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Ancient places can be found all over Europe. Their fascinating histories and impressive artifacts open intriguing glimpses to times past, and open up a window on European history. Visiting such ancient places in Europe can be an unforgettable experience.

Science is constantly discovering new archaeological places and uncovering more evidence into what we once thought we knew about our history, therefore offering new pieces to the ever changing puzzle of humanity’s past and altering how we interpret it. This section will present the most interesting archaeological sites all over Europe, as well as new discoveries of ancient places that are worth paying a visit.

The Star Carr site provides the earliest known evidence of British dwellings and some of the earliest forms of architecture, as seen here.

Hunter-gatherers Kept an 'Orderly Home' in the Earliest Known British Dwelling

University of York Archaeological evidence from the world-famous Mesolithic site of Star Carr in North Yorkshire has shown that hunter-gatherers likely kept an orderly home by creating ‘zones’ for...
 The silver amulet found at Deultum, Debelt, Bulgaris, the oldest Christian relic of Bulgaria.

1,800-Year-Old Silver Amulet is Bulgaria’s Oldest Christian Relic

Excavations near the village of Debelt in southeastern Bulgaria produced an astonishing artifact that changes the understanding of the history of Christianity in the country. At the site of an...
Part of the site of Parion in the Biga district of Çanakkale in northwestern Turkey.

Roman Military Harbor Discovered in Ancient Port City of Parion, Turkey

In the ancient world, the port city of Parion was a vital trading point for goods traveling from ancient Greece and the Aegean to the city of Istanbul, and all points beyond. While the city no longer...
The School of Athens, by Raphael.	Source: Public Domain

Why Did Ancient Greeks Crave Knowledge? (Video)

The ancient Greeks' passion for knowledge is noteworthy for its lasting impact on Western civilization. Their contributions to philosophy and politics have significantly influenced modern thought,...
LiDAR scan image of the Bodbury Ring Hillfort. 	Source: University of Chester

Bodbury Ring Hillfort Six Times Larger Than Thought

A remarkable discovery at Shropshire's Bodbury Ring Hillfort has shed new light on the region's Iron Age history. Archaeologists from Channel Four’s Time Team, alongside experts from the Universities...
Roman circus found in Iruña-Veleia, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain.	Source: Arkikus

Roman Circus Discovered in Northern Spain Could Host 5000 People

A large Roman venue hosting horse-drawn chariot races in antiquity has been found in northern Spain at the Iruña-Veleia site. Situated 10 kilometers from Vitoria-Gasteiz, it was found to contain a...
The recently restored portion of the marble floor of the villa in the submerged park of Baia, Bacoli, Italy. 	Source: Edoardo Ruspantini/ Parco Archeologico Campi Flegrei

Marvels Beneath the Waves: Restored Marble Floor of Sunken Roman Villa Revealed

The underwater world of ancient Rome continues to yield astonishing discoveries, the latest being a stunning marble floor of a sunken villa near Bacoli, Italy. This remarkable find is part of the...
Remains of the oldest Forum building, the Temple of Saturn.  Source: Yasonya / Adobe Stock

Roman Forum: Heart of the Empire and Symbol of Grandeur (Video)

For a thousand years, the Roman Forum was the epicenter of the Roman Empire. This symbolic center, known as the ‘umbilicus Romae’ housed the ‘miliarium aureum’, the golden milestone from which all...
Excavation at the La Draga archaeological site as of June 2024.	Source: Archaeology Museum of Catalonia

Developments on Wooden Construction Elements Found at La Draga Site

During the most recent excavation season at the Neolithic settlement of La Draga in northeastern Catalonia, archaeologists unearthed a significant set of wooden ruins that provide new insights into...
Excavation of Anglo-Saxon remains at The Old Bell.  Source: Cotswold Archaeology

1,100-Year-Old Anglo Saxon Cemetery Uncovered in English Pub Garden

Archaeologists have unearthed burials dating back over 1,000 years in the garden of The Old Bell Hotel in Malmesbury, Wiltshire. These Anglo-Saxon remains, which include 24 skeletons and material...
Archaeologists have uncovered remnants of an ancient Roman city beneath a 19th-century hospital in northwestern France.	Source: Emmanuelle Collado/ INRAP

Archaeologists Uncover Ancient Roman City in Rennes, France

In Rennes, northwestern France, archaeologists have uncovered remnants of a vibrant ancient Roman city beneath a 19th-century hospital. This significant discovery, initiated in 2022, is now revealing...
: Roman Colosseum.	Source:	FeaturedPics/CC BY-SA 4.0

Myths and Legends: The Colosseum After Rome's Fall (Video)

In the centuries following the fall of Rome , the Colosseum underwent significant transformations and became a site of legend and varied uses. By the 16th century, it was a dilapidated ruin, where...
Tower of Rouen Cathedral billows smoke.

BREAKING: Fire Engulfs Iconic Rouen Cathedral Spire in France

In the historic city of Rouen, France, a fire has engulfed the spire of the renowned Gothic cathedral, Our Lady of the Assumption. Firefighters are currently battling the blaze, which has prompted a...
ational Trust Uffington White Horse after a phase of refurbishment where erosion and bad weather have caused shrinkage of the Bronze Age chalk carving over the decades. The artwork measures 111-metres long from head to tail and depicts a white horse near the Oxfordshire village of Uffington.	Source: BBC/ PA Media

Restoration of Uffington White Horse, Britain's Oldest Chalk Figure, Complete

The Uffington White Horse, an iconic prehistoric chalk figure believed to be Britain's oldest, has undergone significant restoration after archaeologists discovered it had been shrinking. This 3,000-...
Reconstruction of how the Bronze Age temple might have looked.	 Source: University of Sienna

4,000-Year-Old Temple With Monolith Resurfaces in Cyprus

A mysterious monolith adorned with a circular motif of cups in the center has surfaced in Cyprus, shedding light on an ancient artisan community from 4,000 years ago. The space contains the remains...
The Rungholt settlement and investigation area. White dotted lines indicate the areas covered by magnetic gradiometry, the white dashed line outlines an area covered by marine seismic reflection profiles.	Source: Wilken et al./Nature

Rungholt: Unearthing a Drowned Medieval Settlement in the Wadden Sea

The fabled town of Rungholt, often referred to as the "Atlantis of the North Sea," has long captivated historians and archaeologists. The town, part of the Edomsharde region in North Frisia, Germany...
Top image: Statue of Hermes in situ at Heraclea Sintica. 	Source: Archaeologia Bulgarica

Remarkable Discovery of Complete Hermes Statue in Heraclea Sintica

Archaeologists working in the ancient city of Heraclea Sintica have unearthed a marvelously preserved marble statue from the Grand Canal of the district. This find is a first in the region, where...
Remains of garden structures found in Rome

Garden From Emperor Caligula’s Reign Unearthed Near the Vatican

Archaeological excavations near the Vatican have unearthed the remains of an ancient garden that likely belonged to the Roman Emperor Caligula (reigned 37-41 AD). This discovery was made during the...
Visualisation of one of the Attingham Roman villas.	Source: © Jennie Anderson/National Trust

Largest Geophysical Survey On National Trust Land Identifies Two Roman Villas

The largest geophysical survey ever commissioned by the National Trust has been undertaken at the Attingham Estate in Shropshire. The one-of-a-kind survey, encompassing over 1000 hectares (2,471...
Botticelli's illustration from Inferno XV is part of the third round of Inferno, depicting the punishment of those who acted violently against God, nature, and art. Source:  Public Domain

How the Medieval Church Instilled Obedience Through Fear (Video)

In medieval Europe , the Catholic Church wielded immense power over the population, primarily through fear. The church used various methods to instill obedience among its followers, one of the most...
Pömmelte, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany, the ‘German Stonehenge’ site.	Source: JEFs-FotoGalerie/Adobe Stock

New Discoveries Show People Lived at “German Stonehenge” in 2,300 BC

At the site of the circular sanctuary of Pömmelte in the state of Saxony-Anhalt in Germany, archaeologists have spent the last six years unearthing the remains of a settlement that was continuously...
Wall purported to be used to contain Spartacus in Calabria, Italy	Source: Archaeological Institute of America

Archaeologists Find Roman Wall Built to Trap the Legendary Spartacus

In a discovery sure to capture a good deal of public attention, a team of archaeologists have found the remains of a Roman wall built to trap the forces of Spartacus , the escaped former Roman...
Top image: Medusa by Caravaggio, 1597, shocked ancient Greece.	Source: Uffizi Gallery/CC BY-SA 2.0

10 Shocking Facts About the Ancient Greeks

The Ancient Greeks are often hailed as the founders of Western civilization. Celebrated for their advancements in philosophy, democracy, science, and the arts, we tend to view the ancient Greeks...
Historic Lübeck, Germany.  Source: eyetronic/Adobe Stock

Historic Lübeck - Icon of Hanseatic League and Medieval Splendor

Lübeck, a city located in northern Germany, holds a rich and intricate history that reflects the broader historical currents of the region and Europe at large. As a major city in the federal state of...
