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All the latest news on finds, advancements, and research in archaeology and ancient history, from the No 1 Ancient History website in the world


Peru Pyramid Allignment - Astronomy

New Discovery Reveals Ancient Peruvians were Expert Astronomers

Archaeologists have discovered a new pyramid in southern Peru at Cerro del Gentil which would have aligned perfectly with two stone lines and the setting of the sun during the winter solstice...
The Gabriel Revelation

The Scroll of the Revelation of Gabriel and a new type of ‘Messiah’

One of the most important ancient texts that was found related to Christianity/Judaism (after the Dead Sea Scrolls) is the artefact called ‘Gabriel’s Revelation’ at the Israel Museum. The first...
Earth and Moon Water Source

The Earth and Moon had the same water source

There have been many theories about how the Moon was formed. There is the Capture Theory supporting the idea that Moon was formed somewhere else and later was captured by the gravitational forces of...
Europa - Search for Habitable Planets

Government Funding Approved for Europa Mission in Search for Habitable Planets

Jupiter’s moon Europa is often described as one of those space destinations that most allure an astronomer. It is reported to contain all the essential ingredients for life, which was identified by...
Plato Hidden Music

Plato and his Hidden Music Code

Plato is one of the greatest ancient Greek philosophers. He was a student of Socrates and his writings delve into philosophy, theology, mathematics, cosmology and epistemology. He was the founder of...
Brazilian Atlantis Seabed Rock

Sunken Land in Brazil brings up speculations about Atlantis

We are all familiar with the legend of Atlantis, the mythical continent that Plato mentions in one of his writings. The topic has raised huge debate amongst historians and archaeologists about...
Petroglyphs at Veracruz, Mexico

Interesting petroglyphs found in Mexico

Petroglyphs found in Veracruz, at the foot of mountain Cerro del Sombrerete appear to depict a priest or another type of man dressed in some type of a ceremonial suit. A set of petroglyphs were...
Space Colonization

How about humans colonizing Space in the Future?

If Star Trek a few decades ago looked like extreme science fiction, today we are getting closer to it to becoming a future reality. Scientists have been making significant progress in space...
Shema’ Yisrael The God is One

‘God is One’: It wasn’t always like this in Christianity

Today followers of Christianity and Judaism have the belief that there is one God. And not only that, but the One of Christianity is the better than the One of other religions like Muslims for...
Nuclear Fusion Engine Space Travel

Nuclear Fusion Technology will speed up Space Travel

In a previous article, we saw how a private organization is aiming to colonize Mars in about 10 years from now. With our current space technology, a round trip to Mars would require 501 days to...
Archaeological Findings Maya Ceibal

Archaeological Findings push Mayan Civilizations further back in time

The Ceibal (El Ceibal) archaeological site includes old Mayan Ruins over the west margin of La Passion River, about 12km east of the municipality of Sayaxche in Guatemala. This was the largest Mayan...
Invisible waveforms, ET and other Transmissions

Invisible waveforms, ET and other Transmissions

The recent 'Citizen Hearing on Disclosure' discussed possible reasons for the pervasive, pathological and absurd secrecy around the ongoing extraterrestrial & UFO events, which appear to be...
Tiny Alien Sirius

Controversy over Tiny Alien-Like Hominid Continues

Recently we reported on the discovery of a tiny 6-inch hominid skeleton found in Chile’s Atacama Desert with unusual characteristics, as shown in the Sirius Documentary . The specimen was subjected...
Ancient Artwork - Risk

Is our ancient artwork at risk?

After carefully researching and studying the physical footings and the condition of Bronze and Neolithic rock art panes in Northumberland, researchers have come to the conclusion that our ancient art...
Wales Ancient Remains in the Snow

Wales' forgotten ancient remains in the Snow

Archaeologists have exposed settlements in mid-town Wales, dating back 4000 years and this was only possible because they were covered in snow fall in the countryside. The Bronze Age remains were...
Citizen Hearing on Disclosure - Day 5

Day 5 of Citizen Hearing on Disclosure – The Grand Finale

So far, a number of media sources, such as the Huffington Post, have presented well-written analyses of the evidence that has been presented throughout the Citizens Hearing. However, sadly the highly...
Eyeball planets Extraterrestrial Life

'Eyeball Earth' Planets Could Hold Extraterrestrial Life

According to scientists, planets that resemble giant eyeballs due to the unusual distribution of ice, water and land, may exist around red dwarf stars and may be capable of supporting life. When a...
Citizen Hearing on Disclosure - Day 4

Day 4 of the Citizens Hearing on Disclosure – Global Awareness of UFOS

We considered Day 3 of the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure to be impressive. In that case, Day 4 was extraordinary! The focus of Day 4 was on international UFO incidents and documents including...
Earth-like planets

Don’t just look at Earth-like planets in the search for alien life, scientists say

A number of recent reports on the search for extraterrestrial life have focused on the discovery of other planets that are similar to Earth in terms of their size or the conditions on the planet...
Intelligent Life on Other Planets

Intelligent Life on Other Planets – Is it One in a Million?

Recently, 2740 planets were discovered by NASA’s Kepler mission, and most of them were orbiting stars. But the question remains if there is intelligent life present on any of these discovered planets...
Citizen Hearing on Disclosure - Day 3

Day Three of Citizen’s Hearing on Disclosure – Undeniable Evidence Revealed

The third day of the Congress Hearing on Disclosure began with a panel testifying on multiple UFO cases through different organizations. National UFO Reporting Centre (NUFORC) The first to speak was...
Antarctic Ice

Breaking the Antarctic Ice for Answers

Scientists have finally conquered a great feat in science and engineering by drilling a 800 meter hole in the Antarctic ice strip to make it through to the sub-glacial lake and successfully collect...
Mysterious Metallic Spheres Mexico

The Temple of the Feathered Serpent and the gold-coloured spheres

The Temple of the Feathered Serpent is the third largest pyramid at Teotihuacan, a pre-Columbian site in central Mexico. Constructed in 200 AD, the six-level step pyramid was built using hundreds of...
Citizen Hearing on Disclosure - Day 2

Day 2 of Citizen's Hearing - UFO Involvement at Military Installations

The second day of the Citizen’s Hearing on Disclosure started with Nick Pope and a panel describing their first-hand experience of the Rendlesham Forest UFO incident in Suffolk, England, a major...
