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Ancient Origins Premium offers a wealth of knowledge and a variety of learning methods (articles, eBooks, webinars, expeditions and more) that will help you embark on a journey you will never forget!

Mindscapes And Altered Realities Of The Ancient World

Mindscapes And Altered Realities Of The Ancient World

From Australia to Alaska, and from South America to Europe, ancient cultures responded to their environments and developed particular belief systems to interpret reality. Although all of them...
Relief of Minoan Lady at Akrotiri, Santorini (Courtesy Micki Pistorius)

The Resurrection of Asherah, Mother-Goddess of Humankind

Scant referrals in the Bible alert to the presence of a vilified female deity destined to be banished into oblivion. Yet the Biblical referrals obscure the beloved benevolent mother-goddess Asherah,...
Ancient Animal Envoys From Caves And Cosmos

Ancient Animal Envoys From Caves And Cosmos

“The animal envoys of the Unseen Power no longer serve, as in primeval times, to teach and guide mankind. Bears, lions, elephants, ibexes and gazelles are in cages in our zoos. Man is no longer the...
The Curious Case Of Frederick Soddy And The Forgotten Race Of Men

The Curious Case Of Frederick Soddy And The Forgotten Race Of Men

In 1921, Frederick Soddy won the Noble Prize in chemistry for his research into radioactive substances and his studies of isotopes, yet curiously this Oxford scientist mused about a “ forgotten race...
Veleda, Bructerian Seeress, Deity and Nemesis Of The Romans

Veleda, Bructerian Seeress, Deity and Nemesis Of The Romans

The Revolt of the Batavi which occurred between 69 and 70 AD was an uprising against the Roman Empire led by the Batavi, a small but powerful Germanic population of Batavia on the Rhine delta. This...
Ancient Observations Of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena

Ancient Observations Of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena

For thousands of years ancient cultures depicted ‘Unidentified Aerial Phenomena’ (UAP) on rock art, but if these are not Ancient Aliens, as some popular media outlets would propose, what were the...
The Eleusinian Mysteries: Demeter’s Secret And Sacred Rites

The Eleusinian Mysteries: Demeter’s Secret And Sacred Rites

Conjuring up mystical images of secret initiation rites held under cover of darkness, the Eleusinian Mysteries had a reputation as a dark and dangerous festival. In fact, it was surrounded by such an...
The Great Pyramid Of Giza Enacting The Rite Of Rebirth

The Great Pyramid Of Giza Enacting The Rite Of Rebirth

In Egypt, the pharaoh, who was the living incarnation of Horus, the son of Isis and Osiris, would undergo at death a transformation from being the living Horus to being the dead and resurrected...
The Passing of St. Brigid of Kildare. Smithsonian American Art Museum (CC0)

Bandrui And Banflaith The Druidesses Of Yore

A woman's face, dubbed Hilda, was reconstructed from an ancient skull housed in The University of Edinburgh's Anatomical Museum. Hilda lived between 55 BC and 400 AD and was of Celtic origin. She was...
The Twists And Turns Of Religion: Shaman, Priest And Promised Messiah

The Twists And Turns Of Religion: Shaman, Priest And Promised Messiah

The world of late antiquity was extremely suspicious of novelty, anything, that is, that made claim to serious attention. Every innovation, whether of thought or technique, had to be justified in...
Epistemology of Ancient Lost Technology

Epistemology of Ancient Lost Technology

What is “lost knowledge”? As human civilizations arise and develop, they accumulate knowledge. That knowledge has many forms, from the pragmatic to the theoretical. In most cultures, there is a...
Telesilla, Warrior Poetess From Argos, Who Manned-Up On The Battlefield and Bedroom

Telesilla, Warrior Poetess From Argos, Who Manned-Up On The Battlefield and Bedroom

An ancient oracle told by a Pythian priestess says, “ But when the time shall come that the female conquers in battle, driving away the male, and wins great glory in Argos, then many wives of the...
The Ancient Language Of Sacred Sound: The Acoustic Science Of The Divine

The Ancient Language Of Sacred Sound: The Acoustic Science Of The Divine

It is an astonishing fact that, from the end of the so-called ‘Dark Ages’ and the settlement of Europe, a massive building program took place that was to transform Europe in a hitherto unsuspected...
Léon Bakst's vision of cosmic catastrophe. Stat Russian Museum

Bronze Age Cataclysmic Comet Responsible For The Sea People

The Late Bronze Age collapse of the 12th century BC is one of the greatest and most enduring puzzles of Mediterranean archaeology. A cosmopolitan age, perhaps one of the first true episodes of...
The Roots Of Catoptromancy in Ancient Persian and Central American Sources

The Roots Of Catoptromancy in Ancient Persian and Central American Sources

“ Thus television... has a prehistory in the domain of oriental folk-lore ,” wrote Berthold Laufer in 1928 in an article with the delightful title, The Prehistory of Television . Television was quite...
Sumerian Etana Translated As Biblical Enoch

Sumerian Etana Translated As Biblical Enoch

The Biblical Enoch corresponds to a remarkable degree with the figure of Etana in Sumerian tradition. It seems reasonable to assume that they belong to the same original tradition handed down in the...
The Enigmatic Pilgrim at the Alchemical Palace of Palombara

The Enigmatic Pilgrim at the Alchemical Palace of Palombara

In the heart of the Esquiline Hill in Rome, third century AD Emperor Licinius Gallienus enjoyed the tranquility of the Horti Liciniani , a luxurious complex of ancient Roman villas with large gardens...
The Mythos Of The Enigmatic Prester John

The Mythos Of The Enigmatic Prester John

Around 1165 AD a mysterious letter addressed to Manuel Comnenus, Emperor of Byzantium, began circulating around Europe. It was from a Prester John who claimed to “ exceed in riches, virtue and power...
The Trials And Tribulations Of Arabian Warrior Queens

The Trials And Tribulations Of Arabian Warrior Queens

In the 12th century BC, the collapse of the complex state system in the Near East led to the rise of ethnic group cohesion that had previously been largely fragmented. These ethnic groups morphed...

Ainu And Hopi Take To The Sky

The ancient Chinese and South Asian cultures reflected an early interest in the idea that one could build a machine to take to the air, even if the technology to be able to do so was not yet...
The Periplus Of The Ports Of Ethiopia, The Hidden Empire

The Periplus Of The Ports Of Ethiopia, The Hidden Empire

Known as the Hidden Empire, Ethiopia’s official name, until recently, was Abyssinia. Its history fades back into the mists of time and for some reason, Ethiopia has largely been written out of world...
The Mûmakil Elephant Slayers Of The Ancient World

The Mûmakil Elephant Slayers Of The Ancient World

In the ancient world elephants were worshiped as divine symbols, harbingers of good luck and the carriers of wisdom, but they were also deployed to intimidate opposing armies and as highly-...
Messages in Myths: Eden A Poetic Rendition Of Reality

Messages in Myths: Eden A Poetic Rendition Of Reality

There are few people in the world today who have not at least heard of the tale of Adam and Eve and their expulsion from the mysterious Garden of Eden . Their story is told in the first chapters of...
Ram-headed falcon amulet, gold, lapis lazuli, turquoise and carnelian. (1254 BC) Department of Egyptian Antiquities of the Louvre (Rama/ CC BY-SA 3.0)

Lustrous Gems As Amulets And Talismans Of Ancient History

Astrology is a very significant component of traditional magic. Although today it is marginalized even in magical practice, it played a significant role in determining when and how to implement a...
