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We share free history videos relating to archaeology, ancient places, unexplained phenomena, historic mysteries, and much more. Don’t miss the chance to explore these ancient mysteries videos. These ancient history videos also include interviews with authors, researchers and top experts from around the world. Explore these ancient mysteries videos and immerse yourself in the wonder of our ancient past.

Chinese woman. Source:  Pituk / Adobe Stock.

Nüshu: China's Secret Language That Only Women Speak (Video)

In a remote region of central China lies a remarkable secret language known only to women. Born out of a history of subjugation and limited opportunities, this language, called Nüshu, emerged over...
The archaeological site of Tall el-Hammam, Jordan that overlooks the Jordan Valley (Deg777 / CC by SA 4.0)

Tall el-Hammam: Is This Ancient City the Real Sodom? (Video)

In the lower Jordan River Valley, buried beneath layers of dirt and rock, lies the remains of an ancient city that dates back almost 4,000 years. Known as Tall el-Hammam , this intriguing site...
Neanderthal engravings in Gorham’s Cave, Gibraltar. Credit: Stewart Finlayson, courtesy of  Gibraltar Museum.

Gorham’s Cave: Did Neanderthals Create Art? (Video)

The enigmatic past of Neanderthals has long intrigued researchers, raising questions about their cognitive abilities and creative expressions. Nestled within the depths of Gorham's Cave , just off...
Chichen Itza, Mexico. Source: mehaniq41 / Adobe Stock.

Chichen Itza's Dark Secrets: Decoding Mayan Sacrifices (Video)

In the world of the ancient Mayans , the practice of sacrifice holds a profound significance. Our focus is directed towards the site of Chichen Itza, where intriguing remnants shed light on the...
Skara Brae Neolithic settlement, Orkney. Source: Manel Vinuesa / Adobe Stock.

Orkney: The Island Whose History Is Eroding Into the Sea (Video)

In an era where knowledge is easily accessible, it's disheartening to realize that valuable fragments of our history slip away, forever lost in time. Nestled near the parish of Deerness in Orkney ,...
Castellaccio di Messina, Sicily. Credit:

Castellaccio di Messina: Italy’s Most Haunted Castle (Video)

Castellaccio di Messina, an abandoned castle situated in Sicily , carries a rich history dating back centuries. Built in the medieval era, it served as a defensive fortress, guarding the surrounding...
Kintsugi: Broken Japanese vase that has been repaired.  Source: Margineanu / Adobe Stock.

Embracing Imperfection: The Artistry of Kintsugi (Video)

In the realm of pottery, there exists an extraordinary Japanese art form that transforms broken fragments into something even more beautiful. This mesmerizing practice, known as "kintsugi," embraces...
Abandoned village of Granadilla in Spain. Source:  JIRMoronta / Adobe Stock.

Granadilla: The Spanish 'Ghost Town' That Should be Underwater (Video)

The picturesque town of Granadilla, located in Spain , carries a captivating tale of abandonment and longing. With its roots tracing back to the 9th Century AD, this medieval gem thrived for...
Prehistoric family. Source: Rawf8 / Adobe Stock.

Prehistoric Mothers and the Artifact that Ensured Our Survival (Video)

New research has shed light on the vital role that prehistoric mothers played in the Neolithic period, approximately 7,500 years ago. This era marked a significant shift in human civilization, with...
In 2020, the first cloned Przewalski's horse was born. Source: Lawrence / CC by SA 2.0.

The American Scientists Bringing Animals Back From Extinction (Video)

In a world where the delicate balance of nature is threatened by human activities, a group of American scientists has taken on an extraordinary mission. Hidden away within the walls of San Diego Zoo’...
The miracle rings of Ourense. Source: YouTube screenshot / BBC Reel.

Divine Relics: The Miracle Rings of Ourense (Video)

In a realm where history intertwines with faith, there exists a set of ancient relics that have captivated the imaginations of scholars and believers alike. Known as the "miracle" rings of Ourense,...
Palermo mummies.  Source: Habanero666 / CC by SA 3.0.

Resurrecting the Past: Sicily's Bizarre Mummy Rituals (Video)

Sicily's enigmatic mummy rituals have captivated researchers and historians alike for decades. Originating with the capuchin monks of Palermo , the tradition of mummification rapidly spread across...
Correfoc, Mallorca. Source: Jordi / Adobe Stock.

Correfoc: The “Demonic” Tradition of Mallorca (Video)

On the Spanish island of Mallorca, an ancient tradition known as 'correfoc' has been captivating locals and visitors alike for decades. This unique festival , rooted in medieval street theatre and...
Pictish carvings in Wemyss Caves. Source: SCAPE Trust.

Carved in Stone: Exploring Wemyss Caves' Pictish Symbols (Video)

Hidden within the depths of Scotland's Fife lies a secret world of mystery and artistry, tucked away in the Wemyss caves . These ancient caverns hold a remarkable treasure trove of symbols etched...
Hermitage of San Bartolomé. Source: Al Carrera / Adobe Stock.

Why Did the Templars Mark This Mysterious Spot On the Map? (Video)

Nestled within the majestic Rio dos Lobos Canyon stands the 12th-century hermitage of San Bartolomé, a hidden gem veiled in secrets and symbolism. This enigmatic chapel holds a significant place in...
A gold piece from the Vindelev hoard. Source: Oleryhlolsson / CC by SA 4.0.

The Ancient Golden Treasure Rewriting Danish History (Video)

A remarkable chance discovery in the Danish village of Vindelev is revolutionizing our understanding of early Norse history. Two old school friends, armed only with a metal detector, stumbled across...
Scottish broch. Source: ivan / Adobe Stock.

Unlocking the Secrets of Scotland’s 2,000-Year-Old ‘Skyscrapers’

In the heart of Scotland's captivating wilderness, an enigma from the past stands tall, shrouded in mystery and curiosity. These towering stone structures, known as brochs , have silently witnessed...
Plimpton 322 clay tablet. Source: Public Domain.

Were the Ancient Babylonians Far More Advanced Than We Thought? (Video)

Plimpton 322 , a 3,800-year-old ancient clay tablet, stands as a testament to the astounding mathematical prowess of the Babylonians. Dating back centuries before ancient Greece, this artifact...
Visigoths. Source: Warrenpeace21 / Adobe Stock.

The Murder Hunt that Unearthed a Long-Lost Visigoth Settlement (Video)

In a twist of fate, a murder hunt led to the remarkable discovery of a long-lost settlement. Lourdes and Rosario Malón, victims of General Franco's brutal regime in 1936, were the focus of Mariano's...
Neanderthals. Source: Mikolaj Niemczewski / Adobe Stock.

What Really Killed the Neanderthals? (Video)

Unraveling the mystery behind the Neanderthals' extinction has captivated scientists for decades. In the fascinating world of paleoanthropology , theories abound, shedding light on the fate of our...
Pile of human skulls. Source: papi8888 / Adobe Stock.

The Dark Discovery of Mexico's Huge Tower of Human Skulls (Video)

Deep within the heart of Mexico City , beneath layers of rubble and dust, lay a dark secret waiting to be unveiled. For years dark tales of a tower of skulls that terrified Spanish Conquistadors were...
Female pirate. Source: aicandy / Adobe Stock.

Anne Bonny: Behind the Myth of the Breast-Baring Pirate (Video)

Within the realm of pirate lore and seafaring legends, one name stands out among the rest: Anne Bonny . Renowned for her audacious exploits, Bonny has become a figure shrouded in mystery and intrigue...
Artemis statue found in Pompeii. Source: Alaskanspaceship / CC by SA 4.0.

Why Have Historians Stripped Ancient Statues of Their Color? (Video)

In the realm of classical art , a fascinating conspiracy has quietly lingered, challenging our understanding of classical sculpture . For far too long, we have been misled to believe that these...
Oldest tattoo shop, Israel. Source: Djampa / GNU Free Documentation License.

The Oldest Tattoo Shop in the World (Video)

Meet Waseem Razzouk, the guardian of an extraordinary heritage that spans an astonishing 27 generations. Nestled within his family's humble tattoo shop, a tradition dating back an astounding 700...
