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All the latest news on finds, advancements, and research in archaeology and ancient history, from the No 1 Ancient History website in the world


The temple of Zeus has been found amongst the ruins of the ancient city Magnesia (Magnesia on the Maeander), Turkey       Source: lic0001 / Adobe Stock

Temple of Zeus Gate Rises In Turkey’s Magnesia on the Maeander

Archaeologists in Turkey have excavated the entrance gate the Temple of Zeus at Magnesia. The site of Magnesia on the Maeander is relatively unknown in the annals of Aegean Region archaeological...
Interior of a Gothic Cathedral by Paul Vredeman de Vries (1612) Los Angeles County Museum of Art (Public Domain)

The Language And Symbolism Embedded In Medieval Stone Bibles

In the Middle Ages, paintings and sculptures had a powerful educational function. The Church relied on the language of images to influence the illiterate masses. Popular education was nourished not...
Archaeologists clean the motifs on the walls of a tomb found in the ancient city of Blaundus, Turkey.	Source: Anadolu Agency

Four Hundred 2,000-year-old Rock Tombs Found in Blaundus, Anatolia

The ancient city of Blaundus, an erstwhile Roman episcopal city in the Roman province of Lydia (modern-day Anatolia), which is within contemporary Turkish borders, has just witnessed a spectacular...
An overview of the trench in the rock-shelter area at Leang Bulu Bettue, Sulawesi, from where the human remains have been excavated.		Source: Brumm et al., 2021, PLoS ONE /CC-BY 4.0

Earliest Human Remains Unearthed On Sulawesi, Indonesia

Archaeologists searching for skeletal remains of ancient Homo sapiens on the Indonesian island of Sulawesi have achieved their goal. In Leang Bulu Bettue cave in southwestern Sulawesi, they unearthed...
Looking up inside a Yakhchal

Ancient Advanced Technology: 2,400-Year-Old Yakhchals Kept Ice in the Desert

The ancients were cleverer than some people today assume. They didn’t have rockets or electricity, at least no indisputable proof has been found of such technologies, but they did come up with...
The left side of this Greek warrior’s jaw was broken in two but the use of a Hippocratic ancient surgery, which is visible in the image shown here, managed allow the jaw to heal again.                Source: Anagnostis Agelarakis / Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry

Ancient Hippocratic Surgery Found In The ‘Golden’ Jaw Of A Greek Warrior

The remains of a decapitated 13th-century warrior were discovered in Greece in the 1990s. Now, his unique “gold-threaded jaw” is revealing Hippocratic ancient surgery secrets from 5th-century-BC...
Bronze Age Bull Geoglyph Found In Siberia Is A First

Bronze Age Bull Geoglyph Found In Siberia Is A First

Archaeologists conducting excavations at the Jonderguéi 22 site in the south-west of the Republic of Tuva in southern Siberia have made the exciting discovery of a bull geoglyph. It is believed to be...
The elite woman found in a grave in southern Siberia belonged to the Karasuk culture, which was known for its impressive skills in producing high-quality bronze which they cast in wax molds. The jewelry recently found in the grave is shown here on a living woman’s hand. 	Source: Novosibirsk Institute of Archeology and Ethnography

Spectacular Bronze Age Karasuk Culture Jewelry Found in Siberian Grave

A Bronze Age burial in southern Siberia has produced one of the most diverse and dazzling collections of high-quality jewelry ever discovered in an ancient individual’s grave. Inside the grave of a...
‘The gyri of the thinker's brain as a maze of choices in biomedical ethics.’ (Deriv.) An ancient Greek memory technique suggests imagining a pathway through a location to remember important information.

Enhance Your Memory with this Ancient Greek Memorization Technique

In Greek mythology, Mnemosyne was the personification of memory. In ancient Greece, prior to being written down, stories were recounted orally. Due to that, memory played an important part in the...
The Vanguard Cave, part of the Gorham’s Cave Complex.	Source: Gibraltar Government

40,000-Year-Old Chamber Of Secrets Discovered At Gorham’s Cave Complex

A Neanderthal child’s tooth was discovered in Gibraltar’s Gorham’s Cave Complex four years ago, declaring their presence. Now, a lost chamber has been discovered in Vanguard Cave, one of the four...
Anesthetics allowed for far more detailed, careful surgeries to succeed. Source: Marina / Adobe Stock.

The Numbing Truth: A History Of Anesthesia

Throughout history, needing the help of a surgeon was almost a death sentence because if one did not die on the operating table, one would feel the excruciating agony brought from the heavy crude...
Mesopotamian Superpowers Laying Waste To The Ancient Near East

Mesopotamian Superpowers Laying Waste To The Ancient Near East

Call it Canaan, the Levant or the Ancient Near East; the region has always had a troubled history of warfare and invasions. For 400 years from 732 to 332 BC, this region incorporating Philistia,...
Eagle Raptors were the alpha hunters of Australia 25-million-years-ago. 	Source: © Jacob Blokland / Flinders University

25-Million-Year-Old Raptor Dominated Land and Sky At Australian Lake

Dating to 25 million years ago, the ‘oldest and most-complete’ raptor skeleton ever found has been unearthed in Australia. The eagle-like remains are distinctive and indicate a hunter that was top of...
Screen shot from the film ‘Enigma of Kaspar Hauser’ (1974).

The Mysterious and Tragic Life of Kaspar Hauser

He came from nowhere and became one of the greatest mysteries of 19th century Germany. On May 26th, 1828 he appeared in the streets of Nuremberg. For the next five years he was a source of...
A view of the Tikal jungle landscape from Temple IV. It was in this dense forested area that LIDAR amazing found the Teotihuacan replicas hidden from archaeologists working at the famous site for more than 60 years.  Source: JuanLuis / Adobe Stock

Precise Teotihuacan Replicas Found With LiDAR at Maya City of Tikal

High-tech scanning around the ancient Maya city of Tikal in northern Guatemala has revealed the presence of some previously undiscovered ruins, dating back to the early first millennium AD. Using...
An Omani Caves Exploration Team member about to descend to the bottom of Yemen’s legendary Well of Hell.			Source: Screenshot / OCET Oman

Omani Cavers Brave Descent into Yemen’s Famous “Well of Hell”

Popularly known as the Well of Hell, the Well of Barhout is a 98-foot (30-meter) wide and 367-foot (112-meter) deep sinkhole located in Yemen’s Al-Mahara province in the east of the country. The...
The mostly silver Vale of York Hoard found in 2007 by two (father and son) metal detectorists. Photo source: Wikimedia.

The Vale of York Hoard: The Finest Silver Viking Treasure Find In The UK

The Vale of York Hoard is a Viking hoard dating to the 10th century AD. The hoard, which consists primarily of silver coins, was discovered by a pair of metal detectorists in 2007. The objects in the...
Highway Project Unearths Post-Medieval Burial Ground in England

Highway Project Unearths Post-Medieval Burial Ground in England

Twelve months after a massive archaeological dig at the Trinity Burial Ground that forms part of a £355 million Highways England improvement and redevelopment project started in Hull in northern...
Aerial view of the Pergamon Acropolis and huge Pergamon Amphitheater, Izmir Province, Turkey.      Source: Tarik GOK / Adobe Stock

Excavations Reveal Pergamon Amphitheater Had Reserved ‘Box Seats’

Which sports and entertainment fan today hasn’t yearned for box seats or VIP seating for their favorite concert? Despite the needle of time ticking away through these centuries, some things don’t...
An artist’s illustration of the Segorbe Giant along with genetic information about his maternal and paternal lines. 	Source: University of Huddersfield

DNA Analysis of Spain’s Segorbe Giant Reveals Ancient Ethnic Cleansing

Genetic experts have completed a full sequencing of a DNA sample obtained from a 1,000-year-old skeleton unearthed in 1999 in an ancient Islamic cemetery near the village of Segorbe, Spain, which is...
This undated photo made available by the National Park Service in September 2021 shows fossilized human footprints at the White Sands National Park in New Mexico. ( National Parks Service )

Ancient Ancestors Walking All Over Clovis First Academics

21st Century man is very conscious of the carbon footprint he leaves behind, but footprints of people who lived about 23,000 years ago have just walked all over modern man’s Clovis First Theory. The...
Bust of an Etruscan woman. Source: Ana Tramont / Adobe Stock

Mysterious Origins of the Etruscans: DNA Study Solves the Riddle

A new study published in the journal Science Advances offers evidence to support the theory of local origins of the Etruscans, an advanced Iron Age peoples in central Italy. For the study, scientists...
St Rumwold was an infant saint. Source: Framestock / Adobe Stock

St Rumwold: The Infant Saint and Medieval Miracle Stories

Tucked away in an almost-forgotten manuscript from the 11th century is the extraordinary tale of St Rumwold, an infant saint who lived on this earthly plane for only three days. But in that short...
Woman with arctic dog. Source: Demian / Adobe Stock

Ancient Siberians Bred, Bought and Traded Arctic Dogs

Genetic breeding programs in the ancient Arctic required fresh DNA from faraway places. Therefore, long-distance trade routes rang with the barks and howls of horny Arctic dogs as they marched...
