baffled Scientists Struggle to Explain New Radio Signals from 1.5 Billion Light Years Away

A powerful intergalactic telescope used by astronomers in Canada has recorded 13 mysterious radio signals emanating from a distant galaxy, and the origin and nature of the radio waves is baffling...
Man standing in a high place reaching up in wonder to the galaxy.

Lost Star of Myth and Time: What Invisible Forces Cause ‘The Cosmic Influence’?

Before venturing into the invisible forces in the cosmos, let’s take inventory of where we are so far in our explorations: The Dwapara Yuga Dawns Ancient myth and folklore from around the world speak...
 Flat Earth in space

Flat Wrong: The Misunderstood History of Flat Earth Theories

By Chris Fleming /The Conversation For most people, being described as a “flat Earther” is an insult. The idea of the Earth being flat is considered not only wrong, but a model of wrongness, the gold...
Superflares From Young Red Dwarf Stars Imperil Planets. The Nemesis star may be a dim Red Dwarf star.

Lost Star of Myth and Time: Nemesis – Our Sun’s Missing Death Star Companion

The great issue facing the binary theory today is, well, the absence of an obvious candidate for the part. In the visible realm, we do not appear to have any stars near enough that fit the bill,...
The discovery of mysterious petroglyphs suggests that a meteor has been observed in ancient times in Morocco.

Ancient Carved Eye-Witness Accounts Show Martian Invaders Attacking the Moroccan Landscape

A team of researchers in Morocco have unearthed rocks carved with what appear to be petroglyphs of meteors crashing through space towards Earth, suggesting ancient Moroccan people might have...
Photograph of human hand that was imaged shows palmar (left) and dorsal (right) views.

CT Technique Massively Expands Imaging Soft Tissue of Ancient Remains

Researchers in Sweden using computed tomography (CT) have successfully imaged the soft tissue of an ancient Egyptian mummy's hand down to a microscopic level, according to a study published in the...
Giant elephant birds, once the largest birds in the world, may have coexisted with people for millennia.

Humans were Hunting the Largest Bird in the World on Madagascar 10,500 Years Ago

Analysis of elephant bird bones, once the largest bird in the world, has revealed that humans arrived on the tropical island of Madagascar more than 6,000 years earlier than previously thought. They...
