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All the latest news on finds, advancements, and research in archaeology and ancient history, from the No 1 Ancient History website in the world


Sundial Egypt Valley of the Kings

Ancient Sundial Discovered in the Valley of the Kings

Archaeologists may have discovered the world’s oldest ancient Egyptian sundial, dating to the 13 th Century BC. The sundial, which is made of a flat piece of limestone divided into 12 sections, was...
Aliens – The Definitive Guide

Aliens – The Definitive Guide

Three days ago a new series was premiered on Science Channel. Its name is ‘Aliens: The Definitive Guide’. This new series with the help of prominent scientists (like Michio Kaku) will investigate non...
Neaderthal genetic map

Complete Genetic Map of a Neanderthal Revealed

Scientists from Germany’s Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology have sequenced the entire genome of a Neanderthal using a toe bone found in a cave in Siberia. The research team used...
Ancient Agriculture

Questioning History: Agriculture older than what is believed

Hendrik Bruins, a landscape archaeologist at the Ben Gurion University of Israel suggests that agriculture goes back more than 5000 BC, contradicting the current opinion and Biblical Archaeology. The...
Genetic Mutations

Genetic Mutations evident in ancient human skull

A new research led by Erik Trinkhaus, an anthropologist at Washington University suggests that research done on a 100,000 old skull found in China, shows rare or unknown genetic abnormalities. It may...
Antikythera Wreck

More artefacts to be found at Antikythera

The Antikythera mechanism is one of the most famous ancient technology artefacts. It is an artefact that keeps puzzling the scientists who are still trying to find out what its real purpose was. The...
Mes Aynak

Remarkable Ancient Site in Afghanistan at Risk

In the rocky foothills of South East Kabul lies Mes Aynak, a site of immense historical importance which is now under threat after the sites massive copper reserves were solve off to the China...
Gene for Aging

Scientists Identify and Block Gene Responsible for Brain Aging

A new study published in the journal Neuron has revealed that researchers from the Yale School of Medicine were able to reverse the aging process in the brains of mice by blocking a particular gene...
Neanderthals Big Eyes

The large eyes of Neanderthals probably the cause of their extinction

A study that took place at the Oxford University by Eiluned Pearce , suggests that Neanderthals became extinct because of their big eyes, which are approximately 6mm more from top to bottom. The...
Apollo Cunomaglus

Artefact depicting Apollo Cunomaglus was found

A valuable artefact depicting the Roman God, Apollo Cunomaglus, has been found in a basement cupboard after being missing for over 100 years. The artefact dated 150-350AD, was first discovered in...
Water found on distant planet

Scientists have spotted distant Jupiter sized planet that has water

At the top of Mauna Kea in Hawaii, a team of scientists led by Quinn Konopacky (University of Toronto), have detected a planet the size of Jupiter that indicates that it contains water and carbon...
Ancient People Travelling

Ancient People Travelled Extreme Distances

Two new studies published in The Journal of Human Evolution have revealed that ancient people and Neanderthals travelled far greater distances, in the period from 120,000 to 10,000 years ago, than...
Eudald Carbonell

Once Boy’ Discovery Casts Doubt on View of Human Origins

Recent discoveries show that the first human inhabitants of Western Europe came from Asia, and not from Africa, as previously believed. Spanish Paleontologist, Eudald Carbonell, has said that the...
Durg district of Chhattisgarh

2500 year-old Ancient City Discovered in India

It all started in 2008 when the J R Bhagat, Deputy Director of the Archaeology Department, Chhattisgarh, found some old items (coins, pottery and bones) close to the Kharun River, indicating the...

Sekhmet – The warrior Goddess, Statues found in Egypt

The German Egyptologist, Horig Sourouzian, discovered in West Luxor 14 statues made of black granite, depicting the lionhead goddess Sekhmet . Sekhmet, was a powerful Goddess, daughter of God Ra,...
Jesus shape shifting

Ancient text found mentioning Jesus could shape-shift

An ancient Egyptian Coptic text going back almost 1200 years has been deciphered recently by Roelof Van den Broek of Ultrecht University in the Netherlands. The text outlines parts of Jesus’ life but...
Rivers on Mars

Curiosity Rover Discovers Ancient Network of Rivers on Mars

The Mars Curiosity rover has found an ancient river system or an intermittently wet lake bed that would have had favourable conditions for living microbes. 'We have found a habitable environment that...
Mars Curiosity Drill

Possible evidence for life in ancient Mars

Last month, Curiosity did its first drill on the surface of Mars. The section of Mars that the drill took place was where there was a great possibility for that part to have been under water in the...
Ancient Chinese Tools

Old tools found in China go back earlier in time than previously believed

In a publication on the Journal of Human Evolution, Feng Li, Steven L. Kuhnm Xing Gao and Fu-you Chen have investigated the presence of large blade technology in East Eurasia. Lithic assemblages that...
Algae in meteorite

Strong Evidence for Panspermia Theory - Algae Structures Discovered in Meteorite

At the end of December 2012, a large meteorite fell in the countryside of the province Polonnaruwa in Sri Lanka. The local medical research institute gathered samples of the meteorite and examined it...
Neolithic House

Archaeologists Unearth 12,000 Year Old Settlement in Berkshire

Since 2003 a team from Wessex Archaeology has been investigating a large area at Horton in Berkshire which was used as a settlement for people before the last Ice age (Approximately 12,000 years ago...

World’s Largest Telescope May Finally Reveal the Mysteries of our Origins

The world’s most powerful telescope, which was built ‘in search of our cosmic origins’ will be switched on today and has the potential to tell us more about where life on Earth came from. The Atacama...
Arizona Canals

Ancient Canals in Arizona Show Signs of Advanced Engineering

In the foothills of Mount Graham in Arizona lies a network of mysterious canals believed to have come from an ancient civilization that existed thousands of years ago. The sophisticated irrigation...
Extra-terrestrial life

Building Blocks of Life May Have Extra-terrestrial Origin

The results of a recent study published in the Astrophysical Journal have suggested that complex molecules necessary for the formation of life may have arrived on Earth via a comet or meteorite,...
