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All the latest news on finds, advancements, and research in archaeology and ancient history, from the No 1 Ancient History website in the world


Ancient Egyptian Land at Risk of Destruction

Ancient Egyptian Land at Risk of Destruction

Ancient and valuable land in Egypt is at risk of destruction as illegal building gathers pace near the Black Pyramid at Dahshur, 25 miles south of Cairo. The land of the Pharaohs is being excavated...
Extraterrestrial Megastructures

The Search for Extraterrestrial Megastructures Gains Momentum

Most people are aware of the various attempts being made to search for alien life in our galaxy and beyond, including SETI’s (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) efforts to detect radio...
Indus Civilization - Peace and Wars

Archaeologists say the Indus civilization wasn’t nearly as peaceful as popularly thought

The Indus civilization was long believed to be a peaceful civilization, vastly different from the violent civilization of ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia. However, new research published in the...
Mexico Cave Paintings

Archaeologists Discover Nearly 5,000 Cave Paintings in Mexico

Archaeologists in Mexico have found 4,926 cave paintings in north-east Mexico in Burgos providing new information about the presence of pre-Hispanic people in a region which was previously believed...
Ancient African Coins in Australia

Amazing Discovery that Could Rewrite Australian History

According to the history books, the first person to discover Australia was Dutchman, Willem Janszoon, who landed in north Queensland in 1606 – more than 160 years before Captain Cook arrived and...
Sculpture in Neanderthal Museum (Public Domain)

Large Neanderthal Settlement found in Greece

It was more than 100,000 years ago when this settlement in Mani, Southern Greece, was occupied by a large number of Neanderthals. The site is called Kalamakia Middle Paleolithic Cave. The site was...
Babylon - Common Origin in the world’s languages

In Search for a common origin in the world’s languages

We know the Babylon story in the Bible where the God(s) decided that humanity shouldn’t have a common language because obviously they could achieve wonders like the Babylon Tower that would at some...
Climate Change due to Ancient Humans

Climate Changes Linked to Ancient Human Innovations

New research has revealed that periods of abrupt climate changes led ancient humans to embark on periods of innovation and cultural expansion. The study conducted by Martin Ziegler, an earth science...
Bahrain - World's oldest civilization

Archaeologists unearth one of the world’s oldest civilizations in Bahrain

When people think of ancient civilizations they usually conjure up images of Egypt, China, the Mayans, the Indus Valley or Mesopotamia. Very few will think of Bahrain, which is actually home to one...
Neanderthals and their Thinking Ability

Neanderthals and their Thinking Ability

At the El Castillo Cave in Spain, a series of rock artwork puzzles anthropologists. While initially the artwork was thought to be over 40,000 years old, making it the work of Homo sapiens, recent...
Frontal Lobe and Human Evolution

Human intelligence is not because of the frontal lobe as believed

The frontal lobe is the part of the brain of humans (and mammals) that is responsible for our intelligence. Up until now it was believed that because humans have a more evolved frontal lobe compared...
Star Trek Warp Travel Space

Star Trek Warp Speed closer to reality

The revolutionary technology we see in the Star Trek series may not be science fiction after all as scientists are getting closer to replicating some of the technology that was dreamed up back in the...
Herods Mount Temple in Jerusalem

Second Temple Mount during Herod’s era has been found

We all know how the Temple Mount is the most important Jewish religious site and has been used for thousands of years. And why is it so important? Because it is the place where people go to...
The Mystery of the Lion Man

The Mystery of the Lion Man sculpture

In 1939 in Germany, in a cave inside a mountain, the oldest sculpture in the world was found . It represents a lion head human and it is carved out of mammoth ivory and is about 30cm in height. At...
Early Humans Hunting Spears

Early humans and the evolution of hunting skills

It is very common to take things for granted, however if we get into the habit asking ourselves the question ‘Why’ to things that we think we know, we will probably realize that we do not have the...
Ancient New Zealanders

Archaeologists Reveal Details about Lifestyle of First New Zealanders

A new study published in the international journal, PLOS ONE, has revealed new information about the diet, lifestyles and movements of the very first New Zealanders by analysing their bones and teeth...
Life in Venus Clouds

Could Alien Life Exist in Venus' Mysterious Clouds?

Most people, when they think of the planet Venus, conjure up images of a hot and steaming planet surrounded by highly acidic clouds that would extinguish or prevent any life from ever existing there...
Ancient Water on Earth

Scientists discover 3 billion year-old ancient water on Earth

A British and Canadian team of scientists have discovered ancient pockets of water , which may have been cut off from the surface three billion years ago. The similarity between the geography of the...
Minoans not Egyptians

New Study Reveals that Mysterious Minoans Were not Egyptian

A new study published in the Journal of Nature Communications has revealed that the founders of the first advanced European civilization were European and not Egyptian as previously believed. The...
Apollo Temple unearthed

Lost Temple of Apollo Unearthed by Archaeologists

On a remote island near the Black Sea coast in Bulgaria lies Apollonia Pontica , an ancient Greek colony that was buried over 2000 years ago. Excavation work being carried out by a team of...
The Lost City of Gold

Have Scientists Finally Discovered the Lost City of Gold?

For more than 500 years, explorers, scientists and researchers have been hunting for the legendary City of Gold , which according to ancient myth, is a buried metropolis full of gold and relics. Now...
Ancient Maya Pyramid destroyed

Builders destroy 2,300-year-old Mayan pyramid to make new road

A 100 foot Mayan pyramid in the Nomul complex in Belize has been destroyed by ignorant builders who have used the 2,300 year old ancient structure for road fill. However, distraught archaeologists...
In Search for New Planets - Kepler NASA

More Spacecrafts in Search for Alien Planets

NASA's Kepler observatory has, to date, detected more than 2,700 potential planets that could harbour life since it launched in March 2009, revolutionizing scientists’ understanding of worlds beyond...
Biblical Myths

Are biblical stories just retellings of ancient mythological accounts?

It has long been suggested that stories in the Bible are retellings of far more ancient accounts. For example, Wood (2003) has drawn attention to the fact that there are remarkable similarities...
