Jesse James’ Secret Map May Lead to Templars’ Treasures
Descendant of Jesse James, author Daniel J Duke, uses a template, encoded with Kabbalah gematria and provided by the American Civil War secret society, Knights of the Golden Circle, to link sites of lost treasures, not just buried by his great-great-grandfather, but going as far back as the Knights Templar, the eight-century ‘Seven Cities of Gold’ searched for by Spanish explorer Francisco Vasquez de Coronado and the Bruton vault.
Jesse James aka James Lafayette Courtney (Image © Daniel J Duke)
Descendant of Jesse James
In 1995 I was in Houston, Texas, just out of college and working for an engineering company. My mother, Betty Dorsett Duke, called me at the office and told me she had some news. Inspired by family legends, she had gathered evidence proving that the Old West American outlaw, Jesse James, was our ancestor and that he did not die as the conventional, accepted version of history claims.
Instead of relying just on our word and on family legends, my mother took our family photos to the experts at the forensics laboratory of the Texas Department of Public Safety and two other experts. All three verified that our family photographs and tintypes of my great-great-grandfather, who lived under the alias of James Lafayette Courtney, matched the image of the outlaw Jesse James.
Signature from the diary of James Lafayette Courtney aka Jesse James (1871) (Image © Daniel J Duke)
The Knights of the Golden Circle’s Treasure Template
Research also pointed towards a secret society known as the Knights of the Golden Circle (or ‘K.G.C.’), which was a pro-Confederate organization, founded in the mid-1850s, with the goal of preserving slavery and creating an empire based on agriculture with labor provided by slaves. This empire was projected to be centered in Havana, Cuba and was to encompass an area including the southern portion of the United States, Mexico, Central America, and the northern portion of South America. The group is said to have included men such as Albert Pike, John Wilkes Booth (assassin of President Abraham Lincoln) and Jesse James who was said to have been inducted in his early teenage years when he was fighting as a Confederate guerilla during the American Civil War. I have yet to see any evidence that Jesse or Albert Pike were members.
A young Jesse James (Public Domain)
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Daniel J Duke is the author of Jesse James and the Lost Templar Treasure.
Top Image: Portrait of Jesse James. (Deriv) (pict rider / Adobe Stock)