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All the latest news on finds, advancements, and research in archaeology and ancient history, from the No 1 Ancient History website in the world


Archaeologists in Rome believe they have found the remains of the Theater of Nero in Rome. Source: Soprintendenza Speciale Roma

Long-Lost Legendary Theater of Nero Finally Excavated in Central Rome

One of the ancient world’s most searched-for Roman structures has finally been found. That is the Theater of Nero, a large private entertainment venue built by Rome’s notorious emperor during his...
Living root bridge of Meghalaya. Source: Mazur Travel / Adobe Stock.

The Incredible Living Root Bridges of Meghalaya (Video)

In the lush landscapes of Meghalaya, a captivating engineering tradition endures, preserving ancient wisdom for future generations. The people here have mastered the art of living root bridges, an...
Portrait of Peruvian girl, representative of descendants of the Inca. Source: Jose Luis Stephens/

DNA Study Unveils Machu Picchu Servants' Enigmatic Diversity

Most ancient DNA studies focus on societal elites found in elaborate tombs. But new research on DNA gathered from the bones of servants who worked for Inca royals at Machu Picchu reveals a diverse...
Bamiyan caves in Afghanistan. Source: trentinness / Adobe Stock.

Bamiyan's Ancient Cave Dwellings Shelter Homeless Afghans (Video)

The caves of Bamiyan, originally carved by Buddhist monks nearly 2,000 years ago, now offer refuge to a significant number of homeless Afghans. These historic caves , nestled within the cliffs of...
Did Descendants of Cleopatra VII Survive and Produce the Legendary Queen Zenobia of Palmyra?

Did Descendants of Cleopatra VII Survive and Produce the Legendary Queen Zenobia of Palmyra?

Cleopatra VII, the last pharaoh of an independent Egypt, had four children: Caesarian (with Julius Caesar), twins Alexander Helios and Cleopatra Selene, and Ptolemy Philadelphia (the latter three...
Egyptian Zar ritual (Asghar Besharati / CC by SA 4.0)

Rhythms of Possession: Egypt's Mysterious Zar Exorcism Tradition (Video)

The ancient 'zar' ritual of Egypt is a captivating and enigmatic cultural practice that dates back centuries. Rooted in ancient beliefs and folk traditions, the zar ceremony is performed to exorcise...
Fearless women rulers who defied norms and forged their own paths to power. Source: Stasiuk/Adobe Stock

4 Powerful and Inspiring Women Rulers that Changed Society and the World

Throughout ancient history, many women have defied societal expectations and risen to positions of power and influence. During their reigns, they left unforgettable marks not only on their own...
Interior of salt mine in Hallstatt, Austria. Source: Posztós János / Adobe Stock.

7,000-Year-Old Austrian Salt Mine Holds Bronze Age Secrets (Video)

Hallstatt, an ancient salt mine nestled in the picturesque Austrian Alps, holds an extraordinary tale of human history dating back an astonishing 7,000 years . While all mines necessitate regular...
Left; Representational image of the torture endured by Anabaptists whose bodies were displayed in Münster’s famed metal cages. Right; The three cages hanging from Münster Gothic Church of St. Lambert.  Source: Left; Dawn / Adobe Stock, Right; Rüdiger Wölk, Münster/CC BY-SA 2.5

Münster’s Hanging Cages Provide a Chilling Reminder of Religious Intolerance

If you ever find yourself in Münster, Germany, be sure to visit the Gothic Church of St. Lambert on the main market square. Three metal cages hanging off the church spire serve as a 16th-century...
Medieval battle (INK/ Adobe Stock)

12th-Century Royal Succession Turmoil: Societal Taboo Against Fratricide

In 1106, King Henry I of England captured his elder brother, Robert Curthose, Duke of Normandy, during their decisive clash at the Battle of Tinchebray. While Robert Curthose’s capture provided Henry...
Inca woman crossing the Q'eswachaka rope bridge. Source: Danita Delimont / Adobe Stock.

Preserving the World’s Last Inca Rope Bridge (Video)

Every year in June, Peruvian communities nestled within the Cusco region, once the capital of the mighty Inca Empire , come together in a remarkable display of cultural preservation and unity. Their...
Collection of Roman glassware collected from the wreck site. Source: ManuelAñò-ProdAqua / Soprintendenza Nazionale per il Patrimonio Culturale Subacqueo

Impressive Roman Glass Shipwreck Found Near Corsica

A joint mission organized by underwater archaeologists from Italy and France was recently deployed to the site of the Capo Corso 2 shipwreck, which was first spotted in 2012 and is located at a depth...
The meteorite that crashed through a car in Benld, Illinois. (GNU Free Documentation License).

The Tiny Meteorite That Crashed Through a Car (Video)

In a small town in Benld, Illinois , an extraordinary event took place on September 29th, 1938. Ed McCain made a fascinating discovery when he found a hole in the seat of his parked Pontiac. Assuming...
A comparison of great ape and human skeletons in genetic move to bipedalism. Source: Alexander Potapov/ Adobe Stock

New Study Sheds Light on Genetic Human Skeletal Changes that Led to Bipedalism

Researchers have conducted a groundbreaking study using imaging data from over 30,000 participants in the UK Biobank to gain insights into the genetic basis of human skeletal proportions and their...
Tudor historian Dr Nicola Tallis rates Tudor movies. Source: YouTube Screenshot / History Hit.

Tudor Historian Rates Classic Tudor Movie Scenes (Video)

We all know that Hollywood isn’t always concerned with historical accuracy. This is why Dr. Nichola Tallis, a respected Tudor historian, was asked to conduct a meticulous evaluation of several Tudor...
Glass artifacts are evidence of Iron Age glass production from Němčice, Czech Republic. Source: I. Čižmář/Antiquity Publications Ltd

2300-year-old Glass Workshop and Ritual Sanctuary Uncovered in Czech Republic!

Němčice in the Czech Republic was a seemingly inconspicuous place with a remarkable history. Now it holds the proud distinction of being the earliest and oldest glass workshop north of the Alps!...
The Merry Cemetery in Romania. Source: cristianbalate / Adobe Stock.

Romania’s Merry Cemetery, the World’s Happiest Graveyard (Video)

In a remote corner of Romania lies the vibrant and unusual Merry Cemetery. Located in the small village of Săpânța and unconventional in every sense, this burial ground deviates from the solemnity...
Sirius, the Dog Star, the dominant star within the Canis Major constellation. Source: iryna / Adobe Stock

What Makes Sirius, the Dog Star, So Special?

The accolade of “brightest star in the sky as viewed from Earth” goes to the well-known star Sirius, popularly called the Dog Star due to its role as the dominant star in the Canis Major , meaning...
Aerial view of Wat Sam Phran the Dragon temple in Nakhon Pathom, Thailand. Source: pierrick / Adobe Stock.

Inside the Beast: Wat Samphran's Dragon Tower (Video)

Hidden away from the typical tourist circuit, the magnificent Wat Samphran Temple in Thailand unveils a breathtaking secret that has remained largely unknown to the outside world. Dominating the...
Cavemen puzzled by a mobile phone  ( Blue Planet Studio/Adobe Stock)

Collective Learning: So Easy, Even A Caveman Could Do It

Ever since Darwin brought up the fact that the human race had apes as distant ancestors, modern humans have been uneasy and a little defensive. They mocked the simian nature of Australopithecus ,...
The Colossal Statue of Avukana Buddha in Kekirawa, Sri Lanka. Source: homocosmicos/Adobe Stock

Avukana Buddha - Sri Lanka’s Most Important Buddhist Pilgrimage Site

Relics of Buddhism are always magnificent to behold. They dot the East Asian world, and are the testament to the devotion and ancient history of its peoples. One such relic is the magnificent statue...
Mesopotamian / Iraqi Marshes with the so called Marsh Arabs. Source: Felix Friebe / Adobe Stock.

Iraq's Marshes Are Dying, and A Civilization With Them (Video)

The Mesopotamian marshes in Iraq, once a thriving ecosystem and the heart of an ancient Marsh Arab civilization, are facing a dire threat as they wither away. Parched by a prolonged drought, the...
Carthaginian relentless spirit, defeated in the end by the Roman Empire. Source: Julien/Adobe Stock

The Third Punic War: Rome's Triumph, Carthage's Tragedy

The Third Punic War might be less well known, but it was no less significant than its predecessors. The war again pitted two great powers of the Mediterranean world against each other - Rome and...
Facial reconstruction of Vistegutten by forensic artist Oscar Nilsson. Source: Oscar Nilsson

Meet Vistegutten: AI Resurrects Face of Stone Age Teen Found in Norway

In 1907, the remains of a teenage boy who lived over 8,300 years ago were discovered in a Mesolithic cave located in Randaberg on the west coast of Norway. Dubbed as “one of the oldest skeletons ever...
