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We share free history videos relating to archaeology, ancient places, unexplained phenomena, historic mysteries, and much more. Don’t miss the chance to explore these ancient mysteries videos. These ancient history videos also include interviews with authors, researchers and top experts from around the world. Explore these ancient mysteries videos and immerse yourself in the wonder of our ancient past.

Night view of the Old Citadel of Aleppo, Syria. Source: holdeneye/Adobe Stock

Aleppo: Before and After the Ravages of War (Video)

Aleppo , Syria, experienced a dramatic transformation due to the conflict that unfolded in the country. Once a vibrant and culturally rich ancient city, Aleppo now bears the scars of war. Before the...
Banteay Chhmar temple complex, Cambodia. Source: Diego Delso/CC BY-SA 3.0

Carved in Stone: The Ancient Splendor of Banteay Chhmar (Video)

Banteay Chhmar temple in Cambodia stands as a remarkable testament to the country's rich history. Constructed during the 12th century, this ancient temple complex showcases intricate bas-reliefs and...
Representational image of an Aghori. Source: Dondon Gigantone / Adobe Stock.

Aghori: Exploring the Bizarre World of Extreme Asceticism (Video)

The Aghori are an intriguing sect of Hinduism known for their unconventional practices and ascetic way of life. They seek spiritual liberation through intense discipline and the transcendence of...
Chichen Itza, Yucatan, Mexico. Source:  IRStone / Adobe Stock.

Lost Treasures of Chichen Itza: Maya Marvels Revealed (Video)

In a world where Europe languished in the dark ages , the splendor of the Maya civilization reached its zenith. Their majestic temples soared high into the heavens, their intricate hieroglyphic...
Luther burning the papal bull, 10 December 1520; Karl Ludwig Bernard Christian Buckhorn, after Franz Ludwig Catel (from Spamers Illustrierte Weltgeschichte, 1894, 5[1], 216/217). Source: Juulijs / Adobe Stock.

Religious Revolution: Unveiling the Protestant Reformation (Video)

The Protestant Reformation of the 16th century shook Europe's cultural identity to its core. It was a revolution that emerged from centuries of political and social grievances against the Christian...
Ancient cult prostitutes. Source: stockcrafter / Adobe Stock.

Ancient Goddess Cults and Temple Prostitution (Video)

In the depths of ancient civilizations, a peculiar practice intertwined sexuality with religious devotion. Revered as sacred, this ritual, known as sacred temple prostitution , involved engaging in...
Fragment from ancient gospel. Source: Stephen Butler / Adobe Stock.

Lost Gospels Revealed: The Startling Revelation of Jesus's Wife (Video)

In the depths of history, a remarkable discovery emerged, shedding new light on the enigmatic figure of Jesus . An ancient fragment of a book, the Gospel of Jesus’s Wife , composed in the mysterious...
Egyptian coffin. Source: George Bailey / Adobe Stock.

Unveiling the Forgotten: Opening Ancient Egyptian Coffins (Video)

In the heart of Thebes , modern-day Luxor, lies a collection of ancient coffins shrouded in mystery. For years, these enigmatic artifacts have been confined to vitrines, receiving only sporadic...
Tarim Basin mummy, China. Credit: Wenying Li, Xinjiang Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology

Unraveling the Mysteries of China’s Ancient Caucasian Mummies (Video)

In a groundbreaking archaeological discovery, mummies with distinctly Caucasian features were unearthed in China's Tarim Basin. Where did they come from ? These remarkably preserved bodies, dating...
The new 3D printed reconstruction of the face of the Lady of Cao (Peru Ministry of Culture)

How the Face of the Lady of Cao was Brought Back to Life (Video)

The iconic Moche mummy, the Señora de Cao , had her face reconstructed through the remarkable collaboration of science and technology. Employing forensic science techniques, her remains underwent...
Ancient Roman funeral and mourning. Source: Erica Guilane-Nachez / Adobe Stock.

Watch the Reenactment of a Traditional Roman Funeral (Video)

The ancient Romans had a unique relationship with death and dying, and their burial practices were no exception. When someone passed away, their loved ones would gather around the dying person's bed...
Watch the Remarkable Ancient Method of Casting Bronze Faces (Video)

Watch the Remarkable Ancient Method of Casting Bronze Faces (Video)

In the realm of ancient artistry , a remarkable technique emerged, known as the "lost wax" method. This ingenious process, dating back centuries, became the cornerstone of bronze casting, bringing to...
Traditional soy sauce production. Source: Quang / Adobe Stock.

750 Years of Flavor: The Story of Yuasa's Soy Sauce (Video)

In the captivating town of Yuasa, Japan, a remarkable secret has been safeguarded for an astonishing 750 years. It is here that the origins of soy sauce , a cornerstone of Japanese gastronomy , were...
Cenote in Yucatan, Mexico. Source: Angiolo / Adobe Stock.

Exploring the Dark Depths: Mystery of the “Evil” Maya Sinkhole (Video)

Deep in the Yucatan jungle , near the ancient city of Mayapán in Mexico's Yucatán peninsula lies a cenote, a natural sinkhole, that has long been shrouded in mystery and superstition. It is a place...
Easter Island moai statues. Source: 16to9foto / Adobe Stock.

Scientists Make Easter Island Moai Statue Walk (Video)

Easter Island , also known as Rapa Nui , is a remote and mysterious island in the Pacific Ocean that has long captured the imagination of people around the world. The island is home to the famous...
Xhosa boys taking part in the Ulwaluko circumcision tradition. Source: Dingeman / GNU Free Documentation License.

From Boys to Men: The Circumcision Tradition of the Xhosa People (Video)

The circumcision ritual has long been a rite of passage for young men in many cultures. For the Xhosa people of South Africa, the tradition , known as Ulwaluko, is a crucial aspect of their cultural...
Living with the Dead: Corpses Dressed Up in Indonesian Tradition (Video)

Living with the Dead: Corpses Dressed Up in Indonesian Tradition (Video)

The Torajan people, living in Sulawesi, Indonesia, have a unique funeral tradition . According to their beliefs, a person isn't truly dead until water buffalo have been sacrificed at their funeral,...
Step pyramid of Djoser. Source: Pavle / Adobe Stock.

Tracing the Origins of the First Pyramid (Video)

The Great Pyramids of Giza are undoubtedly some of the most recognizable structures in the world. But just 10 miles south lies the Necropolis of Saqqara , an ancient cemetery that is home to 11...
Moving Abu Simbel. Source: Rare Historical Photos.

The Massive Project to Move Abu Simbel 200 Feet Up a Cliff Face (Video)

The world is home to many fascinating architectural wonders that have stood the test of time, withstanding natural disasters , wars, and the ravages of time. However, some monuments face a new threat...
Timkat. Source: Wallpaper Flare / CC by SA.

The Challenging Rituals of Ethiopia’s Christian Timkat Ceremony (Video)

The Ethiopian Orthodox Church is a unique branch of Christianity that traces its roots back to the earliest days of the faith . For those who follow this ancient religion, the annual Timkat ceremony...
Representation of lost white city of Honduras. Source: Michael Böhm / Adobe Stock.

The Quest for the Lost White City of Honduras (Video)

Nestled deep in the heart of the Honduran jungle, there is said to be a long-lost city that has eluded explorers for centuries. This fabled city, known as the "The White City" or "La Ciudad Blanca,"...
Flat earth in space. Source: Kevin Carden / Adobe Stock.

From Science to Conspiracy: The Flat Earth Movement (Video)

For centuries, it was commonly accepted that the Earth is a sphere. Ancient Greeks were among the first to come to this conclusion through empirical observations and reasoning. Since then, the idea...
Shaolin monk in the temple. Source: Animaflora PicsStock / Adobe Stock.

Kung-Fu Legends: The Shaolin Temple Monks (Video)

The Shaolin Temple is an ancient Buddhist monastery located on Song Mountain in the Henan Province of China. The temple has a history that spans over 1500 years and has been the birthplace of a...
Warriors of the Kingdom of Kush. Source: Horticulture / Adobe Stock.

Secrets of the Kushite Empire and How They Took Over Egypt (Video)

The Kushite takeover of Egypt is a story that is often overlooked in history books. Most of what we know about the kingdom of Kush comes from the perspective of the Egyptians , who wrote everything...
