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bronze age

Two Burial Sites from Early Bronze Age Cultures Uncovered in Moravia

Two Burial Sites from Early Bronze Age Cultures Uncovered in Moravia

Archaeologists have discovered two major burial sites near Olomouc, Central Moravia, in the Czech Republic, during a rescue excavation along the future route of the D35 highway between Křelov and...
Pottery vessel made in Tel Hama, including child’s fingerprint, which is evidence of child labor in ancient Syria.

Child Labor Used in Syrian Kingdom to Fuel Ceramic Needs of Alcoholic Feasts

New research from Syria’s Tel Hama, a town at the edge of the Ebla Kingdom, shows that 4,500-years-ago, at the time of the Early Bronze Age, two-thirds of the pottery was made by children, starting...
Ancient structures found during excavations at Midas Castle, a Bronze Age site in Eskisehir, northwestern Turkey

Sacred Structures Built by Phrygians in 800 BC Unearthed in Turkey

During excavations at Midas Castle, a Bronze Age site in Eskisehir in northwestern Turkey, archaeologists unearthed an astonishing collection of ruins linked to an ancient culture that once reigned...
An aerial view of the ancient Greek rampart found in Stobreč, Croatia.

Ancient Greek Settlement with Massive Rampart in Croatia Dated to 1500 BC

Archaeologists performing excavations in the village of Stobreč along Croatia’s Adriatic Sea coast unearthed ruins from a settlement that was first occupied approximately 3,500 years ago, and...
Left;  Right; Experiment, one-handed spear and shield fight.

Bronze Age Spear Fights Recreated Through Simulating Ancient Combat Techniques

A new study has confirmed what we already suspected and knew, but in much more elaborate detail: the Bronze Age was a long, long bloodbath. The team of researchers, including experts from Göttingen...
Advanced Construction Techniques by 5th Century BC Tartessos Culture Discovered

Advanced Construction Techniques by 5th Century BC Tartessos Culture Discovered

A brilliant new study conducted by an international team of researchers has revealed the construction processes employed at the Casas del Turuñuelo archaeological site in Guareña, Badajoz, Spain...
A photo of one of the mummies from the Xiaohe cemetery, with the kefir samples (highlighted with red triangles) scattered around the neck of the mummy

World’s Oldest Preserved Cheese Origins Revealed

The world’s oldest preserved cheese…arranged like jewelry…in the form of a dairy necklace grave good? A new discovery ticks all these boxes and is from Tarim Basin in northwestern China. For at least...
Photograph from one of the Cyprus Exhibitions at Medelhavsmuseet with the terracotta sculptures and the betyl (stone) from Agia Eirini.

The Agia Eirini Sculptures - Terracotta Army of the Greek World

Cyprus, with its far-reaching and often turbulent history, was always a dream come true for archaeologists and scholars alike. But one chance discovery made in 1929 would give everyone the find of a...
New Twist In ‘Europe’s Oldest Battle’ Gleaned From Bronze Age Arrowheads

New Twist In ‘Europe’s Oldest Battle’ Gleaned From Bronze Age Arrowheads

Over 3,000 years ago, in Tollense, a river valley that now lies in northern Germany, two large armies clashed in what is now recognized as Europe’s “oldest-known battle”. The clues have been pieced...
The Ancient Dacians and Their Clash with Rome (Video)

The Ancient Dacians and Their Clash with Rome (Video)

The Dacians were an ancient civilization that thrived in the northeastern Balkans, a region abundant with natural resources and bordered by the Black Sea. This strategic location fostered a rich...
Left; Tomb 80 of La Almoloya (Pliego Murcia). Example of a typical burial from the Argaric Bronze Age. Right; the archaeological site of Gatas (Turre, Almería), where one of the oldest known Argaric tombs was found.

Iberian Peninsula WASN’T Conquered by Invaders in 2,200 BC, New Study Says

Modern scholars have generally accepted the theory that violent invaders from the steppes (dry, grassy plains) of Eastern Europe used murderous means to displace many populations in Western Europe in...
Egyptian Fort Including Barracks & Weapons to Ward off Invading Sea Peoples Discovered

Egyptian Fort Including Barracks & Weapons to Ward off Invading Sea Peoples Discovered

A thrilling new discovery in Egypt has unveiled the remnants of a once-vital military fortress used to defend the shores from attackers such as the ‘sea people’ and dating back to the New Kingdom era...
2,700-Year-Old Bronze Shields and Helmet Dedicated to Chief God Haldi

2,700-Year-Old Bronze Shields and Helmet Dedicated to Chief God Haldi

Three bronze shields and a ceremonial bronze helmet, dedicated to Haldi, the chief god of the Urartians, were recently discovered during excavations at the historical Ayanis Castle in Van province,...
Bronze Age Structures Buried Intentionally by Cult in 3,000 BC in Anatolia

Bronze Age Structures Buried Intentionally by Cult in 3,000 BC in Anatolia

During excavations at the Küllüoba Mound site in the city of Eskişehir in central Anatolia , Turkey, archaeologists have unearthed ruins associated with an ancient cult that may have roots going as...
2nd Millenium BC Megalithic Structure - A Sacred Place for Gold Miners?

2nd Millenium BC Megalithic Structure - A Sacred Place for Gold Miners?

A team of adventurous researchers has revealed the findings of their study on a remarkable megalithic monument discovered in the picturesque Burabay district of Kazakhstan’s Akmola region. This...
Hakan Öni releasing the Bronze dagger from the seabed.

3,600-Year-Old Bronze Dagger Recovered from World’s Oldest Shipwreck

A thrilling underwater adventure off the coast of Kumluca, Antalya, has just unearthed a dazzling bronze dagger with silver rivets, believed to be around 3,600 years old, from the time of the...
The 3500-year-old jar lies broken in the Hecht Museum.

Curious Child Smashes Bronze Age Jar in Israeli Museum

Having survived in one piece for 3500-4000 years, a Bronze Age jar met an unfortunate end when a four-year-old boy accidentally pulled it over during a visit to the Hecht Museum in Haifa, Israel. The...
Archaeologists at work in a large burial field in southeastern Norway, where 40 circular stone formations with cremated bone remains, mostly from children, were found.	Source: Guro Fossum/Museum of Cultural History/ University of Oslo

2,500-Year-Old Graveyard Reveals the Burial of 39 Children and Just Two Adults

A fairly unsettling discovery has been unearthed out of a recent excavation in Østfold county, Norway - a 2,500-year-old graveyard containing 39 individual burials, exclusively of children under the...
Bronze Age items found at Budyně nad Ohří, Czech Republic.

3,600-Years-Old Weapon and Jewelry Stash Found in Czech Republic

Archaeologists conducting a routine survey in a field in Czechia (or the Czech Republic) have unearthed a significant hoard of Bronze Age artifacts, eight arm rings, two pins, eight axes, and a...
Late Bronze Age hoard found in Carmarthenshire, Wales.	Source: Mark Lodwick / British Museum, CC BY-SA 4.0

What Did Bronze Age People Do With All That Bronze?

Catherine J. Frieman & Caroline Schuster /The Conversation We have no written evidence about how people lived in Europe during the Bronze Age (2300–800 BC), so archaeologists piece together their...
Pre-excavation photograph of hoard prior to excavation in GUARD Archaeology’s Finds Lab; Xray of hoard; Cup-ended penannular bracelet.	Source: GUARD Archaeology

3,000-year-old Bronze Age Highlander Hoard Discovered in Scotland

Recent laboratory investigations by GUARD Archaeology have unveiled fascinating details about a Bronze Age hoard discovered in Rosemarkie, Highland Scotland. This remarkable find includes nine bronze...
Burial items of Picene Prince, found under burial mound in Corinaldo, Italy. 		Source: University of Bologna/ Città di Corinaldo

Picene Prince’s Tomb Reveals a Chariot and 150 Other 7th Century BC Artifacts

In the town of Corinaldo in Italy’s Ancona, archaeologists conducting excavations in the Nevola necropolis found a significant archaeological burial, belonging to an elite member of the Picene (...
AI image of ancient Egyptian temple ruins.

Fickle Sovereignty: Exploring Egypt's Third Intermediate Period

Characterized by political fragmentation and foreign rule, the Third Intermediate Period in Egypt saw a country divided among competing nations and religious adversaries, ushering in an era founded...
3,500-year-old cuneiform tablet found at Accana Mound, Hatay, Turkey.

3,500-Year-Old Cuneiform Tablet Found Containing a Shopping List in Turkey

Archaeologists excavating the Aççana Mound, also known as Eski Alalah, have made an amazing discovery: a cuneiform tablet detailing a shopping list of purchases from almost 3,500 years ago. The...
