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Ancient Origins Premium offers a wealth of knowledge and a variety of learning methods (articles, eBooks, webinars, expeditions and more) that will help you embark on a journey you will never forget!

Odalisque by Jean-Joseph Benjamin-Constant (1882) (Public Domain)

Divine Queen Thea Musa, The Parthian Basilíssa

The victory of the Parthians over the Roman General Marcus Licinius Crassus at Carrhae in 53 BC is perhaps the single most significant event in Rome's engagement with Parthia. The loss of Roman...
The Nightmare, by Henry Fuseli (1781) (Public Domain)

Ancient Demonic Shadows Of Today's Alien Body Snatchers

The demons that tormented the people of history were considered to be angels cast out of heaven for defying God, and similarly, today’s aliens are believed to come from distant, incomprehensible,...
The Fall of Phaeton by Peter Paul Rubens (1604) National Gallery of Art (Public Domain)

Hippoi Athanatoi: Immortal Horses of the Gods And Heroes

The gods of Olympus often procreated semi-divine children with morals, but not all of their offspring were human. Especially Poseidon, god of sea and horses, sired a lineage of immortal divine...
Boab tree sunset near Derby, Western Australia (Summerdrought / CC BY-SA 4.0)

Australia’s Enigmatic Boab Tree Seeding The Out-Of-Australia-Theory

The Out of Africa Theory is the dominant - though not only - model for the geographic origins and subsequent migration of modern humans. While it has been tweaked over time to generally now encompass...
Noh-Arashiyama by KOMPARU Zempo (Public Domain)

The Art Of Noh: 14th-Century Japanese Dance Drama

Since the 14th century AD, Noh has been a major form of classical Japanese dance-drama. It is the oldest major theatre art form that is still performed on a regular basis to this day. Noh , which is...
A painting by Charles Le Brun, French painter and art theorist, depicting Alexander and Porus during the Battle of the Hydaspes (1673) design by Anand N. Balaji (Public Domain); Deriv.

Alexander’s Indus Folly: Bizarre Search for the Source of the Nile in India

When the Macedonian monarch Alexander III, popularly known as Alexander the Great , arrived in the northwest of the larger Indian subcontinent in 327 BC following his conquest of the massive...
Reconstruction of a Guanche settlement of Tenerife (CC BY-SA 3.0) and reconstructed face(Provided by author) Deriv.

The Face Of A Canary Island Guanche Woman, Reconstructing Ancestors

The narratives of history relate the fates and dates of nameless, faceless people who came before us, often reduced only to numbers, but when forensic facial reconstruction puts a face to history,...
Sunset silhouette of Orford castle in Suffolk (Steve Mann / Adobe Stock)

Shuckland: Where Legends Haunt The Landscape

Shuckland encompasses haunted landscapes where legends, folklore, history and even tales of villains and heroes (but mainly villains) seemed to permeate the very fabric of the place and imprint their...
Plesiosaurus dolichodeirus (:Dmitry Bogdanov/ CC BY-SA 3.0)

Dragon Sharks, Fish Flippers And Other Real Life Monsters Of The Primordial Soup

From the human perspective oceans appear endless and unchanging, but in reality they are in a constant state of flux, continuously evolving over vast periods of time. Many modern humans seem...
Akhenaten pic compliments of Jo from her trip. Osiris is a bronze/gold statue of the god, Louvre (Rama / CC BY-SA 3.0) (author created).

Akhenaten Heretic Pharaoh: The New Osiris

Did Egypt’s Heretic Pharaoh outlaw the God of the Dead, or become him? Akhenaten has been called ancient Egypt’s ‘Heretic Pharaoh’. From 1354-1337 BC Akhenaten so drastically altered his country’s...
Galleons, Stallions Of The Seas

Galleons, Stallions Of The Seas

The 17th-century was of fundamental importance for everything related to naval design in the centuries to follow. In the 1600s a vessel called a galleon, took center stage in international maritime...
Summer Solstice Sunset at Stonehenge, UK (Phil/ Adobe Stock)

The Lonely Stones That Square The Cosmic Circle

Both beneath and beyond Stonehenge in England, the Great Sphinx and Pyramid of Khafre in Egypt, Machu Picchu in Peru, Chichen Itza in Mexico and Newgrange in Ireland, exists an underlying code that...
Ramapough Lenape Indian Nation Flag (Ramapoughnative/ CC BY-SA 4.0)

Modern Science Steps In To Revive Ancient Ceremonial Stone Landscapes

On the winter solstice of December 20, 2019, Chief Vincent Mann of the Ramapough Lunaape Munsee Nation Turtle Clan, accompanied by some members of the Turtle Clan, ‘keepers of the pass’, and members...
12th page of Kunijo Kabuki Ekotoba showing Izumo no Okuni, the founder of kabuki theatre, on stage. Edo Period, Keichō era (1596—1615) (Public Domain)

Asian Storytelling: Rakugo, Pingshu And The Art Of Sitting Seiza

Intertwined with the development of mythologies, storytelling predates writing and the earliest oral storytelling was animated with gestures and expressions thrown in for good measure. Tools to...
Attack of the Sea Peoples on Syrian fortification. Historical illustration. ( Lunstream / Adobe Stock)

The Elusive Origins Of The Danuna Of The Sea People

Scholars tend to lean more on archaeology and ancient Egyptian inscriptions to seek the identities of the elusive Sea Peoples. This is not a simple endeavor, but in summary the Sea Peoples were an...
Alternative to the Big Bang theory (Image: Courtesy Micki Pistorius Deriv)

Cosmology From Anthropic Principle to Irreducible Complexity And Beyond

Who Did It? Did God Do It? The very idea that the universe had a beginning was so troubling to Sir Fred Hoyle that when he was promoted to Lecturer in Mathematics at Cambridge in 1948, he published...
Voyage of King Arthur and Morgan le Fay to the Isle of Avalon by Frank William Warwick (1888) (Public Domain)

Mythological Islands in Folklore and the Collective Subconscious

To quote the poet John Donne: “ No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main ”, but every person may also venture to the mythical islands of the...
Zodiac signs sphere Chernivtsi, Ukraine ( Ruslan / Adobe Stock)

Ancient Origins Of The Modern Zodiac Constellation

Circa 10,835 BC the cataclysmic Younger-Dryas impact event appears to have contributed to the demise of human cultures and many megafaunal species across several continents, although more research is...
The Fate Of The First-Century Carpenter Of Jerusalem

The Fate Of The First-Century Carpenter Of Jerusalem

First century AD Jerusalem was a bustling metropolis with a population estimated between 80,000 to 200,000 people. During Pesach or Passover, one of the ‘Three Pilgrimages to Jerusalem’ – the other...
Mirror magic, fortune telling and fulfillment of desires. Fantasy with a mirror, dark room, magical power, night view. (MiaStendal /Adobe Stock)

The Measure Of Ancient Mirrors: Planispheres, Phenakistoscopes And Telescopes

In some early texts concerning long-distance viewing, the term ‘mirror’ is used, but not as a device for simple reflection. Instead, the mirror takes on other powers, and the term seems to serve as...
A medieval baker with his apprentice. The Bodleian Library, Oxford. (Public Domain)

From Peasant To Pharaoh: The Popularity of ‘Pizza’ in the Ancient World

Since the ancient times, people have been eating pizza in one form or another. By 2200 BC, Egyptian flatbread was topped with a spread called dukkah and evidence of flatbread consumed in Italy also...
Australopithecus Afarensis (procy_ab / Adobe Stock)

The Origins Of Mankind: Was There An African Eve?

Archaeogenetics is a fascinating science. Accepted current research suggests that every human being on earth is descended in an unbroken line, traced through their mothers in a genetic system called...
Pillar in Gobekli Tepe (Deriv.) ( sebnemsanders) with a starry night sky. ( CC0) What can be discerned about the site from Gobekli Tepe archaeoastronomy?

Global Roundtrip Of Zodiacal Dating Of Ancient Artifacts

Archaeologists agree, Gōbekli Tepe changes everything. This hilltop sanctuary in southern Turkey, probably the world’s first megalithic temple, is like a time capsule dating back to nearly 13, 000...
Libraries: The Legacies Of Ancient Bibliophiles

Libraries: The Legacies Of Ancient Bibliophiles

It can be argued of course, but a story has five important elements: the characters, the setting, the plot, the conflict and the resolution. These five essential narrative elements keep stories...
