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Roman Republic

The Roman Republic period of Roman history  that spanned from the overthrow of the Roman monarchy in 509 BC to the  establishment of the Roman Empire in 27 BC. The Roman Republic was a time of  remarkable growth and transformation, marked by political, social, and economic  developments that laid the foundation for Rome's eventual dominance of the  Mediterranean world. During this time, Rome evolved from a small city-state to  a vast and powerful republic, governed by a complex system of laws and  institutions that would become a model for Western democracy. The Roman  Republic was also a time of great cultural and artistic achievement, with a  flourishing of literature, art, and philosophy that still resonates today. In  this section, we will explore the key events and figures of the Roman Republic,  from the rise of the Roman Republic to the fall of the Roman Republic,  including the conquests of Italy, the Punic Wars, the Gracchi reforms, and the  rise of Julius Caesar. We will examine the political, social, and economic  systems that made the Roman Republic so successful, as well as the challenges  and contradictions that ultimately led to its downfall. Join us as we delve  into the rich and fascinating history of the Roman Republic, and discover how  it laid the foundation for the world we live in today.

Representation of Roman generals

Late Republican Era Rome's Influential Generals (Video)

The transformation of Rome during the Late Republican era was marked by a series of significant changes, particularly in its military and political landscape. From 133 BC to 27 BC, Rome experienced a...
AI image of the Roman Republic

Visualizing Republican Rome's Splendor (Video)

Republican Rome , emerging from the ashes of monarchy, left a tangible legacy in the landscape of ancient Italy. With the expulsion of kings in 509 BC, Rome sought to carve its own identity. Temples...
AI image of the Roman Republic. Source: Alfaza503/Adobe Stock

Visualizing Republican Rome's Splendor (Video)

​ Republican Rome , emerging from the ashes of monarchy, left a tangible legacy in the landscape of ancient Italy. With the expulsion of kings in 509 BC, Rome sought to carve its own identity...
"Certosa di Pavia - Medallion at the base of the facade". The Latin inscription tells that these are Romulus and Remus.           Source: Public Domain

The Seven Legendary Kings Who Built Rome (Video)

The era of Rome's seven kings , spanning from approximately 753 BC to 509 BC, marks a critical period in the city's history. Romulus , the legendary founder, is said to have established Rome's...
The underside of the Etruscan lamp of Cortona. Source: Museo dell'Accademia Etrusca e della città di Cortona/DeGruyter, edited by R. Alburz

Bronze Lamp Revealed as Dionysus Cult Object in Cortona Italy

An interesting new study has challenged the previous estimations surrounding a beautiful bronze lamp unearthed in a ditch near Cortona, central Italy. Using literary sources and iconographic evidence...
left obverse and right reverse of the silver denarius from Rome, dated 113-112 BC. Source: American Numismatic Society

Coin Reveals Ancient Rome’s Fight Against Voter Intimidation

David B. Hollander /The Conversation This silver denarius, minted over 2,000 years ago , is hardly the most attractive Roman coin. And yet, the coin is vital evidence for the early stages of a...
AI image of Emperor Augustus also known as the founder of the Roman Empire.  Source: Nevio/Adobe Stock

How Did the Pax Romana Start and End? (Videos)

The Pax Romana, a remarkable era of relative peace in the Roman Empire from 27 BC to 180 AD, marked a pivotal period that shaped the empire's trajectory. Emerging from the political turmoil of the...
The Gracchi, by Jean-Baptiste Claude Eugène Guillaume (19th century). Musée d’Orsay, Paris. Source: Mary Harrsch/ CC BY NC-SA 2.0

The Gracchi: How Two Brothers Altered the Course of Roman Politics

The Late Republic was in ruins. Civil war was common. Violence broke out between political factions. Bloody slave revolts erupted. As Rome’s old republican institutions imploded, the Republic began...
Cicero with his friend Atticus and brother Quintus, at his villa at Arpinum by Richard Wilson (1771) (Public Domain)

Letters From Cicero To Atticus: Insight Into The Lives Of Roman Scribae

“ Every man can tell how many goats and sheep he possesses but not how many friends ”. Marcus Tullius Cicero Titus Pomponius was neutral both in character and in policy. Perhaps this was his natural...
This group of figures depict an early Roman victory. Marcus Furius Camillus, sometimes called the second founder of Rome, is shown in his victory over Brennus, King of the Gauls. Source: Slices of Light/CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

More Than a Founder, Marcus Furius Camillus Was an Exemplar of Roman Virtue

While ancient Rome achieved many awe-inspiring feats, it is also remembered for its controversial citizens—especially its leaders—who embraced unrestrained decadence. Their conduct was so outlandish...
The Sertorian War saw Roman generals and forces clash with the rebel leader Sertorius in a prolonged struggle for control. Source: Hui / Adobe Stock

The Sertorian War: How Rebels Nearly Toppled Rome from Within

Even the greatest of empires and kingdoms can be weakened by internal strife and civil war. The formidable power of Rome was no exception. Throughout its history—from the Republic to the Empire days—...
Cicero Denounces Catiline in the Roman Senate by Cesare Maccari (1889) (Public Domain)

Conspiracy in Rome: Catiline The Eternal Villian?

L. Sergius Catilina (106 BC to 62 BC) was a Roman soldier and politician who attempted unsuccessfully to overthrow the Roman Republic following his second defeat for consul due to the efforts of his...
The Oath of Catiline, by Joseph-Marie Vien (1809) (Public Domain)

Catiline’s Ambition: Born And Bred For Roman Consulship

L. Sergius Catilina (106 to 62 BC), or Catiline, who eventually led a failed revolt against the Roman Republic, embodied the virtues and vices of members of his class and generation. Catiline was...
Largo di Torre Argentina square in Rome, Italy. Source: Pino Pacifico/Adobe Stock

“Et tu, Brute?” Rome to Reopen Square of Julius Caesar’s Assassination to Public

From this week, history enthusiasts, tourists, and other interested parties will be able to walk through the square where the famed Roman emperor, Julius Caesar, met his end through stabbing. Rome...
Antony and Cleopatra, by Lawrence Alma-Tadema. (Public Domain)

The Final Fates of the Children of Cleopatra VII

Cleopatra VII had four children. One with Julius Caesar and three with Mark Antony. Until 31 BC the family of the last Ptolemaic queen lived a magnificent life in a golden palace, one of the most...
Tigranes the Great, King of Armenia

The Rise and Fall of Tigranes the Great, King of Armenia

Under King Tigranes II the Great, from 95 to 55 B.C. Armenia thrived, and became the strongest state in the Roman east for a time. In the millennia leading up to Roman rule, the Armenian Plateau...
Cincinnatus Receiving Deputies of the Senate.

The Roman Dictator Cincinnatus: Model of an Honest Politician?

Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus is a figure from the Early Republican period of Rome’s history. Cincinnatus (a nickname given to him due to his curly hair) was an aristocrat who belonged to the...
A hacksilber hoard dated to the middle of the eleventh century BC found by the Leon Levy Expedition to Ashkelon.       Source: We are grateful to L. E. Stager and D. Master, directors of the Leon Levy Expedition to Ashkelon, and to D. T. Ariel, for allowing us to publish these photographs.

Scientists Track Silver Trade From Trojan War to Roman Republic

A team of French, Australian, and Israeli scientists has collected evidence proving there was an active and thriving silver trade network in the eastern Mediterranean region in the Late Bronze Age...
Roman inflation from 90 BC onwards eventually brought the Roman Republic to its knees! The Roman Forum, the financial and political center of the city and the Republic would have been a busy place as Roman inflation began to destabilize the entire Roman world.		Source: Jebulon / CC0

Roman Republic Experienced Deep Financial Crisis in 90 BC, Study Shows

In the early first century BC, the Roman Republic experienced a multiyear financial crisis, which we can call “Roman inflation.” But while scholars knew that some kind of breakdown in the Roman...
A modern statue of Eunus, leader of the First Servile War, in Enna. Source: rachid amrous /Adobe Stock

Eunus: Slave ‘King’ and Leader of the First Servile War

The First Servile War was a large-scale slave revolt that lasted from 135 to 132 BC. The uprising, which broke out on the island of Sicily, pitted the rebellious slaves against the Roman Republic...
Detail of ‘Caius Marius Amid the Ruins of Carthage’ (1807) by John Vanderlyn.

Gaius Marius was the Savior of Ancient Rome, but was he a Hero or Villain?

Gaius Marius was easily one of the Roman Republic’s most accomplished men. He was a beloved general, influential military reformer, and a massively successful politician; but later in his career, he...
Julius Caesar on Horseback, Writing and Dictating Simultaneously to His Scribes by Jaques de Gheyn II (1629) (Public Domain)

Did Caesar’s Ambition to Conquer Parthia Lead to His Assassination?

In 56 BC, Julius Caesar invited Marcus Licinius Crassus and Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus to Luca in Cisalpine Gaul (modern-day Lucca, Italy) in an effort to repair their strained relationship, which had...
The so-called “Brutus” Marble.

Marcus Junius Brutus the Younger: Ultimate Betrayer or a Hero of the Roman Empire?

Marcus Junius Brutus the Younger, commonly referred to as just ‘Brutus’, was a politician who lived towards the end of the Roman Republic. Brutus is best known for being one of the main conspirators...
Pirate flag.

When Julius Caesar Was Kidnapped by Pirates - And Made Them Increase the Ransom!

Piracy is a practice that can be dated all the way back to ancient times. In the Mediterranean, pirates were not a major threat as long as they could be kept in check, usually by a strong navy. By...
