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Egypt Street Views

A friend of mine posted this article on FB. It's pretty neat! Sure it's not the same as actually being able to go and see it in person, but it's as close as I'm currently going to get! :)

here's the view of the pyramid of Khafre:,31.1288953,3a,75y,49.69h,88.14t/data=!3m5!1e1!3m3!1sRrzOB7x2X6Fz7l_2SC1H9Q!2e0!3e5

Such massive structures. I

Such massive structures. I give a lot of credit to the people who buckled in and defeated this task, whether aliens, gods or simply human.

One of my favorite ancient monuments!

How were the Pyramids of Giza

How were the Pyramids of Giza constructed? I’m always curious about this question.

Hello, this video will show

Hello, this video will show and explain about how the Egyptians built the Giza pyramids really interesting. Archaeologists have been puzzling over their methods for ages.

This stonemason named Wally did some experiments and discovered some pretty cool stuff. Basically, the Egyptians cut the huge limestone blocks at angles so they slotted together perfectly without any cement. Can you believe it? They stacked layer after layer into a staircase shape with no glue holding it together - pretty impressiveengineering skills!

Also, instead of those ramp ideas, Wally thinks they had internal spiraling ramps inside the pyramids. Genius right? The structures were designed from the inside out so they could build themselves up. Blew my mind how smart the ancient Egyptians were with maths and building techniques.

Definitely gives new insight into how they managed to construct those massive Giza pyramids over 4,500 years ago with seemingly modern methods. Pretty cool stuff! Check it out. 

And maybe that's mainly the reason that the Pyramid of Giza still standing and one of the most visited destination according from this statistics tourism from 2023 from this article it says 14.7 million visitors each year. 

Hands down! 

Egypt Street Views

How were the Pyramids of Giza constructed?