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Deriv; Ordination of Jacques de Molay in 1265 as a Knight Templar, at the Beaune commandery and the Chinon Parchment.

The Guilt of the Gnostic Knights Templar: The Chinon Parchment

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The recently discovered Chinon Parchment of the Vatican Library in 2001 has brought a level of redemption to the Knights Templar. It does not discount their “heretical” activities, which were entirely gnostic in nature and reveal Johannite and Sufi influences on the Knights. But it does absolve them of these “crimes.”   

The History of the Parchment

When Pope Clement V summoned many of the accused Knights Templar to his residence in Poitiers, France to determine the truth of the heretical allegations against them, some of the highest ranking knights, including Grandmaster Jacques de Molay, were diverted to Chinon, where they were met by three cardinals.

Jacques de Molay, the last Grand Master of the Knights Templar.

Jacques de Molay, the last Grand Master of the Knights Templar. (Public Domain)

Their subsequent meeting in Chinon—including confessions by the Knights and an ensuing absolution of their crimes by the Church—comprise the text of the Chinon Parchment. 

The Chinon Parchment is explicit in revealing that De Molay and the high ranking Templar official questioned by the cardinals confessed to the heretical charges against them, including sodomy, denouncing Jesus, illicit kissing, trampling and spitting on the cross, and worshipping an idolized head.  

The Chinon Parchment.

The Chinon Parchment. (Courtesy author)

States the Parchment: “When he (de Molay) was asked whether he had confessed to these [heretical allegations] due to a request, reward, gratitude, favor, fear, hatred or persuasion by someone else, or the use of force, or fear of impending torture, he replied that he did not. When he was asked whether he, after being apprehended, was submitted to any questioning or torture, he replied that he did not.” 
“After this,we (the cardinals) concluded to extend the mercy of pardons for these acts to Brother Jacques de Molay, the Grandmaster of the said Order, who in the form and manner described above had denounced in our presence the described and any other heresy, and swore in person on the Lord’s Holy Gospel, and humbly asked for the mercy of pardon [from excommunication], restoring him to unity with the Church and reinstating him to communion of the faithful and the sacraments of the Church.”
~Chinon Parchment dated August 17–20, 1308 

The History of the Templars’ “Heretical” Rites

The so-called “heretical” activities that the highest ranking Templars confessed to are easily recognized as common gnostic practices that have been employed by many gnostic sects of the east for millennia. Legend has it that while in the Holy Land the Knights Templar were initiated into the esoteric rites and teachings of a few of these gnostic sects, including the Johannite Gnostics who had descended from John the Baptist and the Sufi Gnostics who were recognized as some of the greatest gnostics and alchemists of their time.  

“Squaring the Circle”, Michael Maier's Atalanta fugiens, emblema XXI, 1618

“Squaring the Circle”, Michael Maier's Atalanta fugiens, emblema XXI, 1618 (Public Domain)

Thus, the rites that led to the downfall of the Knights Templar were only heretical from the perspective of those who were not initiates of the gnostic-alchemical path. For example, the “heretical” practice of kissing strategic places on the body employed by the Templars during their initiation rite was based on an ancient yogic and alchemical rite that had been observed in the east for ages.

The manuscript illustration (c. 1350) alludes to the accusation of "obscene kisses" at the base of the spine.

The manuscript illustration (c. 1350) alludes to the accusation of "obscene kisses" at the base of the spine. (Public Domain)

Through kissing or touching the regions below the navel and at the base of the spine it was known by the yogis and gnostics that a teacher or guru could awaken the alchemical force of Kundalini at its bodily seat. The infamous kisses on the mouth ascribed to the Templar initiators were similarly designed to assist Kundalini activation. When an initiator placed his mouth over that of a prospective Templar he transmitted his Kundalini into the new brother via his own breath.  

The other “heretical” rites ascribed to the Templars also possessed an ancient gnostic pedigree. The Templars’ practice of trampling and spitting on representations of the Cross was employed by the Knights because it had been used on some of their earlier gnostic predecessors as an instrument of torture and death. The Templars’ denunciation of Jesus as their Savior stems from the legacy they received from the Johannite Gnostics, who for two thousand years had viewed John the Baptist and not Jesus as the true Messiah and Savior. In fact, the idolized head venerated by the Templars is believed by many historians to have been the mummified head of St. John that the knights discovered in Constantinople during the Fourth Crusade.

 Head of Saint John the Baptist, by anonymous Spanish painter. (c. 1600-1650)

Head of Saint John the Baptist, by anonymous Spanish painter. (c. 1600-1650) (Public Domain)

And finally, the perceived “obscene” act of sodomy observed by the Templars can be traced back to both their Sufi and Johannite preceptors. It was both an act of Sexual Tantra designed to awaken or further activate the Kundalini that the Sufis had brought back to the Middle East from India, as well as a sacred rite known about during the earliest days of the Johannite Gnostics when many of the earliest Johannite adepts, including John the Baptist, Jesus and Simon Magus, all practiced sacred sex with consorts. It was, no doubt, part of the canon of Sexual Tantric practices that Mary Magdalene and many other temple priestesses of the Middle East were privy to and taught within the nascent Johannite order.

Mary Magdalene, by Domenico Tintoretto,  c. 1598

Mary Magdalene, by Domenico Tintoretto,  c. 1598 (Public Domain)

Mark Amaru Pinkham is the Grand Prior of The International Order of Gnostic Templars ( Mark is the author of Guardians of the Holy Grail: The Knights Templar, John the Baptist and the Water of Life which details the origin and purpose of many of the gnostic and alchemical practices observed by the early Knights Templar.  

Featured image: Deriv; Ordination of Jacques de Molay in 1265 as a Knight Templar, at the Beaune commandery (Public Domain), and the Chinon Parchment.

By: Mark Amaru Pinkham



when I heard about it a very long time ago it insantly became evident.The french king owed them alot of money.the pope refused to execute the templars the french self appointed king pulled yet another coup and installed his cousin as pope and he ordered it. The pope and french king got rich and lived happily ever after. follow the money and who profits the most from the murders.The french have always been race ect. traitors. From charlemagne who sweept more like murdered just about anybody he did'nt perceive a christian we
hen stole all the lands and gave it to the church more like another relative which was how the church became fithlt rich , ,the so called knights who murdered and commited genocide on fellow christians in what was recently yugoslavia on thier way to the ME aiding and abbeting the invasion of whiec hristian europethe ottomans So now they are being invaded oh how nice

JonBee's picture

My book The Royal Secret directly links the Hermetic beliefs of the Egyptian Masons and the Roseline to those of David and Solomon to  John the Baptist to Mary Magdalene (great grand-daughter of Queen Cleopatra) to the Cathars to the Merovingian bloodline to King Arthur, the The Templars, the Tudors, Shakespeare, and the the US Founding Father Freemasons, and today’s misuse by the covert New World Order one world government Illuminati; and  by US pop culture, including Hendrix, Bowie, Beyonce, Prince, Lady Gaga , Rihanna, Madonna, Katy Perry and many more indulging in the encouragement of Satanic beliefs of which the Templars were suspected.

JonBee's picture

My book The Royal Secret directly links the Hermetic beliefs of the Egyptian Masons and the Roseline to those of David and Solomon to  John the Baptist to Mary Magdalene (great grand-daughter of Queen Cleopatra) to the Cathars to the Merovingian bloodline to King Arthur, the The Templars, the Tudors, Shakespeare, and the the US Founding Father Freemasons, and today’s misuse by the covert New World Order one world government Illuminati; and  by US pop culture, including Hendrix, Bowie, Beyonce, Prince, Lady Gaga , Rihanna, Madonna, Katy Perry and many more indulging in the encouragement of Satanic beliefs of which the Templars were suspected.

It's silly to place the term heretical in quotes and explain that these practices were only heretical to those who didn't practice them. That is intrinsic to the definition of the word. The term was invented by the Church to describe practices which contradicted orthodox beliefs.

Oh, how very revisionist. Let's just rewrite history to suit our own personal political proclivities. The antithesis of scholarship.


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Mark Amaru Pinkham

Mark Amaru Pinkham

Mark Amaru Pinkham is an author and researcher who has published six books on the ancient mysteries of Earth and the evolution of humanity. His books include The Return of the Serpents of Wisdom Guardians of... Read More

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