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Science & Space

Ancient Origins articles related to Science & Space in the sections of history, archaeology, human origins, unexplained, artifacts, ancient places and myths and legends.

Intelligent Life on Other Planets

Intelligent Life on Other Planets – Is it One in a Million?

Recently, 2740 planets were discovered by NASA’s Kepler mission, and most of them were orbiting stars. But the question remains if there is intelligent life present on any of these discovered planets...
Rare Grains from Supernova

Extremely Rare Grains from Supernova Found in Antarctic Space Rocks

Researchers looking closely at a pair of meteorites salvaged from the ice of Antarctica discovered something surprising and exciting. Inside of each, they found a single microscopic grain of sand...
 Astrobiology Search Extraterrestrial Life

UK Centre for Astrobiology Begins Search for Extraterrestrial Life

A new planetary simulator located at Edinburgh University’s UK centre for Astrobiology will spearhead Britain’s search for extra-terrestrial life - bringing together researchers from 15 institutions...
The Cosmic Future of Earth

The Cosmic Fate of Earth

Assuming that human life on earth survives all the perils that are outlined in today’s media – food shortages, resistance to antibiotics, asteroid impacts and super viruses, the next challenge is to...
Kepler - NASA Habitable Planets

7 Planets found in habitable zones of other Solar Systems

Yesterday was a big day for Space Exploration with the announcements on NASA TV by the Kepler’s Scientific team, NASA’s Ames Research Center at Moffett Field. Kepler Mission is NASA’s effort to...
Kepler - NASA Habitable Planets Mission

New Habitable Planets Findings – Live on NASA TV

Today at 6pm GMT (2pm EDT) during the news conference at NASA’s Ames Research Center new discoveries will be announced from the Kepler Mission. Kepler Mission is NASA’s effort to discover Earth-size...
Life on Mars Deep

Life May Lie Deep Below Mars Surface

For those interested in the big question ‘Does Life Exist on Mars’?, it is an anxious wait to hear reports coming back from the Mars Curiosity Rover. To date, the Rover has been taking surface...
Alien in Sirius Documentary

More details on tiny Alien to be revealed in ‘SIRIUS’ Documentary

All of us are waiting for the premiere of the important UFO documentary ‘Sirius’ of Dr Steven Greer, in April 22. The research project is going to disclosure facts about UFOs, extra-terrestrial...
Mars One Colony Project

Are you ready for a One-Way trip to Mars? Apply now!

Who would believe that we would reach the point where volunteer astronauts would be required for a one-way trip to colonize Mars? A non-profit organization called Mars One plans to create a global...
Enceladus Thrusters

The ‘Thrusters’ on Saturn’s Moon, Enceladus

Enceladus is one of the moons of Saturn, bearing the Greek Mythology name of one of the Giants, child of Earth and Uranus, with serpent like lower part of the body. Enceladus is connected to...
Telescope to spot Earth like planets NASA

A satellite made to find Earth like planets is funded by NASA

A press release from NASA a few days ago, revealed that a satellite made to track planets will be one of the projects that NASA will fund. The Satellite is called TESS (Transiting Exoplanet Survey...
Mars Manned Mission

Manned Mission on Mars in 2018

The non-profit Organization Inspiration Mars Foundation has the intention to send two people to Mars on January 18, 2018. The reason why the date is so specific is because this is the closest time...
Dark Matter

Getting close to investigate Dark Matter

Our Universe according to the majority of scientists consists of approximately one quarter of dark matter. Of course this is a hypothesis and not something that is proven. Dark matter cannot be seen...
Earth Like Planets

More than 100 billion planets like earth may be out there

New research done at the University of Auckland in New Zealand has led to a new method of identifying earth-like planets. The new technique is called gravitational microlensing (MOA – Microlensing...
Surface of Titan - Saturn

Building blocks of Life in Titan’s Atmosphere – NASA

A simulation of the atmosphere of the moon of Saturn, Titan, has shown that complex organic blocks that could lead to creating life have been found lower in the atmosphere of the moon than previously...
Transient Lunar Phenomena Arlin Crofts

Recent phenomena on the surface of the Moon shows that the Moon is still active

The opinion until now was the Moon is a dead planet, completely devoid of any kind of activity. However observations done from New York and Chile have shown that some volcanic activity may be on the...
Meteorite from Mercury

Scientists May Have Discovered the First Meteorite from Mercury

A green rock, named NWA 7325, discovered in Morocco last year may be the first known meteorite that has come from the planet Mercury. Meteorite scientist Anthony Irving, professor at the University...
NASA capturing Asteroid

NASA May Begin Capturing Asteroids by 2014

NASA’s 2014 budget request may include plans to send a robotic probe into deep space to capture an asteroid and bring it back within reach of astronauts flying on the agency’s Orion deep space...
Saturn and Solar System Birth

Saturn and its moons could reveal information since our Solar system birth

Analysis of the data transmitted from the Cassini spacecraft suggests that the moons of Saturn and Saturn’s rings store information from around the birth of our Solar system, NASA suggests. Those...
Rocky Alien Planets

Rocky Alien Planets May Contain Oceans

A new study carried out by the Carnegie Institution for Science has found that all rocky planets develop oceans shortly after forming, suggested that planets hosting life may be much more common than...
Radio Telescope

New radio telescope will be built to search for extra-terrestrial life

The creation of a new radio telescope called the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) is set to begin in 2017 and will be the most powerful radio astronomy telescope in the world. Its’ purpose is to search...
Life on Mars

Life may have appeared on Mars before Earth

The recent discovery revealing that Mars could have supported microbial life raises the possibility that life could have evolved on Mars before it developed on Earth. According to researchers, the...
Aliens – The Definitive Guide

Aliens – The Definitive Guide

Three days ago a new series was premiered on Science Channel. Its name is ‘Aliens: The Definitive Guide’. This new series with the help of prominent scientists (like Michio Kaku) will investigate non...
Water found on distant planet

Scientists have spotted distant Jupiter sized planet that has water

At the top of Mauna Kea in Hawaii, a team of scientists led by Quinn Konopacky (University of Toronto), have detected a planet the size of Jupiter that indicates that it contains water and carbon...
