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Knights Templar

The seal of the Knights Templar

Two Knights On One Horse: What is the Meaning of the Knights Templar Symbol?

By Andrew Latham /The Conversation Did this seal symbolize the order’s poverty, homosexuality or companionship with Christ?  The Knights Templar, a legendary monastic military order forged in the...
A wounded Knights Templar is on his knees praying to God. Source: Stephen Pierce/Adobe Stock

What Happened to the Knights Templar? (Video)

Originating in the fervor of the Crusades during the 12th century, the Knights Templar emerged as a dedicated order sworn to protect Christian pilgrims traveling to the Holy Land. Founded by a small...
Fully armored Templar knight in a rugged landscape with church tower in the background  	Source: iridescentstreet/Adobe Stock

Knight Templar Graves “Not” Discovered At “Non-Templar” Church

Edward Dyas is an English author who has spent years looking for connections between a church and the illustrious order of medieval warrior-monks, The Knights Templar. Dyas is back in the news this...
Ray of sunlight entering a rock chamber, representational. Source: Lina / Adobe Stock.

Cryptic Secrets: Unearthing Pennsylvania's Hidden Chamber (Video)

In rural Pennsylvania , an underground chamber was discovered, capturing the attention of investigators and explorers. With its intriguing dimensions and enigmatic entrance, this hidden structure...
Hermitage of San Bartolomé. Source: Al Carrera / Adobe Stock.

Why Did the Templars Mark This Mysterious Spot On the Map? (Video)

Nestled within the majestic Rio dos Lobos Canyon stands the 12th-century hermitage of San Bartolomé, a hidden gem veiled in secrets and symbolism. This enigmatic chapel holds a significant place in...
Church of Santa Maria do Olival in Tomar, Portugal. Source: milosk50 / Adobe Stock.

The Tiny Church at the Heart of the Knights Templar (Video)

Hidden within the charming town of Tomar, Portugal, lies a hidden gem of historical significance - the tiny church of Santa Maria do Olival. Dating back to the 13th century, this Gothic church holds...
Grotte di Osimo. Source: Giulia Lavagnoli / CC by SA 4.0.

Uncovering Templar Secrets In the Grotte di Osimo (Video)

Beneath Osimo, Italy, lies a concealed network of tunnels and chambers connecting the city's palaces. This underground maze carries an air of mystery, as it once held strategic importance for the...
The mysterious and elaborately carved walls of Royston Cave. Source: Sizbut / Flickr

Enigmatic Symbols and Carvings in Man-Made Royston Cave

The Royston Cave is an artificial cave in Hertfordshire, England, which contains strange carvings. It is not known who created the cave or what it was used for, but there has been much speculation...
Hoax of the Century? The Truth About Pierre Plantard’s Priory of Sion

Hoax of the Century? The Truth About Pierre Plantard’s Priory of Sion

Emerging in the Middle Ages in monarchic circles, chivalric orders gradually morphed into fraternities and social circles, predominantly in Christian societies. These knightly orders were a privilege...
A Secret Grail Crypt Under A London River? The Search Is On

A Secret Grail Crypt Under A London River? The Search Is On

An amateur archaeologist in England claims the Holy Grail is buried in a secret “Grail crypt” under a river in Hounslow, London. And an environment agency plans to drain the river to find out if the...
The Templar’s Tunnel (olegmayorov / Adobe Stock)

The Templar Tunnel: Knight’s Strategic Passageway Was Lost for 700 Years

The Templar Tunnel is an underground passageway located in the city of Acre, in what is now Israel. This tunnel was built by the Knights Templar when the city was under the rule of the Kingdom of...
Take an Eye-Opening Journey into the Past: Top 10 Historical TV Series

Take an Eye-Opening Journey into the Past: Top 10 Historical TV Series

Ancient history and some of its famous faces have inspired countless TV series over recent years, ranging from drama and action, to fantasy and sci-fi. We all know that “based on actual events” or “...
Harran, Turkey

Why were the Knights Templar So Interested in Harran?

Harran is one of the oldest cities in the World. Located in southern Turkey, a remarkable feature of this ancient place is its beehive-shaped adobe houses, built entirely of mud without any wood...
Christ in the Labyrinth (Image © Giancarlo Pavat) and Knights Templar deriv (Luis Louro / Adobe Stock)

Christ in the Labyrinth, Pointing to a Sacred Pilgrimage of the Knights’ Templar

In 1996 during restoration work on a medieval cloister in the ancient city of Alatri, in the southern district of Lazio in Italy, a fresco was discovered with the image of Christ in the centre of an...
The Mystery of Mount Heredom, Masonic Seat of Scotland

The Mystery of Mount Heredom, Masonic Seat of Scotland

Every country in the world has a handful of mountains which demand central roles in tales of lost treasures and mysteries of a supernatural nature, but only Scotland can claim to have a mountain so...
Portrait of Jesse James. (Deriv) (pict rider / Adobe Stock)

Jesse James’ Secret Map May Lead to Templars’ Treasures

Descendant of Jesse James, author Daniel J Duke , uses a template, encoded with Kabbalah gematria and provided by the American Civil War secret society, Knights of the Golden Circle, to link sites of...
Symbol of the Knights Templar

Alternative-Right Claims to March in Step with the Knights Templar – This is Fake History

When market trader Tina Gayle was banned from selling mugs featuring Knights Templar logos in a Loughborough Market, Charnwood Borough Council ruled that they were offensive to Muslims. A story in...
Roger de Flor and His Catalan Company: From Grand Duke to Caesar – Part II

Roger de Flor and His Catalan Company: From Grand Duke to Caesar – Part II

Military adventurer and mercenary for hire, Roger de Flor was as shrewd a businessman as he was a skillful sailor and fighter. Through his rich services to kings and the elite, he established a...
Roger de Flor and His Catalan Company: From Knight Templar to Pirate – Part I

Roger de Flor and His Catalan Company: From Knight Templar to Pirate – Part I

Roger de Flor was a swashbuckling military adventurer and condottiere (mercenary) leader of the Catalan Company. He was born in the city of Brindisi, Italy, which at the time of his birth was a part...
Did the Templars Hide the Ark of the Covenant? Unraveling the Cove-Jones Cipher

Did the Templars Hide the Ark of the Covenant? Unraveling the Cove-Jones Cipher

On October 25th this year, the Vatican released a document that had remained in its secret archives for seven hundred years. It is the report of the official Church investigation into the activities...
Deriv; Ordination of Jacques de Molay in 1265 as a Knight Templar, at the Beaune commandery and the Chinon Parchment.

The Guilt of the Gnostic Knights Templar: The Chinon Parchment

The recently discovered Chinon Parchment of the Vatican Library in 2001 has brought a level of redemption to the Knights Templar. It does not discount their “heretical” activities, which were...
King Arthur

The Grail Cypher: A radical reassessment of Arthurian history

Walter Kayo sat at his desk in the scriptorium, the cold chill of winter half broken by a flickering fire in the hearth. The velum page before him was still not finished, yet already his eyes felt...
Knights Templars

Mystery of the Knights Templars: Protectors or Treasure Hunters on a Secret Mission?

The Knights Templars were a secret society whose true purpose remains a mystery or is at least vigorously debated among scholars and historians to this day. The Templars left behind many clues of...

The conspiracy theories of Bérenger Saunière and Rennes-le-Château

Rennes-le-Château is a castle in small hilltop village in Southern France that is at the center of many conspiracy theories. Some say that priest Bérenger Saunière discovered buried treasure in the...
