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Science & Space

Ancient Origins articles related to Science & Space in the sections of history, archaeology, human origins, unexplained, artifacts, ancient places and myths and legends.

Plowing with an ox team

Should We Thank or Blame the Ancestors? Ancient Farmers Stop the Ice Age

Millennia ago, ancient farmers cleared land to plant wheat and maize, potatoes and squash. They flooded fields to grow rice. They began to raise livestock. And unknowingly, they may have been...
Raymond McElroy with the antlers and skull of an Irish Elk recovered from Lough Neagh

Enormous 10,500-Year-Old Antlers of Extinct Giant Elk Pulled from Lake in Northern Ireland

Fishermen in Northern Ireland had an amazing catch in Lough Neagh, the largest lake in the British Isles, when they retrieved a huge pair of ancient elk antlers. It is estimated that they are about...
Arabian incense burner

Frankincense may infuse users with mild euphoria

A group of researchers using hard science put frankincense to the test: Does this ancient, fragrant smoke give feelings of exaltation to the practitioners of the many religions in whose rites it has...
‘Comet of 1680 over Rotterdam’ by Lieve Verschuier.

Myths and Meteors: How Ancient Cultures Explained Comets and Other Chunks of Rock Falling From the Sky

Eve MacDonald / The Conversation Comets and meteors have fascinated the human race since they were first spotted in the night sky. But without science and space exploration to aid understanding of...
Blood moon lunar eclipse

Exploring Ancient Lunar Legends as Total Lunar Eclipse Will Create Rare 'Blood Moon'

The moon has been an object of worship, veneration, and intrigue among ancient civilizations for thousands of years. Now, it is set to capture our admiration once again as a total lunar eclipse will...
Human remains discovered during excavations of cemetery from early Iron Age in Kosiorow village, Eastern Poland.

Inaccuracies Found in Radiocarbon Dating Calibrations Could Change Historical Timelines

Radiocarbon dating is a key tool archaeologists use to determine the age of plants and objects made with organic material. But new research shows that commonly accepted radiocarbon dating standards...
Detail of a representation of Earth's Invisible Magnetic Field.

Chaos and Cover-ups: What Evidence Exists of an Ancient Pole Shift?

Magnetic pole shifts are in the news a lot recently because our Magnetic North Pole is racing towards Russia while the Earth’s magnetic field strength is falling fast. The European Space Agency said...
Llullaillaco mummy being examined by scientists (CC by 2.0)

Rights of the Dead and the Living Clash when Scientists Extract DNA from Human Remains

The remains of a 6-inch long mummy from Chile are not those of a space alien, according to recently reported research . The tiny body with its strange features – a pointed head, elongated bones – had...
 Preserved Megalapteryx (moa) foot, Natural History Museum

Extinct Bird with Dinosaur-Like Claw May Soon Be Resurrected

A clawed, flightless bird that went extinct in New Zealand in the late 13th century might be brought back to life, claim scientists at Harvard University. Nearly three decades ago, archaeologists...
Changing colors of the Moon during a total lunar eclipse, Mt Buffalo National Park, June 16, 2011

The next Full Moon brings a lunar eclipse, but is it a Super Blood Blue Moon as well? That depends…

A total lunar eclipse will occur on Wednesday, January 31, and Australia is in the perfect position to see it. But it’s also being called many other lunar things, from a Blood Moon to a Blue Moon and...
 As long as clouds don’t get in the way, the view should be spectacular.

Look Up at the Super Blue Blood Full Moon Jan. 31 – Here’s What You’ll See and Why

Shannon Schmoll / The Conversation During the early hours of January 31 , there will be a full moon, a total lunar eclipse, a blue moon and a supermoon – all at the same time. None of these things is...
The 3700-year-old Babylonian tablet with the ‘Pythagorean theorem.’

3700-year old Babylonian Tablet Confirms Pythagoras Did Not Invent the Theorem Bearing His Name

An unknown Babylonian mathematician beat Pythagoras to the discovery of trigonometry by more than 1000 years, claim experts studying the piece. That Babylonian genius marked down the famous theorem...
Native Americans traveling by boat

By Land or Sea? The Heated Debate on the Peopling of the Americas Continues…

Researchers should always be ready for the next big discovery, they never know where it may come from. Having an open mind and questioning peculiar finds is what sets things in motion. Take for...
A woolly mammoth

A Mammoth Task: How Do We Decide Which Species to Resurrect?

The resurrection of vanished species -- through cutting-edge technologies such as gene-editing -- should be targeted towards recently extinct species rather than ancient ones, according to a leading...
Ayurvedic medicine. Indian Watercolour: 'Man of the Medical caste, masseuse’.

Ancient Text Prescribing Ways to Conceive a Baby Boy Included in New University Textbook in India

A new university textbook in India has included a controversial, ancient recipe that supposedly formulates a sure way to conceive a boy. The text encourages women who want to conceive a boy to find...
Professor Kasimir Popkonstantinov and the marble reliquary that potentially held John the Baptist’s bones.

Can We Ever Find Jesus’s DNA?

It was the first stop on an extraordinary journey. On a bright but bitterly cold January afternoon earlier this year, I found myself on a small island in the Black Sea, just off Sozopol on the east...
Doctors giving medicine.

Medieval Medical Books Could Hold the Recipe for New Antibiotics

For a long time, medieval medicine has been dismissed as irrelevant. This time period is popularly referred to as the “Dark Ages,” which erroneously suggests that it was unenlightened by science or...
CSIRO's Parkes radio telescope with a representation of an FRB.

Breaking News: Scientists Reveal that Mysterious and Explosive Signals are Definitely Coming from Outer Space

Fast Radio Bursts (FRBs) are one of the most intriguing problems for modern astronomers – who or what is transmitting the short bursts of radio energy across the universe? And where exactly are the...
Have Scientists Discovered Proof for the Lost Continent of Lemuria?

Have Scientists Discovered Proof for the Lost Continent of Lemuria?

Most people have heard of the lost continent of Atlantis. Some know about the legendary lost continent of Lemuria and the semi-mythical land of Kumari Kandam as well. But have you heard of the...
What Would The Ancient Astrologers Have Told Us About 2017?

What Would The Ancient Astrologers Have Told Us About 2017?

Modern astrology as we know it – in the form of a yearly, monthly or daily horoscope – is based on a celestial coordinate system known as the “zodiac”, a Greek word that means the circle of life. And...
Ancient Chinese Remedy Could Wipe Out Tuberculosis

Ancient Chinese Remedy Could Wipe Out Tuberculosis

A team of researchers have recently found that centuries-old herbal medicine, discovered by Chinese scientists to cure malaria, could also aid in tuberculosis treatment and even slow drug resistance...
World First as Feathered Dinosaur Tail is Found Preserved in Amber

World First as Feathered Dinosaur Tail is Found Preserved in Amber

Researchers from China, Canada, and the University of Bristol have discovered a dinosaur tail complete with its feathers trapped in a piece of amber. The finding reported today in Current Biology...
New research indicates they are at least twice as old, living between 25,000 and 55,000 years ago, with one of them 'perfectly' preserved.

Extinct Lion Cubs Found in Siberia are up to 55,000 Years Old - Latest Test Results Reveal

By The Siberian Times Reporter Tantalizing studies are now underway to establish if one of two lion cub carcasses preserved by permafrost has traces of the world's oldest mother's milk. The lion cubs...
The Great Pyramid of Giza: A Modern View on Ancient Knowledge, Air and Fire – Part II

The Great Pyramid of Giza: A Modern View on Ancient Knowledge, Air and Fire – Part II

The water was pushed via the Sphinx into the Great Pyramid under great pressure and filled up the lower part of the interior system. After closing the water supply a special return valve fell back...
