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Third Intermediate Period

This period spans from approximately 1070  BC to 712 BC, and it was marked by political instability and foreign  domination. Despite these challenges, the Third Intermediate Period also saw  significant developments in religion, art, and culture.

The Third Intermediate Period began with  the end of the New Kingdom, as Egypt's power and influence waned. The pharaohs  who ruled during this time struggled to maintain control over their  territories, and Egypt became increasingly fragmented as local rulers gained  more autonomy.

Foreign powers also played a significant  role during the Third Intermediate Period. The Libyan kings of the 22nd Dynasty  established their capital in the Delta region and ruled over northern Egypt,  while the Nubians of the 25th Dynasty conquered Egypt and established a new  dynasty based in the city of Napata.

Despite these challenges, the Third  Intermediate Period was not without its achievements. The period saw important  developments in religion, including the emergence of the cult of Osiris and the  worship of other deities such as Amun, the god of the wind. It was also a time  of artistic innovation, with new forms of art and architecture emerging, such  as the style of decoration known as "Ramesseum" and the temple  complex at Karnak.

In this section, we will explore the key  events and developments of Egypt's Third Intermediate Period, including the  political struggles, foreign domination, and cultural achievements of the time.  We will examine the role of important rulers such as Shoshenq I and Piye, as  well as the social and economic conditions that characterized the period.

Meeting Between Cambyses II and Psammetichus III by Adrien Guignet (Public Domain)

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