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Science & Space

Ancient Origins articles related to Science & Space in the sections of history, archaeology, human origins, unexplained, artifacts, ancient places and myths and legends.

Too Primitive to Detect Advanced Extraterrestrial Life

Are we Too Primitive to Detect Advanced Extraterrestrial Life?

Leading scientists, astronomers and philosophers alike have pondered the question – are we just too primitive to detect signals or signs of intelligent life on other planets? According to Arthur C...
60 billion habitable planets

Milky Way may contain 60 billion habitable planets

A new study by the University of Chicago and Northwestern University has revealed that our galaxy may contain as many 60 billion planets capable of supporting life, which is double the most recent...
Tau Boo Polar Shift on Earth

Could a rapid pole shift change the fate of life on Earth?

One of the doomsday hypotheses is a cataclysmic magnetic pole shift, which would result in widespread destruction from earthquakes, volcanoes, and floods. However, according to mainstream science a...
Earth leaking atmosphere - plasma

Earth leaking atmosphere into Space

The cluster mission of the European Space Agency (ESA) was introduced in 1982 with the goal to investigate the magnetosphere of Earth. Earth’s magnetic field extends from the inner core outwards and...
Extraterrestrial life

Americans Open Their Minds to the Possibility of Extraterrestrial Life

A Huffington Post / YouGov poll has revealed that half of Americans believe that life exists on other planets and as many as a quarter believe that extraterrestrials have already visited Earth. While...
Habitable Planets

Newly Discovered Planetary System has Three Planets in Habitable Zone

A team of astronomers have discovered that three planets within a planetary system discovered by the ESO’s 3.6 metre telescope in Chile lie in the habitable zone around the star Gliese 667C , holding...
Mammoth Blood - Revival of Species

Could Discovery of Mammoth Blood Lead to Revival of Species?

Researchers have uncovered the carcass of a female mammoth in Russia which may include 10,000-year-old mammoth blood , paving the way for the potential to revive a remarkable species from our ancient...
Infrared Telescope in search of extra-terrestrial life

Maybe we are looking for extra-terrestrials in the wrong way

For many decades our search for extra-terrestrial life has been limited to detecting intelligent radio signals that would point to the idea of advanced civilizations in outer space and if a signal...
Alien material in Crater on the Moon

Remnants of Alien Planets Found on the Moon

The Moon is a crater-pocked world. It has been continuously bombarded by meteorites throughout its existence. Because it has no atmosphere, it has no shield to protect it against incoming objects of...
Pebble Rocks, Streambed on Mars

Evidence that water was once on Mars

It was one year ago when Curiosity discovered rocks containing pebbles on the surface of Mars. But it is only now after the researchers have done a detailed analysis that they have concluded that...
New Methane Ecosystem

New Methane Based Ecosystem discovered

When we talk about life, we think that it shall include oxygen, specific temperatures and other conditions that would allow the known living beings on Earth to live and thrive. Obviously we are...
Extraterrestrial Megastructures

The Search for Extraterrestrial Megastructures Gains Momentum

Most people are aware of the various attempts being made to search for alien life in our galaxy and beyond, including SETI’s (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) efforts to detect radio...
Star Trek Warp Travel Space

Star Trek Warp Speed closer to reality

The revolutionary technology we see in the Star Trek series may not be science fiction after all as scientists are getting closer to replicating some of the technology that was dreamed up back in the...
Life in Venus Clouds

Could Alien Life Exist in Venus' Mysterious Clouds?

Most people, when they think of the planet Venus, conjure up images of a hot and steaming planet surrounded by highly acidic clouds that would extinguish or prevent any life from ever existing there...
In Search for New Planets - Kepler NASA

More Spacecrafts in Search for Alien Planets

NASA's Kepler observatory has, to date, detected more than 2,700 potential planets that could harbour life since it launched in March 2009, revolutionizing scientists’ understanding of worlds beyond...
New method for finding planets

New Method of Finding Planets Scores Its First Discovery

A number of significant advancements in the search for habitable planets have been reported over the last 6 months, and with every research project conducted, we are one step closer to discovering...
Space Graveyard

Hubble Discovers a Graveyard of Planets

The Hubble Space Telescope has discovered the rocky remains of planetary material scattered amongst the atmospheres of two white dwarfs in the Hyades star cluster. This suggests that these two stars...
Stuning NASA Mars photos

Spectacular New Photos of Mars Released

A stunning series of new photos of the surface of Mars have been released by the team of scientists responsible for the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment camera (HiRISE) aboard the Mars...
Earth and Moon Water Source

The Earth and Moon had the same water source

There have been many theories about how the Moon was formed. There is the Capture Theory supporting the idea that Moon was formed somewhere else and later was captured by the gravitational forces of...
Europa - Search for Habitable Planets

Government Funding Approved for Europa Mission in Search for Habitable Planets

Jupiter’s moon Europa is often described as one of those space destinations that most allure an astronomer. It is reported to contain all the essential ingredients for life, which was identified by...
Space Colonization

How about humans colonizing Space in the Future?

If Star Trek a few decades ago looked like extreme science fiction, today we are getting closer to it to becoming a future reality. Scientists have been making significant progress in space...
Nuclear Fusion Engine Space Travel

Nuclear Fusion Technology will speed up Space Travel

In a previous article, we saw how a private organization is aiming to colonize Mars in about 10 years from now. With our current space technology, a round trip to Mars would require 501 days to...
Eyeball planets Extraterrestrial Life

'Eyeball Earth' Planets Could Hold Extraterrestrial Life

According to scientists, planets that resemble giant eyeballs due to the unusual distribution of ice, water and land, may exist around red dwarf stars and may be capable of supporting life. When a...
Earth-like planets

Don’t just look at Earth-like planets in the search for alien life, scientists say

A number of recent reports on the search for extraterrestrial life have focused on the discovery of other planets that are similar to Earth in terms of their size or the conditions on the planet...
