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Lake Superior glyphs. Source: YouTube Screenshot / America Unearthed

Who Mined Lake Superior? Ancient Glyphs Solve Bronze Age Mystery (Video)

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For centuries, the shores of Lake Superior have held countless secrets, hidden in the depths of the lake and the surrounding wilderness. Recently, a team of archaeologists and linguists stumbled upon a discovery that may shed light on one of the greatest mysteries of the region.

A series of glyphs found by archaeologists may hold the answer to a question that has puzzled historians for decades. Who was behind the mysterious disappearance of vast amounts of copper from Lake Superior? And what did they do with it? This Bronze Age Mystery may have finally been solved.

Top image: Lake Superior glyphs. Source: YouTube Screenshot / America Unearthed.

By Robbie Mitchell



I don’t think they transported copper via the great lakes. I think they transported copper via the Mississippi river. The copper culture extends all the way to the Gulf of Mexico. This isn’t my theory, I first read this in a book by Gavin Menzies.


Ben Brown

A quick reserch in Google shows that the “Newberry Tablet” is mostly considered a hoax. The question is why to create such a hoax in the end of 19th centure, if the theory of the Minoans trading the Michigan copper was not already well known. To my knowledge this theory took a plausibility boost with the haplogroup X mapping, but this could not have happened earlier than the end of the 20th century. So, does anyone know when that theory was first introduced?

Pete Wagner's picture

Interesting that Cyprus 'means copper'.  The earliest extant texts (Linear B) call the island that (Cyprus) – from way, way back in the BC.  But that is WELL BEFORE we are to believe humanity started smelting metals.  So another thing that doesn’t add up.  But my theory, as you may know, is that the pre-Ice Age culture (Atlanteans, if you will) were a mature culture, and responsible for most of the metals attributed to ‘the Bronze age’, which may be more ‘the age of great finds’ and resettlement of desolate ruins.  But if sticking with the prevailing theory, we look at this impressive stone construction on the island ( and wonder, 1) HOW the Romans quarried, provisioned, and erected it, 2) why no ‘Roman historian’ mentions the effort, 3) WHY it is in a state of ruin, and 4) WHY (if they built it) they didn’t repair it?  All that work for not?  It’s much more plausible as the work of the pre-Ice Age/Atlanteans, using those small elephants that were endemic to pre-Ice Age Cyprus, as domesticated draft animals.

Nobody gets paid to tell the truth.

It may be more reasonable to speculate that rather than refining and transporting a few tons of copper at least 7 or 8000 miles from Lake Michigan, through Lake Huron, then Lake Erie, Lake Ontario and many other lakes to reach the St Lawrence seaway, to the coast, thence to Crete using fairly simple sailing vessels, the ancients would have looked to Cyprus, the source of copper for the nations of the Mediterranean and surrounding region as recorded in all the Ancient records. Simple economics would determine that the longer trip was just not viable and would serve no purpose if the source for the metal was nearby and well established. The fact that both samples tested ~99% copper is not particulary convincing – I mean, that’s the point of refining metals isn’t it? 

PS: The name ‘Cyprus’ translates to ‘copper’.
Just do a search for 'oldest shipwrecks, copper'. There are a lot of them, in the Mediterranean.

One interesting example:


Pete Wagner's picture

Good point.  Once some convenient, often whimsical, false idea becomes essentially a structural component within the institution, it’s ‘elite’ champions and their well-paid ‘janissaries’, more than anyone, know how hard and ugly the walk-back, or fall, would be.  “No, no, no, ...we can’t have that! We must sure up our big leaning house of cards, least until my retirement!”  The worst example is all the constant stream of non-sense concerning so-called ‘elite burials’, ...which is so absurd it probably began as just a wild idea, but soon after and still now just silly dogma – OBVIOUSLY diverting from the truth of the global calamity and genocide (of sorts) of the pre-Ice Age culture, ...who lived nicely in their underground homes in the caverns, with their big pyramids serving as magnificant water pumps, and elaborate communal bathhouses. and beautifully designed and built stone temples.  The whole idea of burying a dead body, all those pounds of stinking, rotting flesh, in the ground around where people live, and drink the ground water, vice the beautiful, ancient custom of ceremonially burning the body of a dead loved one in a funeral pyre (funeral means TORCH in the old language), and witnessing the smoke rise with the departing loved spirit into the heavens.  The big question with that is, when did the custom/funeral culture  change, and who (the tyrannical Church?) decreed the new method involving digging a six foot deep hole, and why?  Just to have us believe our ancestors did that as opposed to being WIPED OUT by the hand of some alien devil that showed up after it happened?  Or did somebody just change the word, in a devious slight of hand, (not a naive slip), as 'burning' and 'burying' are just ONE LETTER OFF, and tell us ‘this was/is the age-old practice and so shall you do the same?  And/or do some bodies NOT burn as well as others, and people started wondering and coming up with troubling theories as to why?  But it all becomes what one WANTS to believe, as in what puts the mind more at ease with the present reality, truth or not.

Nobody gets paid to tell the truth.


Robbie Mitchell's picture


I’m a graduate of History and Literature from The University of Manchester in England and a total history geek. Since a young age, I’ve been obsessed with history. The weirder the better. I spend my days working as a freelance... Read More

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