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An Omani Caves Exploration Team member about to descend to the bottom of Yemen’s legendary Well of Hell.			Source: Screenshot / OCET Oman

Omani Cavers Brave Descent into Yemen’s Famous “Well of Hell”

Popularly known as the Well of Hell, the Well of Barhout is a 98-foot (30-meter) wide and 367-foot (112-meter) deep sinkhole located in Yemen’s Al-Mahara province in the east of the country. The...
The mostly silver Vale of York Hoard found in 2007 by two (father and son) metal detectorists. Photo source: Wikimedia.

The Vale of York Hoard: The Finest Silver Viking Treasure Find In The UK

The Vale of York Hoard is a Viking hoard dating to the 10th century AD. The hoard, which consists primarily of silver coins, was discovered by a pair of metal detectorists in 2007. The objects in the...
Highway Project Unearths Post-Medieval Burial Ground in England

Highway Project Unearths Post-Medieval Burial Ground in England

Twelve months after a massive archaeological dig at the Trinity Burial Ground that forms part of a £355 million Highways England improvement and redevelopment project started in Hull in northern...
Aerial view of the Pergamon Acropolis and huge Pergamon Amphitheater, Izmir Province, Turkey.      Source: Tarik GOK / Adobe Stock

Excavations Reveal Pergamon Amphitheater Had Reserved ‘Box Seats’

Which sports and entertainment fan today hasn’t yearned for box seats or VIP seating for their favorite concert? Despite the needle of time ticking away through these centuries, some things don’t...
An artist’s illustration of the Segorbe Giant along with genetic information about his maternal and paternal lines. 	Source: University of Huddersfield

DNA Analysis of Spain’s Segorbe Giant Reveals Ancient Ethnic Cleansing

Genetic experts have completed a full sequencing of a DNA sample obtained from a 1,000-year-old skeleton unearthed in 1999 in an ancient Islamic cemetery near the village of Segorbe, Spain, which is...
This undated photo made available by the National Park Service in September 2021 shows fossilized human footprints at the White Sands National Park in New Mexico. ( National Parks Service )

Ancient Ancestors Walking All Over Clovis First Academics

21st Century man is very conscious of the carbon footprint he leaves behind, but footprints of people who lived about 23,000 years ago have just walked all over modern man’s Clovis First Theory. The...
Bust of an Etruscan woman. Source: Ana Tramont / Adobe Stock

Mysterious Origins of the Etruscans: DNA Study Solves the Riddle

A new study published in the journal Science Advances offers evidence to support the theory of local origins of the Etruscans, an advanced Iron Age peoples in central Italy. For the study, scientists...
St Rumwold was an infant saint. Source: Framestock / Adobe Stock

St Rumwold: The Infant Saint and Medieval Miracle Stories

Tucked away in an almost-forgotten manuscript from the 11th century is the extraordinary tale of St Rumwold, an infant saint who lived on this earthly plane for only three days. But in that short...
Woman with arctic dog. Source: Demian / Adobe Stock

Ancient Siberians Bred, Bought and Traded Arctic Dogs

Genetic breeding programs in the ancient Arctic required fresh DNA from faraway places. Therefore, long-distance trade routes rang with the barks and howls of horny Arctic dogs as they marched...
Three gold coins on the seabed. Source: Copyright University of Alicante.

Divers Find Huge 1,500-Year-Old Roman Coin Hoard off The Spanish Coast

Two amateur divers cleaning trash from the seabed of Alicante while holidaying off the coast of Spain have uncovered a cache of 1,500-year-old gold Roman coins. Numbering 53 in total, the gold coins...
Phaistos Disc Side A.		Source: C Messier/ CC BY-SA 4.0

The Phaistos Disc: Spiral Secrets Suggest It’s a Festival Calendar

In 1908, Italian archaeologist Luigi Pernier was working in southern Crete at an ancient Minoan palace located in the town of Phaistos. Digging amid the ruins he found a clay circular tablet that has...
Gen. Santa Anna's prosthetic leg remains on display at the Illinois State Military Museum in Springfield. (Lane Christiansen / Chicago Tribune)

Full Military Honors: Why Did General Santa Anna Bury His Leg?

Antonio López de Santa Anna was a controversial yet highly influential general who had earned the title of the “ Napoleon of the West.” The period in which he lived was also sometimes referred to as...
Medieval gunpowder recipes were far from perfected and led to many explosive accidents. Source: photosampler / Adobe Stock

Medieval Gunpowder Recipes Blasted In New Experiment

Researchers have recreated and exploded a series of medieval gunpowder recipes. A new paper shows that through trial and error so-called ‘black powder’ was developed, with some economic setbacks...
German soldiers shooting Herero people in 1904

Herero and Namaqua Genocide: The Little-Known First Genocide of the Second Reich

When you hear the word genocide, your mind may immediately go to the Holocaust by the Nazis during the Second World War. Very few know that the first genocide of the 20th century that almost led to...
Castlerigg Stone Circle, Cumbria, England     Source: grahammoore999 / Adobe Stock

Stone Circles Explained: How Maypoles and Lintels Lead to Stone Houses

The following essay is extracted from “ Stone Circles Explained ” by Stephen Childs. This book offers some alternative and less explored theories of the purpose of stone circles. Not all stone...
The ancient New Mexico footprints found at White Sands National Park, which could be dated because the footprints were embedded with native plant seeds. 		Source: Bennett et al. / Science

23,000-Year-Old Human Footprints Found In New Mexico Are Revolutionary

Multiple patches of human footprints found alongside a long-vanished Ice Age lake in New Mexico have finally been dated, many years after they were first discovered. Scientists used radiocarbon...
Wuxia The Underdog Chinese Martial Arts Hero And The Code Of Jianghu

Wuxia The Underdog Chinese Martial Arts Hero And The Code Of Jianghu

Those who are familiar with the Chinese word wuxiá (martial heroes) may associate it with memories of martial arts films and television programs that portray a fanciful depiction of Chinese martial...
One of the Chilca culture burials accidently unearthed by the Calidda gas company in the city of Chilca, 37 miles (60 km) south of Lima Peru.	Source: Calidda

Gas Pipe Workers Accidentally Unearth Chilca Culture Burial in Peru

Workers laying pipes for the gas company Calidda in Chilca, which is 37 miles (60 km) south of Lima, Peru, have recently uncovered the remains of eight people buried together in a Chilca culture...
Marie-Antoinette     Source: Christie’s / Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin FRCP(Glasg)/ CC BY-SA 4.0

Marie Antoinette’s Diamond Encrusted Bracelets Will Sell For Millions

A pair of Queen Marie Antoinette’s bracelets are to come under the hammer next month. With the richest collectors in the world all primed, it’s expected that the already whopping $2 to $4 million...
Bactrian gold crown, an archaeological treasure of Afghanistan

Are Afghanistan’s Archaeological Treasures Safe?

Experts are concerned for the future of Afghanistan’s archaeological sites and treasures following the Taliban takeover. Even if the ancient sites are not looted and destroyed, there is still the...
World’s Oldest Jewelry Excavated at a Moroccan Cave

World’s Oldest Jewelry Excavated at a Moroccan Cave

Human beings have been wearing necklaces, bracelets earrings, and other forms of jewelry for a long time. But when you are next looking at a cross bracelet in an antique store and wondering what...
Recently, the Çavuştepe Castle necropolis dig team discovered a new type of Urartu tomb where the dead were buried near a platform structure. The bones of an adult in this tomb were found in a mixed state with the head of the corpse next to its feet as this image clearly shows. Source: Anadolu Agency

Necropolis in Turkey Reveals the Iron Age Burial Customs of the Urartu

Excavations that started over five years ago at a Urartian necropolis at Çavuştepe Castle in eastern Turkey (ancient Anatolia) have revealed a multiplicity of burial customs among the Iron Age Urartu...
Was the fleet of Santa Maria, Pinta and Niña represented here admiral led by Christopher Columbus or Don Cristóbal Colón?

Columbus’s Identity Crisis and the Ongoing Spread of False Columbus News

The news was astounding! Famous India was discovered just a month’s sailing across the Atlantic, proclaimed the first-ever International Press Release , dated Lisbon, March 4, 1493. The outrageous...
Great Wall of China, China.

8 Ancient Chinese Inventions the West Had Not Imagined

According to the statistics provided by the World Economic Forum, nowadays China can boast its position as the world’s second largest spender on scientific research and development, yielding only to...
