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Late Period of Ancient Egypt

This period covers the time from  approximately 712 BC to 332 BC, and it was marked by foreign domination and  political instability. Despite these challenges, the Late Period also saw  important cultural and religious developments, as well as significant  achievements in art and architecture.

The Late Period began with the Nubian  rulers of the 25th Dynasty, who conquered Egypt and established a new dynasty  based in the city of Napata. However, this period of Nubian rule was  short-lived, and Egypt soon fell under the control of the Assyrians, followed  by the Persians, Greeks, and finally, the Macedonians under Alexander the  Great.

Despite this period of foreign domination,  the Late Period was not without its achievements. The period saw important  religious developments, including the emergence of the cult of Isis and the  spread of the worship of Serapis, a syncretic deity combining elements of Greek  and Egyptian religion. It was also a time of artistic innovation, with new  styles of sculpture and architecture emerging, such as the monumental statues  of the pharaohs and the temple complexes at Edfu and Philae.

In this section, we will explore the key  events and developments of Egypt's Late Period, including the struggles for  power among local rulers, the impact of foreign domination, and the cultural  and artistic achievements of the time. We will examine the role of important  figures such as Psamtik I and II, Cambyses II, Alexander the Great, and Cleopatra,  as well as the social and economic conditions that characterized the period.

Left; Pillar Hall at Buto Temple, Right; Engraved ivory found at the site.  Source: Ministry of Tourism & Antiquities

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