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Intelligent Life on Other Planets

Intelligent Life on Other Planets – Is it One in a Million?

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Recently, 2740 planets were discovered by NASA’s Kepler mission, and most of them were orbiting stars. But the question remains if there is intelligent life present on any of these discovered planets.

In order to track sharp radio waves from planets, Scientists from the University of California, devised a new telescope, which scientists can use to scan the universe for signs of intelligent life forms. This resulted in estimates that only one in a million stars in our galaxy can transmit signals to us.

Andrew Siemion, said that for the first time, researchers were able to use this numerical sample to transmit radio bands for the presence of intelligent societies in the cosmic horizon. Faced with such an impossible task, it is believed that there is still the chance we could find advanced intelligent beings in the galaxy.

Famous physicist Dan Werthimer, the head of the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence project in Puerto Rico, believes that the Kepler mission has opened the doors to our understanding that “there are a trillion planets in our Milky Way Galaxy and in the near future, one of us might get in touch with civilizations a billion years ahead of us. Based on a list of 1,235 planet, scientists have chosen 86 stars with six planet candidates in orbit which are thought to have the right temperature and water is not frozen but in liquid state.

Perhaps in the future, radio telescopes, such as the Sq. Km Array could be used to spot weaker transmissions. With this study we are now better equipped to target the sky rather than make mere guesses in the search for extra terrestrial life.

By April Holloway

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April Holloway is a Co-Owner, Editor and Writer of Ancient Origins. For privacy reasons, she has previously written on Ancient Origins under the pen name April Holloway, but is now choosing to use her real name, Joanna Gillan.

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