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Human Origins

Ancient Origins presents how human origins are explained through three different perspectives: a) science and scientific evidence, b) religions and creation stories and c) folklore and mythology.

The Tigris River in Êlih-Hafizbiniyan. Source: CC BY-SA 3.0

Where the Garden of Eden Actually Could Have Been (Video)

The quest for the Garden of Eden, a mythical paradise mentioned in religious texts, leads us through a labyrinth of historical clues and archaeological findings. Genesis offers tantalizing but...
Left, Painting of Euclid. Right, A page first printed edition of Euclid's Elements.           Source: Fondazione Cariplo/CC BY-SA 3.0; Erhard Ratdolt /CC BY-SA 4.0

Euclid and the Birth of Geometry

It’s no secret that many of us are not too fond of mathematics and geometry, and that it is often too complex. But even so, it can be pretty mind-blowing to look back in history and discover the...
Deity Rama  Source: Ruslan Batiuk/Adobe Stock

Rama's Bridge: Where Modern Science and Ancient Myths Collide

Historians, archaeologists, and researchers in our distant past insist that civilized life began on the Earth about 5,000 years ago. They point to the fact that there is no hard evidence to support...
Sumerian Cylinder Seal of King Ur-Nammu, about 2100 BC. Source: Steve Harris/CC BY-SA 2.0

Ascension to the Heavens in Ancient Mythology

The ascension of humans or beings into the heavens is a common theme among many mythologies and religions all over the world. Even though most people recognize the well-known ascension of Jesus, and...
The drum is one of the earliest methods of ancient communication.  Source: zolotareva_elina / Adobe Stock

The Evolution of Ancient Communication Methods

Throughout history, communication wasn’t as effortless as it is today. In today’s world, you can connect with people in every part of the world within seconds and access an almost infinite amount of...
Man and woman sketch in the style of Leonardo da Vinci Source: vitanovski/Adobe Stock

What Makes Us Human? How Ancient Thinkers Saw the Human-Animal Divide

Julia Kindt /The Conversation What makes us human? What (if anything) sets us apart from all other creatures? Ever since Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution, the answer to these questions has...
tatue of the Peking man from the entrance of the Zhoukoudian site. Source: Diego Tirira / CC BY-SA 2.0

Zhoukoudian Homo Erectus: Peking Man was an Evolutionary Dead-End (Video)

Zhoukoudian , home to the renowned Peking Man , serves as a pivotal site for understanding the enigma of Homo erectus and its place in human evolution. This location, situated approximately 42...
AI image of a cave. Source: ToonArt/Adobe Stock

Bizarre Archaeological Finds That Rewrote History (Video)

Archaeology serves as a key to unlock the mysteries of our past, offering glimpses into ancient civilizations that challenge conventional historical narratives. One such revelation emerged from a...
Stone Paleolithic tool possibly from Layer VII at Korolevo I. Surface find. Source: Roman Garba / Nature

Paleolithic Tools Prove Hominins Were in Europe 1.4 Million Years Ago

After five decades of speculation about their true origin, ancient stone tools removed from the archaeological site of Korolevo in western Ukraine have been successfully dated for the first time...
AI image of early humans and the taming of fire. Source: Alla/Adobe Stock

How Taming Fire Changed Everything for Early Humans (Video)

The emergence of fire mastery represents a transformative juncture in human development, potentially initiated by early hominins like Homo erectus around 1.6 million years ago . Although the precise...
Painting: The Grapes of Canaan, c. 1896-1902. Source: Public Domain

What Really Happened to the Canaanites? (Video)

The Israelites' entry into Canaan around 1250 BC, following their forty-year journey through the desert, was a pivotal event shrouded in religious significance. According to the Old Testament, the...
AI image of Gigantopithecus, Giant Ape. Source: Sven Bachstroem/Adobe Stock

The Giant Prehistoric Ape Doomed By Its Own Coolness (Video)

The saga of the giant prehistoric ape, often overshadowed by its cinematic counterpart, unveils a creature of remarkable proportions and enigmatic fate. Known as gigantic Gigantopithecus , this...
The Temple to Ninmakh to the east of Ishtar Gate in ancient Babylon. Source: CC BY-SA 4.0

Babylon’s Temple of Ninmakh, the Mesopotamian Goddess of Humankind

One of the great temples constructed during the Neo-Babylonian period (626-539 BC), the golden age of the city of Babylon, was the Temple of Ninmakh. The temple was built adjacent to the famous...
Why is it that hominoids have experienced tail loss, while other primates have not? Source: v_blinov / Adobe Stock

25-Million-Year-Old DNA Explains Why Humans and Apes Don’t Have Tails

While many primate species have tails, humans and their ape cousins do not. For many years scientists have debated the reasons for this curious tail loss variation, trying to understand the reasons...
AI close-up portrait of Dracula baring his sharp fangs, with a predatory glare in a dark room.		Source: EOL STUDIOS

Bloodsuckers Through the Ages - A History of Vampires (Video)

Vampire lore , originating from Eastern European folklore, has fascinated and terrified people for centuries, with various creatures haunting the imaginations of different cultures worldwide. Among...
AI image of early human migration. Source: AI Generated

When Ancient Humans Took Over the World (Video)

The global expansion of Homo sapiens , originating in Africa approximately 300,000 to 350,000 years ago, underscores the species' remarkable adaptability. With a behavioral flexibility that allows...
Adam and Eve illustration.  Source: Mariephotos/Adobe Stock

The Two People We're All Related To (Video)

Embedded within each individual lies the potential to unlock the profound saga of their ancient lineage . Mitochondria, inherited solely from the maternal line, and the Y chromosome, passed down...
AI representation of a Neanderthal couple wearing fur. Source: Ricky/Adobe Stock

Is Interbreeding Why Neanderthals and Denisovans Vanished? (Video)

A groundbreaking scientific discovery sheds light on the disappearance of Neanderthals and Denisovans , ancient human populations that once roamed Eurasia. Through an examination of their blood types...
The three musketeers in Condom, France. Source: Migeli Barrios/Adobe Stock

Who Were the Three Musketeers Based On? (Video)

The Three Musketeers, immortalized in Alexandre Dumas' classic, are deeply rooted in the tumultuous political landscape of 17th-century France. Musketeers, originally armed with muskets but often...
Reconstruction of a house of the Trypillia Culture in the Ukraine. Source: Lindasky76 / Adobe Stock

Trypillia Culture and the Origins of Europe’s Civilizations

The Trypillia Culture, also known as the Tripolye Culture (from Ukranian: Трипiлля , meaning “Three Fields”), represents one of the most intriguing archaeological discoveries in Eastern Europe...
A Family of Carib natives drawn from life, by Agostino Brunias. Source: Public Domain

Dark Secret of the First Native Americans to Meet Columbus

In October 1492, Christopher Columbus's encounter with the Arawak-speaking natives marked a pivotal moment in history, unveiling a complex narrative of migration and cultural exchange in the...
A tribe of human ancestors, Homo erectus, wanders through the savannah past mammoth skeletons. Source: ratpack223/Adobe Stock)

The Risky Paleo Diets of Our Ancestors (Video)

The excavation of KNM-ER 1808, a Homo erectus specimen, in Kenya unearthed insights into the perilous dietary choices of our ancestors. The skeletal analysis revealed intriguing anomalies, such as...
Representative image of the impact of ancient retrovirus on evolution. Source: alexkich / Adobe Stock

Brain’s Evolutionary Explosion Linked to Ancient Retrovirus Infection

A new study has unraveled a mystery that is key to understanding the course of human and animal evolution. A team of genetic researchers from Altos Labs at the Cambridge Institute of Science in the...
AI illustration of prehistoric tribe using their spears. Source: de Art/ Adobe Stock

Weapons of the Stone Age - How Throwing Evolved in Ancient Man (Video)

Ancient humans , in their quest for survival, honed their skills in weaponry, evolving from rudimentary tools to sophisticated arms. One pivotal development was the utilization of throwing rocks, or...
