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Marco Vigato

Marco M. Vigato is an independent researcher into ancient mysteries and megalithic civilizations. A native of Italy, he lives in Mexico City and has travelled extensively across Europe, the Middle East, North Africa, South-East Asia, North and South America. He is also a passionate photographer, dedicated to documenting the evidence of ancient advanced civilizations and sacred sites around the world.  


He holds a MBA from Harvard University and a B.A. and M.Sc. from Bocconi University.


Marco’s next book, The Empires of Atlantis , will be published by Inner Traditions/ Bear&Co. in January of 2022. In this book the author combines the most recent discoveries in the fields of archaeology, geology, anthropology, and genetics with the mystery teachings of antiquity to reveal the true origins of civilization. You can pre-order a copy of Marco’s new book from the Publisher’s website or from


The Empires of Atlantis –  Inner Traditions | January 2021


Marco also regularly publishes articles with the results of his expeditions and photographs on his own blog dedicated to ancient history, adventure travel and archaeology:



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The amazing ruins of Mitla and the San Pablo Church Domes, where high technology is being used to discover the truth behind the legends of subterranean Mitla.	Source: Rafal Cichawa / Adobe Stock

Searching for the Lost Subterranean Worlds of Mitla, Mexico

Ancient and colonial sources speak of an extensive underground labyrinth of caves and tunnels, considered by the ancient Zapotec to be a physical entrance into the Underworld of Lyobaa , located...
A photo composition of the nearly 14 known megalithic stone slabs from the site of San Miguel Ixtapan. 	Source: Marco M. Vigato

Precision Stone Carvings of San Miguel Ixtapan – the Mexican Tiwanaku?

Over the past century, dozens of carved megalithic stone slabs of unknown origin and function have been uncovered in the southern part of the state of Mexico and the north of Guerrero, mostly around...
Main access to the Labyrinth of Yaxchilan.

The legendary Yucatan Hall of Records found at Yaxchilan? Strange Labyrinths and Edgar Cayce - Part I

The ancient Maya city of Yaxchilan rises on the Mexican shore of the mighty Usumacinta river, across from its rival city of Piedras Negras, some 35 kilometers (21 miles) downstream on the Guatemala...
Léon Bakst's vision of cosmic catastrophe. Stat Russian Museum

Bronze Age Cataclysmic Comet Responsible For The Sea People

The Late Bronze Age collapse of the 12th century BC is one of the greatest and most enduring puzzles of Mediterranean archaeology. A cosmopolitan age, perhaps one of the first true episodes of...
Cerro Gordo Standing Sentinel Over Teotihuacan

Cerro Gordo Standing Sentinel Over Teotihuacan

Teotihuacan was by the fifth century AD the largest city in the American continent and one of the largest and most populous in the western hemisphere. Often called the ‘Rome of America’, its cultural...
The "Mexican Sphinx" near Tlayacapan, surrounded by mountains of the Sacred Valley and the landscape around the town of Tepoztlán. (Image: © Marco Vigato)

Atlantean Temples of Mexico: The Sacred Valley Of Tepoztlàn

Nestled in a sacred valley, at an altitude of about 1,700 meters (5,560 feet) above sea level, to the south of Mexico City, lies the town of Tepoztlán. The surrounding landscape has been shaped by...
Cotzumalguapa: Evidence of Pre-Columbian Transoceanic Contact

Cotzumalguapa: Evidence of Pre-Columbian Transoceanic Contact

Thousands of years ago, an unknown culture carved and raised hundreds of stone stelas and sculptures on the Pacific coast of southern Guatemala. Together, they provide some of the strongest evidence...
Drawing of Omitlan by W Niven (Design deriv by Liz Leafloor Ancient-Origins)

Omitlàn: In Search of a Lost City in Mesoamerica

In 1891, the American geologist and antiquarian William Niven set off on a journey of discovery and exploration through the Mexican state of Guerrero. What he found would change the course of his...
A view of the great megalithic walls surrounding the Acropolis of Chimalacatlan. Some of the stones measure over 3 meters long, with an estimated weight of between 5 to 8 tons.

Tamoanchan – In Search of the Lost Cradle of Mesoamerican Civilizations

The oldest Nahua legends speak of a mythical place called Tamoanchan , considered to be the cradle of all Mesoamerican civilizations and a sort of terrestrial paradise from which the ancestors of the...
Yaxchilan contains hundreds of ancient structures, a labyrinth, tunnels, chabmers. What secrets do they keep? (Photo: ©Marco M. Vigato)

The House of Darkness & Secret Caverns—The legendary Yucatan Hall of Records found at Yaxchilan? Part II

Far from the crowds of Palenque and other Maya sites, the ruins of Yaxchilan are found today still very much in the same conditions as they were first described by Maudslay and Maler in the early...
Sculpture of a head from 950-1150 AD found at Building Y in the Tajin Chico section. On display at the Tajin site museum, Veracruz state, Mexico

Mexico’s Haunted City of Thunder – El Tajin: Surprising Connections Between Cultures Worlds and Eras Apart

El Tajin is a Mesoamerican archaeological site located in the North of the state of Veracruz, near the Gulf Coast of Mexico. The city, one of the most flourishing of the Classic and early Post-...
From this map of the site, all the main structures and rock carvings are visible.

The Megalithic Temple of Malinalco: Could these Magnificent and Complex Rock-Cut Structures Actually Pre-Date the Aztecs?

The little town of Malinalco lies at the margins of the Valley of Tepoztlan, some 115 kilometers (71 miles) to the southwest of Mexico City. Since Prehispanic times, its name has been associated with...
View of the “Cueva del Pirul”, one of the largest systems of interconnected caves to the East of the Pyramid of the Sun. One can notice the many rough pillars left to support the roof and a number of side passages branching out in different directions.

Descending into the Underworld of Teotihuacan: Labyrinthine Tunnels and Rivers of Mercury

Few of the modern visitors to Teotihuacan are aware of the vast and mysterious underworld of caves and man-made tunnels that extends under much of the ancient site and for miles around. The existence...
The Rome of America: What Lies Under Teotihuacan? – The Real City of the Gods

The Rome of America: What Lies Under Teotihuacan? – The Real City of the Gods

At its peak, around 200 AD, Teotihuacan counted a population of well over 125,000, boasted hundreds of temples and palaces, and three massive pyramids named after the Sun, the Moon, and the Feathered...