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Advertising Policy

We at Ancient-Origins want to bring you, our valued online community, openness and transparency regarding advertisements on our site. We look to responsibly disclose the use of advertisements, along with their role and purpose.

Our aim is to bring you a fresh perspective on topics while presenting ancient history and modern discoveries in a very accessible way.

Partnerships with companies who serve online advertisements along our sidebar currently allow us to do that. It ensures we can continue to spread our message and achieve our goals to bring you fascinating and intelligent content, and make a difference both online and in the world around us.

Funds from advertising go towards:

  • Maintaining servers and infrastructure upkeep
  • Web expenses, hosting, bandwidth, software, administration
  • Researching and writing quality, original content articles
  • Cultivating a professional and knowledgeable editorial staff
  • Promotion and marketing
  • Charitable projects

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Finding relevant advertisers for our audience has proven difficult. We are working to improve ad quality and we hope to achieve this in the near future.

Please note that we do not necessarily endorse or support any products or services that are offered through the advertisements on our website.

Occasionally, there have been advertisers that have breached our terms and conditions and have placed ads on our site that are not permitted by us, including pop-ups, auto-play videos and/or misleading ads, such as competitions or announcements that you are a winner of a competition. We advise you NOT to click on any ads of this kind and to please notify us immediately. We also advise you NOT to enter any credit card information with any of these types of advertisers. 

Our Commitment

We are committed to a clear path in terms of advertisements on the site. This includes:

  • Disclosure about our use of online advertisements
  • Clear marking of advertising to allow our audience to make informed choices
  • Responsible use of the funds raised from online advertising

Please contact us if you have any questions or comments regarding our use of online advertisements. We’d love to hear from you! Feel free to send us your comments, articles or any technical issues.