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Painting by Englishman John White of Sir Walter Raleigh’s 1590 Expedition to Roanoke Island to find the Lost Colony, where they found “Croatoan” carved on a tree. This may refer to either Croatoan Island or the Croatoan people. Source: Public Domain

The Mystery of Roanoke Colony’s Disappearance (Video)

The Roanoke Colony's mysterious disappearance, led by John White, stands as a profound enigma in the annals of early American history. Embarking on multiple expeditions to the New World, White and...
The chamber under excavation. East side mould removed. The plastic tubes are samples for environmental DNA. Source: Karl-Göran Sjögren / University of Gothenburg

Missing Body Parts from 5000-Year-Old Dolmen in Sweden Poses Intriguing Questions

The first analysis results now confirm that the grave in Tiarp is one of the oldest stone burial chambers in Sweden . “It’s an early grave which dates to the Early Neolithic period, about 3500 BC,”...
The Man in the Iron Mask. Source: Igor Normann / Adobe Stock

The True Story of the Man in the Iron Mask

L'Homme au Masque de Fer (the French for “The Man in the Iron Mask”) is the name given to a prisoner arrested in about 1669 and condemned to the cruel fate of having his head clamped within an iron...
The face of the bog body known as Grauballe man. Source: Public domain

Grauballe Man: Ritual Sacrifice? Justice Dealt? Or a 2,300-Year-Old Murder Mystery?

Of the many ancient remains found preserved in bogs and marshes, perhaps the most interesting is the Grauballe Man. Discovered in a peat bog in Jutland, Denmark in 1952, experts believe that the man...
The unidentified golden orb discovered on the Alaskan sea floor. Source: NOAA Ocean Exploration

Scientists Find ‘Weirdly Unfamiliar Golden Orb’ on Alaska Sea Floor

Scientists recently monitoring the filming activity of a remotely operated vehicle (ROV) deployed off the coast of Alaska spotted something mysterious and otherworldly. While examining deep sea...
Inga Stone. Source: Marinelson Almeida Silva/CC BY 2.0

Message from Outer Space? The Mysterious Indecipherable Script of the Inga Stone

Standing amidst the waters of the Inga River in Brazil, the mysterious Inga Stone of Paraíba, Brazil is an archaeological treasure of much ongoing controversy. Covering most of its 150-foot length (...
Aztec coin in sand. Source: breakermaximus / Adobe Stock.

Montezuma's Treasure: Unveiling the Shadow Cave Mystery (Video)

A secret tunnel known as the Shadow Cave has been discovered, potentially leading to Montezuma's Treasure . Following the conquest of the Aztec Empire by Hernan Cortes, Emperor Montezuma and his...
Four of the Tucson Artifacts  Source: The Tucson Artifacts / Photographs by Robert C. Hyde. © Donald N. Yates, 2013. All rights reserved. Used by special permission.

Mystery of the Latin Inscribed Artifacts Found in Arizona (Video)

Charles Manier's serendipitous discovery in 1924 led to the unearthing of 32 lead artifacts inscribed with Latin text near Tucson, Arizona . Dating back to the 9th century A.D., the Tucson artifacts...
Representational image representing a UFO flying over Rendlesham Forest in Suffolk. Source: fergregory / Adobe Stock

UFO Author Will Lead Exploration of Rendlesham Forest Encounters Site

One of the most celebrated and debated UFO incidents of all time took place in Rendlesham Forest near Suffolk, England just after Christmas in 1980. United States Air Force personnel stationed at two...
Lake Superior glyphs. Source: YouTube Screenshot / America Unearthed

Who Mined Lake Superior? Ancient Glyphs Solve Bronze Age Mystery (Video)

For centuries, the shores of Lake Superior have held countless secrets, hidden in the depths of the lake and the surrounding wilderness. Recently, a team of archaeologists and linguists stumbled upon...
Lake monster. Source: lubomira08 / Adobe Stock

Mysterious Lake Monster Causes Underwater Eruption (Video)

In June 2017, kayakers in Washington encounter a strange occurrence on Yale Lake. As they navigate the water, the kayakers witness a sudden underwater eruption that is later attributed to a possible...
Creation of Adam, fresco painted by Michelangelo (1475-1564), Sistine Chapel Ceiling (1508-1512) Rome, Vatican (Jörg Bittner Unna / CC by SA 3.0)

10 Great Mysteries Hidden in Famous Paintings (Video)

Art has always been a fascinating form of expression, not just for its aesthetic beauty but also for the hidden messages and secrets it holds. From the ghostly silhouette behind the man in The Old...
Old locked gate closed to a large castle. Source: Ekaterina / Adobe Stock

Archaeology Enigmas: Four Mystery Doors That Should Never be Opened (Video)

Archaeology is a field that is constantly searching for new discoveries and secrets buried deep in the past. Some of the most intriguing archaeological mysteries involve doors that have remained...
The mystery handprint was discovered on an ancient moat wall in the Old City of Jerusalem. Source: Yuli Schwartz / Israel Antiquities Authority

Mystery Ancient Handprint Discovered in Jerusalem, the City of God

A mysterious carved handprint has been discovered in Jerusalem. But, was it created by a defending Muslim, a terrified Jew, an attacking European knight, or is it just a long-forgotten local prank?...
Are the Misty Peaks of the Azores Remnants of the Legendary Atlantis?

Are the Misty Peaks of the Azores Remnants of the Legendary Atlantis?

Jutting from the deep briny mists of the mid-Atlantic, some 800 miles (1287 km) due west of Portugal, the Azores strike one as bejeweled, fern and flower-encrusted baubles in a vast expanse of blue...
There are still numerous lost shipwrecks on the seafloors, including some famous and valuable vessels. Source: This Design / Adobe Stock

8 Lost Shipwrecks That Still Hold Promise of Treasure and Fame

We all love a good mystery, and what’s better than a treasure hunt? This has led many historians to an obsession with finding lost shipwrecks. Some of them do it in the hope of finding lost Spanish...
The Octavius ghost ship remains an unsolved mystery. Source: psychoshadow / Adobe Stock

The Chilling Mystery of the Octavius Ghost Ship

There are many strange mysteries that reside in history, but one of the most unsettling is that of the Octavius ghost ship . Discovered along the coast of Greenland in 1775, the Octavius had no...
The mysterious story of the Man from Taured. Source: MedRocky / Adobe Stock

The Mysterious Man from Taured – Evidence for a Parallel Universe?

The Man from Taured, sometimes referred to as the Taured Mystery or the Man without a Country, is an urban legend about a man who arrives at a Japanese airport from an unheard of country called...
Was Plato’s Atlantis historical fact? And if so, where are its ruins?  Source: fergregory / Adobe Stock

Three Scientific Mysteries of Plato’s Atlantis

In the early years of researching my 5-volume Gods of Atlantos Saga , I read and re-read Plato’s accounts of Atlantis – his dialogues Timaeus and Critias – and was brought up short by three of his...
Close-up of one of the Palmyra Aramaic inscriptions to the “Anonymous God”. Source: Aleksandra Kubiak-Schneider / PAP

Aramaic Inscriptions in Palmyra, Syria, Solve Mystery of the ‘Anonymous God’

The analysis of over 2,500 Aramaic inscriptions in Palmyra in south-central Syria has helped solve a 100-year-old mystery. Two hundred texts, dated mainly to the 2nd and 3rd century AD have been...
Mass Grave Found in Vianen the Netherlands

Dutch Mass Grave Mystery: Skeletons were British Soldiers

In 2020 construction workers in the Netherlands made a gruesome discovery. While working in the city of Vianen they came across an enigmatic mass burial. Were the 82 skeletons victims of war, a...
Representational image of Ermine de Reims. Source: inarik / Adobe Stock

The Visions of Ermine de Reims - Supernatural Forces in Everyday Medieval Life

Ermine de Reims was a relatively inconsequential peasant woman who moved to the town of Reims, in northeastern France, from rural Vermandois with her elderly husband in 1384. She was a pious woman,...
Large stone disc recently discovered in Russia. Source: Bloknot-Volgograd

More Than a Dozen Mysterious Carved Discs Found Near Volgograd, Russia

A team of investigators in Russia found more than a dozen stone discs in the Volgograd region of Russia. At the time of the discovery back in 2015, the team claimed that the discs contain tungsten, a...
A Racetrack Playa Sailing Stone.

Leave No Stone Unturned: What Propels the Racetrack Playa Moving Rocks?

Racetrack Playa is a dried-up lake located in Death Valley, California, USA. This dry lake is notable for its sailing stones, which are known also as sliding stones, rolling stones, or moving rocks...
