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Science & Space

Ancient Origins articles related to Science & Space in the sections of history, archaeology, human origins, unexplained, artifacts, ancient places and myths and legends.

Rivers on Mars

Curiosity Rover Discovers Ancient Network of Rivers on Mars

The Mars Curiosity rover has found an ancient river system or an intermittently wet lake bed that would have had favourable conditions for living microbes. 'We have found a habitable environment that...
Mars Curiosity Drill

Possible evidence for life in ancient Mars

Last month, Curiosity did its first drill on the surface of Mars. The section of Mars that the drill took place was where there was a great possibility for that part to have been under water in the...

World’s Largest Telescope May Finally Reveal the Mysteries of our Origins

The world’s most powerful telescope, which was built ‘in search of our cosmic origins’ will be switched on today and has the potential to tell us more about where life on Earth came from. The Atacama...

Russia plans to explore Ganymede

The Jupiter Research Project of Russia includes a mission to land a space probe to Jupiter’s moon, Ganymede, by 2022. It will take approximately 10 years for the spacecraft to reach Ganymede and...
Big Bang

Space Discovery Draws Big Bang into Question

A team of astronomers have observed an object in space whose existence draws into question the reality of the big bang theory. The structure is a large quasar group (LQG) composed of 73 quasars,...
Dwarf stars

White Dwarf Stars May Be Best Chance for Discovering Extra-terrestrial Life

A new study titled, "Detecting Bio-Markers In Habitable-Zone Earths Transiting White Dwarfs", published by the Royal Astronomical Society, has concluded that dying White Dwarf systems could host...
Mining Asteroids

Mining Metals on Asteroids Could Begin Within 2 Years

A remarkable development in space technology involving the use of unmanned ships to intercept small asteroids and mine for useful ores and minerals could by operational as early as 2015. The...
Habitable Planet

Habitable Planets May Not Be as Far Away as First Thought

New research has shown that earth-like planets may not be as far away as previously thought. Prior research had indicated that the ‘habitable zone’ where water is capable of existing, was around 300-...
Extraterresterial Life Exists, Scientist Chandra Wickramasinghe Claims

Extraterrestrial Life Exists, Scientist Chandra Wickramasinghe Claims

If a group of scientists are correct, tiny fossils uncovered inside a meteorite found in Sri Lanka in December are proof of extraterrestrial life. In a detailed paper called "Fossil Diatoms In A New...
Scientists claim meteorite fossils indicate extraterrestrial life

Scientists claim meteorite fossils indicate extraterrestrial life

Scientists published a paper on January 10 in the online Journal of Cosmology in which they claim that a meteorite discovered in Sri Lanka contains evidence of extraterrestrial life. The paper,...
