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Ancient Egypt

Welcome to the section on Ancient Egypt, a civilization that flourished for over 3000 years in the northeastern corner of Africa. Ancient Egypt is known for its rich cultural and artistic heritage, innovative technology, and remarkable achievements in fields such as architecture, agriculture, medicine, and mathematics.
The civilization emerged around 3100 BC, when King Menes unified Upper and Lower Egypt and established the first dynasty. Over the centuries, Egypt saw the rise and fall of great pharaohs, the construction of grand monuments such as the pyramids and temples, and the development of a complex system of writing and religion.
Ancient Egypt was a hierarchical society with a strict social structure, where the pharaoh was considered a god-king who ruled with absolute power. The people of Egypt believed in a pantheon of gods and goddesses, and their religious practices were intertwined with everyday life.
The achievements of Ancient Egypt are still visible today in the grand monuments, artworks, and artifacts that have survived the passage of time. From the Great Sphinx and the Pyramids of Giza to the hieroglyphs and papyrus scrolls that record their history, Ancient Egypt continues to captivate and inspire people from around the world.
The Old Kingdom, which lasted from around 2686 BC to 2181 BC, was marked by the construction of iconic pyramids and the development of hieroglyphic writing. The Middle Kingdom, from 2055 BC to 1650 BC, saw a resurgence of art and culture, as well as the expansion of trade and conquest.
The New Kingdom, from 1550 BC to 1069 BC, was the most prosperous and powerful period of ancient Egyptian history, marked by the rule of famous pharaohs such as Hatshepsut, Thutmose III, and Tutankhamun. This era saw the construction of grand temples and monumental architecture, and the development of a complex religious and social system.
After the New Kingdom, Egypt experienced a period of decline and foreign rule, with the country being conquered by the Assyrians, Persians, Greeks, and Romans. Despite this, ancient Egyptian culture continued to influence and inspire subsequent civilizations, and its legacy can still be seen in art, literature, and architecture today.
The articles you will find here explore the wonders of Ancient Egypt, and you will learn about the history, culture, and achievements of one of the most fascinating civilizations in human history.

Hero of Alexandria and his Magical Jugs

Hero of Alexandria and his Magical Jugs

The most famous and successful of the scientists and engineers from the 1 st century was Hero (Heron) of Alexandria, who was conjuring up all kinds of weird and wonderful mechanical gadgets and steam...
AI image of ancient Egyptian sorceress.

Think Egypt Think Magic: The Power of Heka

The lives of ancient Egyptians were inextricably intertwined with magic. It was present in everything from religion to politics, and from birth to death. Magic was such a prevalent force that in the...
AI image of an ancient Egyptian Queen.

The Majesty of Ancient Egyptian Queens

Although many people today refer to the wives of ancient Egyptian kings and female Egyptian pharaohs as queens, in ancient Egypt all the people surrounding the king (pharaoh) were referred to by...
The three main Egyptian pyramids at Giza, together with subsidiary pyramids and the remains of other ancient structures

The Secrets of the Egyptian Pyramids: Were They More Than Just Tombs?

Built at the dawn of the Ancient Egyptian civilization, the great Pyramids continue to inspire awe, millennia after their construction. The fact that the Egyptian Queen Cleopatra lived closer in time...
Idi's burial chamber with sarcophagus at the tomb of Djefai-Hapy Asyut, Egypt.

New Burial Chamber Discovered in Largest Non-Royal Tomb From Senusret I’s Reign

A joint Egyptian-German archaeological mission has unearthed the funerary chamber of a woman named "Idi”, the sole daughter of Djefai-Hapy, the governor of Asyut during the reign of Pharaoh Senusret...
Scientists Recreate the Face of 3,500-Year-Old Egyptian Pharaoh Amenhotep I

Scientists Recreate the Face of 3,500-Year-Old Egyptian Pharaoh Amenhotep I

For the first time in 3,500 years, scientists have revealed a likeness of the face of Amenhotep I, the Egyptian pharaoh who founded the Valley of the Kings. This was made possible through a...
How Old is Beer?

How Old is Beer?

By Daniel Strain /University of Colorado Boulder Oktoberfest, the German beer festival, kicked off this week in Munich. To mark the occasion, Travis Rupp, assistant teaching professor in the...
Exploring the High-Tech Toolkit Used in Egypt - Exclusive Interview with Dr. Zahi Hawass

Exploring the High-Tech Toolkit Used in Egypt - Exclusive Interview with Dr. Zahi Hawass

Dr. Zahi Hawass is likely the most famous archaeologist in the world at the moment. He’s active on a number of projects, sometimes traveling abroad to give a talk or leading groups around Egypt’s...
A wall scene with a harpist from the tomb of Inherkhau (TT 359), Thebes, Luxor – Egypt.

Playing Magical Melodies by Nile: Ancient Egyptian Music

Music was an integral part of daily life in the Nile Valley from the earliest times. It was a rich and important aspect of ancient Egyptian culture, permeating religious ceremonies, popular festivals...
Example of the colorful paintings after the restoration: Nile god with further painted details (jewelry, pupil) and flowers painted on the offering tray.

Restoration in the Temple of Edfu Reveals New Inscriptions, Paint, and Gold

Together with Egyptian conservators a team of the University of Würzburg has discovered traces of gold leaf, remnants of the colorful paintings and ancient graffiti in the temple of Edfu. Egyptian...
Egyptian Fort Including Barracks & Weapons to Ward off Invading Sea Peoples Discovered

Egyptian Fort Including Barracks & Weapons to Ward off Invading Sea Peoples Discovered

A thrilling new discovery in Egypt has unveiled the remnants of a once-vital military fortress used to defend the shores from attackers such as the ‘sea people’ and dating back to the New Kingdom era...
Napoleon Bonaparte before the Sphinx.

Invasion of Egypt: How Napoleon's Desert Campaigns Birthed Egyptology

A long while before Indiana Jones was depicted discovering the Ark of the Covenant in Cairo in that famous franchise, a young, ambitious, French soldier by the name of Napoleon Bonaparte invaded...
Ai generated image of builders on the Giza plateau.

Egyptian Workers Who Built Pyramids of Giza Exposed to Dangerous Toxins

While there are still uncertainties about how exactly the three gigantic pyramids on Egypt’s Giza Plateau were built, no one doubts that the work involved was intensive and difficult. But as revealed...
Astronomical Observatory in Kafr El-Sheikh Unveils Advanced Knowledge of the Cosmos

Astronomical Observatory in Kafr El-Sheikh Unveils Advanced Knowledge of the Cosmos

In a exciting archaeological discovery, the Egyptian archaeological mission from the Supreme Council of Antiquities has uncovered what is believed to be the first and largest astronomical observatory...
AI image of ancient Greek woman looking over the city

Women in Power in Ancient Times

The narrative of history often celebrates male rulers, warriors, and thinkers, yet the annals of ancient times are also adorned with the tales of formidable women who wielded significant power and...
Left; The Screaming Woman mummy, Right; CT scan of the Screaming Woman mummy, wearing her wig.

'Screaming Woman' Mummy May Have Died in Agony 3,500 Years Ago

In 1935, an archaeological expedition led by the Metropolitan Museum of New York unearthed a fascinating and eerie find in the tombs of Deir Elbahari near Luxor, Egypt. Beneath the tomb of Senmut, a...
Power of universe.	Source: T.Den_Team/Adobe Stock

Ancient Symbols, Psychic Reading, and Mental Well-Being

Humans have held immense interest in divine design and otherworldly powers for centuries. Due to the mystique, rich symbolism, and supernatural intuitiveness, psychic reading captivates individuals...
The Djoser pyramid during its restoration

Egypt’s Oldest Pyramid Could Have Been Built Using Hydraulic Lift Technology

There has long been speculation about how the pyramids of Egypt were constructed. While there may be no single answer to this question, a new study provides evidence to suggest that at least one of...
A large collection of gold foil objects retrieved at the Tel Al-Deir cemetery.

Tombs and Gold Foils from the Ptolemaic Era Unearthed in Egypt’s Damietta

Archaeologists in Egypt have uncovered 63 mudbrick tombs and several simple burials containing a collection of gold foils from the 26th Dynasty of the Late Period. This correlates with the Ptolemaic...
The stone carvings found during a diving expedition near Aswan, Egypt.	Source: © Dr Cristian Craciun/Egyptian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities

Ancient Egyptian Pharaohs Rediscovered Underwater Near Aswan

Archaeologists recently unveiled a remarkable discovery near Aswan, Egypt: rock carvings depicting ancient Egyptian pharaohs, submerged for decades due to the construction of the Aswan High Dam. This...
Photo of the Nefertiti bust in Neues Museum, Berlin.		Source: Smalljim/CC BY-SA 3.0

Nefertiti is Still in Germany and Hasn’t Been Returned (Video)

The bust of Nefertiti, a 3,400-year-old artifact valued at around 400 million euros, has been in Germany for over a century, displayed at the Neues Museum Berlin . The artifact's continued presence...
The crocodile mummy entering the CT scanner.	Source: University of Manchester This article is a press release by the University of Manchester, originally titled, “Croc’s deadly last meal in Ancient Egypt unearthed”.

Croc’s Deadly Last Meal in Ancient Egypt Revealed

Scientists have used state of the art 3D imaging technology to piece together the life - and probable death - of a 2.2-meter-long crocodile mummified by the ancient Egyptians. The researchers from...
Life in ancient Egypt

6 Surprising Facts About Life for Egyptian Slaves

The prominence of slavery in ancient Egypt is well-documented, but many aspects of enslaved people's lives remain less known. Here are six lesser-known facts about how Egyptian slaves lived. From...
Left; Mummified skull of Ramesses II, Right; Reconstructed face of Ramesses by Cicero Moraes	.	Source: Left; G. Elliot Smith/Public domain, Right; © Cicero Moraes

Wise Face of Egypt’s Most Powerful Pharaoh Moments Before Death

The face of Ramesses II, or Ramesses the Great, one of ancient Egypt’s most powerful pharaohs, has been meticulously reconstructed by scientists using advanced 3D modeling techniques. This recreation...
