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Human Origins

Ancient Origins presents how human origins are explained through three different perspectives: a) science and scientific evidence, b) religions and creation stories and c) folklore and mythology.

Egyptian Creation Myth and the Gods of Chaos: Life From Darkness

Egyptian Creation Myth and the Gods of Chaos: Life From Darkness

The Ancient Egyptians were one of the world’s earliest civilizations and left an incredible mark on the whole of humanity. Having endured in history for millennia , they never strayed too far from...
Why Ancient Human Genetics Trump Modern Athletes (Video)

Why Ancient Human Genetics Trump Modern Athletes (Video)

Ancient human genetics reveal that early humans, including Neanderthals, were far more athletic than modern humans. These ancestors were not primitive but exhibited superior physical abilities due to...
Excavation work at the Ghost Cave site.	Source: Maria D. Guillén / IPHES-CERCA

850,000-Year-Old Remains of Archaic Human Unearthed at Atapuerca, Spain

Recent excavations at the famed archaeological site of Atapuerca (Sierra de Atapuerca) in northern Spain’s Burgos province unearthed the skeletal remains of an individual who belonged to an archaic...
Representation of consciousness. 		Source: lidiia/Adobe Stock

Why Consciousness May Have Evolved To Benefit Society Rather Than Individuals

Peter W Halligan et al. /The Conversation Why did the experience of consciousness evolve from our underlying brain physiology? Despite being a vibrant area of neuroscience, current research on...
The god of Chaos in Greek mythology was depicted as both a goddess and a place.	Source: RolffImages / Adobe Stock

Literary Legends: Mythology and Folklore Across Civilizations

The narratives of ancient civilizations are stitched together with ethereal threads of mythology and folklore. Be they tethered in fact or complete fiction, these tales, handed down through...
Human brain Anatomical Model illustration.	Source: paul/Adobe Stock

New Study Defies Link Between Brain Size and Intelligence in Nature

For many years, scientists have adhered to a straightforward principle: larger bodies mean larger brains. A fascinating new study has challenged this idea, indicating that brain size can only...
Brotherhood of Pythagoras

Brotherhood of Pythagoras: Beyond Math, Insights into Ancient Wisdom

Anyone who so much as glanced at a math book in high school will know the name, Pythagoras. Most will be familiar with the fact that he was a renowned mathematician from ancient Greece, and many will...
A second-century Roman sarcophagus shows the mythology and symbolism of the Orphic and Dionysiac Mystery schools.

What are the Orphic Mysteries?

The Orphic Mysteries are just as intriguing as they sound. They’re a set of religious beliefs and practices centered around the mythical figure of Orpheus and rooted in ancient Greek mythology...
: Controversial reporter, Graham Hancock. 	Source: Netflix

"Ancient Apocalypse" Filming Halted Amid Native American Outcry

Graham Hancock, the British host of the hit Netflix series "Ancient Apocalypse," has canceled plans to film a new season in the United States following significant backlash from Native American...
Drop of water

Study Shows Fresh Water Reached Earth from Space Four Billion Years Ago

A chemical analysis of rare and ancient zircon crystals taken from the remote and foreboding Jack Hills of Western Australia is causing scientists to reevaluate their assumptions about when the first...
The Cradle of Humankind visitors’ complex in Maropeng, South Africa

Human Origins: Beyond a Single Cradle of Humankind

The quest to uncover the cradle of humankind has been a winding journey, marked by unexpected discoveries and shifting paradigms. Early efforts by paleontologists to locate the origins of humanity...
Forensic facial reconstruction of a Cro-Magnon man.  Source: Cicero Moraes/CC BY-SA 4.0

The Enigmatic Origins of Cro Magnon: Europe's First Humans (Video)

Cro Magnon Man , a robust and powerful hominid of the Upper Paleolithic era, emerges from the shadows of prehistory, leaving behind skeletal remains primarily found in southern France. Classified as...
A Paracas elongated skull and an artist’s impression based on a digital reconstruction. Source: Marcia Moore / Ciamar Studio

How DNA Testing Revealed European Ancestry in Elongated Paracas Skulls

The elongated skulls of Paracas in Peru caused a stir in 2014 when a geneticist that carried out preliminary DNA testing reported that they have mitochondrial DNA “with mutations unknown in any human...
Mountain River in East Siberia. Source: zhaubasar/Adobe Stock

Denisovan Artifacts Discovered in Siberian Ice (Video)

Archaeologists excavating the Siberian permafrost have uncovered a wealth of artifacts, shedding light on the enigmatic Denisovans and their ancient predecessors. Among the finds are finely crafted...
3d illustration of Australopithecus afarensis male.  Source: Sebastian Kaulitzki/Adobe Stock

How Bipedalism in Ancient Humans Led to Fur Loss (Video)

Humans underwent a significant evolutionary shift around 2 million years ago, marked by the emergence of Homo erectus and the transition to bipedalism. This transition likely played a pivotal role in...
Image representing ancient ancestors in field collecting food. Source: Joyce/Adobe Stock

How Did We Discover Fermentation? (Video)

The evolution of fermentation traces back millions of years, intertwined with the dietary habits of our primate ancestors . As they foraged on the forest floor, scavenging fallen fruits, they...
AI generated image representative of Alba Longa, legendary ancient Roman city.	Source: LukaszDesign/Adobe Stock

Alba Longa and its Legendary Kings

Alba Longa, an ancient city located in the Latium region of Italy, holds a prominent place in the realm of myth and legend. According to tradition, this fabled city's origins can be traced back to...
A cast of the skull of Homo heidelbergensis, one of the hominin species analyzed in the latest study. Source: The Duckworth Laboratory/ University of Cambridge

A Unique Twist Found In Path of Human Evolution

University of Cambridge Competition between species played a major role in the rise and fall of hominins -- and produced a "bizarre" evolutionary pattern for the Homo lineage -- according to a new...
Male Xavante from Brazil in a Kapôt traditional clothing. AI generated. Source:  SuperPixel Inc/Adobe Stock

Genetic Origins of Secluded Amazon Tribe of Brazil Discovered (Video)

The genetic origins of the secluded Amazon tribe, the Xavante , present a mysterious narrative that challenges conventional understanding. Academic discourse surrounding the settlement of the...
Ezekiel's vision of the valley of dry bones coming to life, signifying God's power to bring new life and open the gateway to heaven Generative AI.            Source: forenna /Adobe Stock)

Resurrecting Ancestry: Genetic Revelations Beyond Israelites

The prophecy of the Valley of Dry Bones, as envisioned by the prophet Ezekiel, stands as one of the most potent revelations in his repertoire. Within this vision, Ezekiel is transported to a desolate...
Discovered in 1950, the Tollund Man is on display at the Silkeborg Museum in Denmark. 		Source: Chocho8 / CC BY-SA 4.0

How Did a Fossilized Body Solve A 2,400-Year-Old Murder? (Video)

The discovery of the Tollund Man , a 2,400-year-old bog body, presents a fascinating tale of ancient mystery. In 1950, Danish peat cutters stumbled upon his remarkably preserved remains in a bog...
Milky Way and pink light over mountains. Source: den-belitsky/Adobe Stock

The Hidden Role of the Milky Way in Ancient Egyptian Mythology (Study)

Ancient Egyptians were known for their religious beliefs and astronomical knowledge of the Sun, Moon, and planets, but up until now it has been unclear what role the Milky Way played in Egyptian...
Neanderthal warrior AI generated. 	Source:  dasom/Adobe Stock

Neanderthal - These Ancient Humans Were Freakishly Strong (Video)

Throughout scientific history, the narrative surrounding Neanderthals has often portrayed them as inferior to Homo sapiens, yet recent anatomical evidence challenges this notion. Neanderthals...
Face of a woman adorned with intricate facial tattoos a blend of traditional and contemporary styles. Source: Old Man Stocker/Adobe Stock

Why Are Humans So Vain Compared to Other Animals? (Video)

Across the expansive chronicles of human history, the pursuit of beauty and adornment has been a deeply ingrained aspect of our collective identity. Dating back to prehistoric times, early humans...
