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All the latest news on finds, advancements, and research in archaeology and ancient history, from the No 1 Ancient History website in the world


The Ain Ghazal Statues: Jordan’s Unique and Graceful Neolithic Figures

The Ain Ghazal Statues: Jordan’s Unique and Graceful Neolithic Figures

‘Ain Ghazal (hereafter Ain Ghazal) is an archaeological site located in Jordan that dates to the Neolithic period, and flourished from around the 8th to 6th millennium BC. Ain Ghazal was discovered...
Valley of the Gods, Bears Ear National Monument, Utah, where the Pueblo peoples practiced a form of sustainable agriculture long ago. The plants they planted are now being used as a clue for finding other possible archaeological artifacts nearby.

Pueblo Peoples of American Southwest Were Expert Gardeners, Study Shows

Researchers working in the Bears Ears region of southeastern Utah have discovered some fascinating details about the plant-producing practices of the area’s former Pueblo peoples. Led by...
Hundreds of Ancient Rock-Cut Tombs have been Discovered in Egypt

Hundreds of Ancient Rock-Cut Tombs have been Discovered in Egypt

The Egyptian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities have announced the discovery of a distinctive collection of hundreds of ancient tombs. The 250 rock-cut tombs were found in various levels of a...
Infrared Reveals a Wife Swap in a Prominent Medieval Religious Book

Infrared Reveals a Wife Swap in a Prominent Medieval Religious Book

Some good old-fashioned swinging? Medieval photoshopping? Not quite, but scientists have discovered something about Francis I of Brittany that he would surely have preferred to have kept secret...
The Tripitaka Koreana: A Vast Trove of Buddhist Woodblock Wisdom

The Tripitaka Koreana: A Vast Trove of Buddhist Woodblock Wisdom

The Tripitaka Koreana is a collection of Buddhist texts, laws, and treaties originally created during the 11 th century by the Korean kingdom of Goryeo. The Tripitaka Koreana was carved onto...
Our Lady of Akita, Japan

Lady of Akita: Japanese Statue Weeps, Sheds Blood, and Performs Miracles!

Created in the 1960s by a Buddhist woodcarver, the wooden Virgin Mary resided quietly for years in the chapel of a Japanese convent in the northwestern town Akita. Yet today, the statue and her tiny...
The Curious Case of the Rocky Valley Labyrinths

The Curious Case of the Rocky Valley Labyrinths

Located between Boscastle and Tintagel , Rocky Valley is a small valley in northern Cornwall , England, carved by the Trevillet River. A site of mystic and historical fascination, it is home to two...
Can Ancient Chinese Gua Sha Really Scrape You Into Shape?

Can Ancient Chinese Gua Sha Really Scrape You Into Shape?

The ancient Chinese healing practice of Gua Sha (pronounced gwashah) requires scraping your face, scalp or body with a specially shaped flat piece of jade or rose quartz. Now, Gua Sha has swept...
Telesilla, Warrior Poetess From Argos, Who Manned-Up On The Battlefield and Bedroom

Telesilla, Warrior Poetess From Argos, Who Manned-Up On The Battlefield and Bedroom

An ancient oracle told by a Pythian priestess says, “ But when the time shall come that the female conquers in battle, driving away the male, and wins great glory in Argos, then many wives of the...
French Archaeologists Discover 113 Intact Ancient Guadeloupe Burials

French Archaeologists Discover 113 Intact Ancient Guadeloupe Burials

French archaeologists working for INRAP (the National Institute for Preventive Archaeology Research) recently found something unique and unprecedented on the archipelago of Guadeloupe in the...
Giant Cranes Immortalized in Folklore Back In Ireland After 300 Years

Giant Cranes Immortalized in Folklore Back In Ireland After 300 Years

Giant cranes were one of the most popular pets in medieval Ireland. However, the luxurious cranes all but vanished from the country over 300 years ago, until recently when a mating pair was spotted...
Statue of Dionysus Bacchus.

The Thracian Oracle: Has the Famous Sanctuary of Dionysus Been Found?

The Thracians were an ancient people inhabiting parts of modern day Bulgaria and Greece. The lands of the Thracian tribes were home to several significant ancient cities, important landmarks and...
A young priest listens to confession.

Penitentials - Medieval Priests Had Handbooks to Deal with Sexual Deviance

Penance has played a prominent role in religions all over the world. And the interesting thing is there are documents spanning the globe which discuss penance and provide clear opportunities to find...
Portrait of Hernán Cortés. A stolen letter to Cortés has been tracked to a New York auction house.

Scholarly Sleuths Scuttle Shady Sale of Letter Sent to Hernán Cortés

In September 2020, a trio of scholars based in Mexico and Spain managed to stop the sale of a valuable historical document that had been stolen from the National Archives of Mexico (AGN), Mexico News...
Nottingham Castle.

Why Have Centuries-Old Monkey Bones Just Been Found inside Nottingham Castle?

Once a proud symbol of the British Middle Ages, Nottingham Castle was closed for redevelopment and refurbishment in 2018. In the midst of the excavations, the BBC reports that archaeologists came...
Ancient Egyptian Painter Left Behind His Palette and The Paint Has Survived!

Ancient Egyptian Painter Left Behind His Palette and the Paint Has Survived!

When compared to later, more naturalistic Classical art of the Greeks and Romans, ancient Egyptian art has been described as blocky, static, abstract, and formal. But that doesn’t mean that the...
Hernan Cortes: The Conquistador Who Beat the Aztecs

Hernan Cortes: The Conquistador Who Beat the Aztecs

Hernan Cortes was a Spanish conquistador who lived between the 15th and 16th centuries AD. He is best remembered for his expedition against the Aztec Empire centered in Mexico. This was part of the...
Pallasite - Fukang Meteorite

Space Rock Mystery: Where Did the Fukang Meteorite Come From?

The Fukang Meteorite is the name given to a meteorite that was discovered in China. The Fukang Meteorite belongs to a class of stony-iron meteorite known as Pallasite, which may be recognized by the...
The Impact of COVID-19: Archaeological Digs Fall Silent

The Impact of COVID-19: Archaeological Digs Fall Silent

Several layers of plastic and geotextile membranes protect the remains of a Neolithic settlement called the Ness of Brodgar in Orkney, Scotland. Large tarps cover the area where the archaeological...
The Ancient Language Of Sacred Sound: The Acoustic Science Of The Divine

The Ancient Language Of Sacred Sound: The Acoustic Science Of The Divine

It is an astonishing fact that, from the end of the so-called ‘Dark Ages’ and the settlement of Europe, a massive building program took place that was to transform Europe in a hitherto unsuspected...
Pythagoras the Hermit: the Pythagoras Cave on Samos

Pythagoras the Hermit: the Pythagoras Cave on Samos

On the Greek island of Samos there is a famous cave, named the Pythagoras Cave due to its association with the famous ancient Greek philosopher. Pythagoras is believed to have lived in the cave for a...
The "downtown" Istanbul Bozdoģan Kemeri bridge is one of the most famous sections of the Roman aqueduct of Constantinople.

Genius Maintenance Secrets of Aqueduct of Constantinople Revealed

Aqueducts have been studied by archaeologists, engineers, architects, and urban planners for centuries. But even now, Roman aqueducts still have fascinating secrets to reveal, as scientists from...
“International” Shrunken Head From Ecuador Returns Home

“International” Shrunken Head From Ecuador Returns Home

A ritualistic shrunken head from Ecuador that was made from the skull of a warrior in the tribal Amazon region found its way to a US museum and it has now been studied and recreated in 3D. The...
Image shows statue of a Greek warrior. The Battle of Himera was pivotal in the ancient world.

True Origins of Battle of Himera Warriors Dispute Greek Accounts

According to ancient historians such as Herodotus, the Battle of Himera was fought in 480 BC. Supposedly this battle was fought on the same day as the Battle of Salamis, and allegedly both battles...
