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Ancient Origins Premium offers a wealth of knowledge and a variety of learning methods (articles, eBooks, webinars, expeditions and more) that will help you embark on a journey you will never forget!

Historical Chinese Gardens: Sanctuaries For The Mind And Body

Historical Chinese Gardens: Sanctuaries For The Mind And Body

In a garden, art, science, nature and the mind collide. It is no surprise then, that many stories in ancient religions and philosophies are set in gardens. Christians believe that the Garden of Eden...
Diomedes Devoured by his Horses, by Gustave Moreau (1865), Musée des Beaux-Arts de Rouen (Public Domain)

Hotdogs, Hamburgers And Humans On The Menu For Carnivorous Horses

An article in the magazine The Horse entitled Carnivorous Horses by Dr Sue McDonnell in which she described horses killing and devouring other animals, spurred some letters to the editors from...
Christine de Pisan presenting her book to queen Isabeau of Bavaria. Illuminated miniature from The Book of the Queen (various works by Christine de Pizan) (Public Domain)

Christine de Pizan, 15th-Century Feminist And Social Commentator

“The female sex has been left defenseless for a long time now, like an orchard without a wall and bereft of a champion to take up arms in order to protect it…” The Book of the City of Ladies by...
Abraham leaves Haran for Egypt by Francesco Bassano the Younger (1560 – 1592) 	 Rijksmuseum (Public Domain)

The Sumerian Hypothesis: The Influence Of Sumer On The Primeval History

The use of Mesopotamian material in the motifs and stories found in Genesis 1–11 (also called the Primeval History) has been of great interest to biblical scholars for many years. Although the...
Mosaic of Theodora - Basilica of San Vitale, RAVENNA (built A.D. 547), Italy. UNESCO World heritage site. (Petar Milošević/ CC BY-SA 4.0)

Formidable Byzantine Roman Empress Theodora - Saint Or Sinner?

The hooded gaze of an inscrutable Theodora (c.497- 548 AD) greets hundreds of thousands of visitors each year as they pay their respects to her mosaic at the Basilica of Saint Vitale in Ravenna ,...
Nuclear war concept. Explosion of nuclear bomb. Creative artwork decoration in dark.

Cakra, Destroyer Of Planets: Did Ancient Nuclear Technology Exist?

Nuclear power has caused some serious disasters throughout the world. Is it a modern phenomenon, or is there evidence of its existence in the ancient world? The worst nuclear disaster in the United...
Mahapajapati Gotami Buddha’s stepmother and Buddhist nuns (Dharma / CC BY-SA 2.0)

Bhadda Kundalakesa The Rebellious Intelligent Buddhist Nun

The Therigatha ( Verses of the Elder Nuns ) is a collection of short poems by and about the early enlightened women in Buddhism. These women were the theris (senior ones) among ordained Buddhist...
Callanish Stones (spanishjohnny72 / Adobe Stock)

The Great British Archaeoastronomical Megalithic Structure Myth

In 1637 AD, John Greaves, the English mathematician, astronomer, antiquarian and professor of geometry at Gresham College in London, England, measured and studied famous ancient monuments in Italy...
Richard the Lionheart on his way to Jerusalem, James William Glass (1850) (Public Domain)

Medieval Mediciners, Administering Miraculous Cures During The Crusades

History fails to record the names of any of the mediciners who accompanied the chivalric orders on their Crusade , but when each of the noblemen of western Europe pledged their oath to take up the...
From King Tut To The Jewish Tallit

From King Tut To The Jewish Tallit

There is perhaps no greater symbol of Judaism than the white prayer shawl, the tallit . Likewise, there is probably no greater symbol of ancient Egypt’s majesty than the golden funerary mask of the...
Arabic astronomical chart (Sergey Kamshylin  /Adobe Stock)

Ancient Transmissions Of The History Of The Constellations

How old are the constellations? How were they transmitted through human history? Quite early during humanity’s long journey on earth, many of the brighter stars were named and then arranged into...
Canoti: The Sioux’s Malevolent Little Tree Dwellers

Canoti: The Sioux’s Malevolent Little Tree Dwellers

The canoti (or canotila) are small creatures found in Sioux culture , canoti meaning “tree-dweller” and canotila signifying “small tree-dweller.” Considered tiny messengers of beings who exist in the...
Zeus rebuked by Aphrodite by Abraham Janssens I (1612) Art Institute of Chicago (Public Domain)

The Origins Of Ancient Greek Creation Mythology

Since the beginning of humankind, there has been the pressing need to understand the reasons why humans were created. What purpose do humans serve? Each ancient and modern culture hold their own...
An Egyptian woman wearing a mysterious wax head cone, which is morphing 2) into the benben stone, atop which sits 3) the bennu bird, symbol of resurrection, all set before 4) the Great Pyramid, the architectural climax of mound expressionism, behind which rises 5) the morning sun, called weben by the Egyptians. This rhymed with benben, and provided an important linkage between the rising of the primeval mound and the solar disc. (Image: Design by Jonathon Perrin)

Egyptian Head Cones: Mini Pyramids and Status Symbols

One of ancient Egypt’s most-enduring embalming enigmas has to be its cryptic head cones. These unusual objects can be seen in tomb paintings perched atop the heads of both mummies and living people...
Are The Gōbekli Tepe Enclosures Giant Lunisolar Calendars?

Are The Gōbekli Tepe Enclosures Giant Lunisolar Calendars?

Situated in southern Turkey near the upper Euphrates, Gōbekli Tepe has become famous for its surprisingly advanced megalithic architecture and symbolism, seemingly too early for the hunter-gather...
Kai-Awase: Elegant Shell Matching Pastime Of The Nobility During Heian Japan

Kai-Awase: Elegant Shell Matching Pastime Of The Nobility During Heian Japan

Coming in an infinite number of shapes and colors, seashells have been used as a medium of exchange for centuries in a variety of locations, such as many Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean islands, as...
Defensive Fortresses Along The Way Of Horus In Ancient Egypt

Defensive Fortress Zarw, Along The Way Of Horus In Ancient Egypt

The rich fertile lands of Egypt’s Nile Delta must have been looked on with avaricious eyes from their next-door neighbors to the east. All that lush greenery lay in stark contrast to the deserts of...
Zero Point Field: Know Ye Not That Ye Are Gods?

Zero Point Field: Know Ye Not That Ye Are Gods?

“ Know ye not that ye are Gods ” reads Psalm 82 verse 6 and John 10 verse 34. It is quite a radical thought, but some scientists are beginning to entertain a rather shocking speculation that might...
Memories Of An Ancient Goddess At Sintra’s Mountain Of The Moon

Memories Of An Ancient Goddess At Sintra’s Mountain Of The Moon

Nothing about magical and mysterious Sintra is straightforward, including its name. Sintra can refer to a small town in western Portugal, a short distance north and west of Lisbon, or the large and...
Old gold rush vignette with oil Lamp shadow, leather pouch, gold nuggets, gold pan and old topographic map (John Nakata / Adobe Stock)

Mystery Mines That Enriched The Old World

About 2.6 million years ago, predating Homo Sapiens , early human ancestors founded mining when they dug for stones that were best suited for making survival tools and weapons. They knew that stones...
Self-Mummified body of Body of Chukai (Image: © Dr Ken Jeremiah)

Sokushinbutsu: Tales Of Living Buddhas’ Self Mummification

Immuring themselves in an underground stone chamber, sealed tight, waiting to die: that is what more than 24 known individuals did in northern Japan from the 1200s until the 19th century, though it...
Fall of the Titans". Oil on canvas by Jacob Jordaens, (1638) (Public Domain)

Were All The Nephilim Giants Or Men Of Renown?

It is often assumed that the biblical ‘Nephilim’ were all Giants. The Nephilim, however, entail much more and can be traced back to a much richer tradition found in ancient Mesopotamia about the...
The Romance of Hurrem, The Slave Empress And Suleiman The Magnificent

The Romance of Hurrem, The Slave Empress And Suleiman The Magnificent

During the 16th century a Christian slave, captured when only 15-years-old, shattered the traditional rules of the Ottoman Empire and through her intelligence and charm became its first Empress,...
Was Marco Polo just another fiction from Rustichiano? Source: Ulia Koltyrina / Adobe Stock.

The Ghost Of Marco Polo Haunting The Fictional Realm

In 2016, Ancient Origins published an article entitled Is Marco Polo a Fictional Characte r? and it led to hate-mail and overall outrage among some readers. It was blown so out-of-proportion that the...
