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This undated photo made available by the National Park Service in September 2021 shows fossilized human footprints at the White Sands National Park in New Mexico. ( National Parks Service )

Ancient Ancestors Walking All Over Clovis First Academics

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21st Century man is very conscious of the carbon footprint he leaves behind, but footprints of people who lived about 23,000 years ago have just walked all over modern man’s Clovis First Theory. The Clovis First Theory insists that the very first people to enter the Americas were Paleolithic hunters who followed game animals across what was then a so-called land bridge, which was really much bigger than the word ‘bridge’ implies, that connected Asia and Siberia to Alaska. This migration took a long time. It went on for thousands of years. No one suggests that a single family of people walked all the way from Lake Baikal to Montana. It was a gradual process that included many generations. They moved slowly, adapting to conditions as they went, sometimes staying in the same area for generations. But when these people finally reached Canada, the theory says, they eventually spread out and covered North America, Central America and then South America. It postulates a migration from the north that began some 16,5000 years ago and ended about 3,000 years later, when rising sea levels flooded what is now called Beringia.

The blades of the Clovis culture had distinctively shaped stone spear points, bifacial and typically fluted on both sides, known as the Clovis point. (Public License)

Hunting With Clovis Spears

Once here in the Americas, the people invented the Clovis Point, which is considered to be the first American invention. It was a fluted spear point whose sheer beauty has never been rivaled. Because the first example of this point was found near the town of Clovis, New Mexico, the people who made it were called Clovis people. For a long time, and in many corners of the archaeological world even today, they were called the First Americans. In the 1960s it became popular to declare with great confidence that these people, armed with their wonderful invention, were the ones who hunted the great mastodons to extinction. Their arrival seemed to coincide with the disappearance of the great beasts, so why not? It was a great theory back then, partly because the urbanization of America had led a lot of people into cities and hunting was becoming a sort of social stigma.

Book illustration of Early humans slaying a mastodon (Public Domain)

But to read those articles now, they seem illogical in one respect. One moment the author is saying how risky and difficult it was to take on a mammoth.


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Jim Willis is author of more than a dozen on religion and spirituality, he has been an ordained minister for over forty years while working part-time as a carpenter, the host of his own drive-time radio show, an arts council director and adjunct college professor in the fields of World Religions and Instrumental Music. He is author of The Quantum Akashic Field: A Guide to Out-of-Body Experiences for the Astral Traveler

Top Image: This undated photo made available by the National Park Service in September 2021 shows fossilized human footprints at the White Sands National Park in New Mexico. ( National Parks Service )

By Jim Willis



Anyone noticed the 6 toes on the lower left footprint?

jim willis's picture


After graduating from the Eastman School of Music, Jim Willis became a high school band and orchestra teacher during the week, a symphony trombonist on the weekends, a jazz musician at night and a choral conductor on Sunday mornings. ... Read More

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