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Take an Eye-Opening Journey into the Past: Top 10 Historical TV Series

Take an Eye-Opening Journey into the Past: Top 10 Historical TV Series

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Ancient history and some of its famous faces have inspired countless TV series over recent years, ranging from drama and action, to fantasy and sci-fi. We all know that “based on actual events” or “inspired by real events” rarely means we’ll watch a true-to-life reenactment of historical events. Not to mention that historical facts are often the basis for heated debate.

The point here is that these kinds of shows are not documentaries. Dramatic license is an important aspect to ensure a successful historical fiction or drama series. While the involvement of historical experts in creating many of these shows demonstrates that the producers had some interest in historical accuracy, most of what you’ll see is a mix of some fascinating facts with lots of entertaining fiction. If something in particular grabs your interest, read up on it and you may be surprised to discover that the real story behind your new favorite show is just as exciting as the drama playing out on the screen!

Rome (2005-2007)

What’s it About? There are many rich, powerful, and historically significant characters in this historical TV series, such as Caesar, Cleopatra, Octavius, and Mark Anthony, but Rome focuses on the fictional adventures of Lucius Vorenus and Titus Pullo, following their lives as they witness and influence many important historical events in the transition of the Roman Republic into the Roman Empire.

What Stands Out? Elaborately detailed sets demonstrate part of the huge financial costs that went into making the series. It was nominated for, and received, several awards for its writing, directing, production, and visual effects. Many would argue that Rome set the stage for the success of the historical dramas that follow on this list.

How Historically Accurate is it? Lucius Vorenus and Titus Pullo were a pair of Roman soldiers who were mentioned in Caesar’s Commentarii de Bello Gallico, however their story has been embellished. One of the series’ creators stated that “this series is much more about how the psychology of the characters affects history than simply following the history as we know it.” The producers wanted to present the grittier side of ancient Rome. The show was well-researched, exploring what private and public life were like in ancient Rome to make it feel more authentic, even though the focus was not to create a documentary.

There are many rich, powerful, and historically significant characters in the series Rome. (burnel11 / Adobe Stock)

There are many rich, powerful, and historically significant characters in the series Rome. (burnel11 / Adobe Stock)

Spartacus (2010-2013)

What’s it About? A “sword and sandal” depiction of the life of the Thracian warrior turned gladiator, Spartacus. Enslaved and forced into gladiatorial combat by the Romans, Spartacus later escaped and was an instrumental figure in the Third Servile War, a slave uprising that took place between 73 and 71 BC.

What Stands Out? The extreme nature of the fights and battle scenes, as well as their unique style. Dramatic scenes and a fast-paced storyline play out in front of distinct background scenery.

How Historically Accurate is it? The series producer calls the show “historically adjacent.” Surprisingly enough, the high levels of violence, sex, nudity, and the treatment of slaves are said to be somewhat accurate representations of life in ancient Rome, but history takes a back seat to entertainment in fight scenes, gladiatorial battles, and several other elements. A certain level of historical accuracy is maintained, but this series knows it’s made for entertainment, and isn’t aiming for factual accuracy.

Spartacus is a “sword and sandal” depiction of the life of the Thracian warrior turned gladiator. (Warpedgalerie / Adobe Stock)

Spartacus is a “sword and sandal” depiction of the life of the Thracian warrior turned gladiator. (Warpedgalerie / Adobe Stock)

Frontier (2016-2018)

What’s it About? This series depicts all the ugly sides of the cutthroat, power-driven Canadian fur trade turf wars in the 1700s and the potential for drama and intrigue for all involved. Its story centers on a half-Irish, half-Cree outlaw who used to work for the powerful Hudson's Bay Company and now seeks revenge on his former employer, who also seeks revenge on him.

What Stands Out? The in-depth backstories for many of the characters. Although Declan Harp takes center-stage, everyone else gets a moment to shine as plot twists abound, there’s lots of action, and the scenery where it all plays out is breathtaking at times. It’s also surprising that the violence that is present is generally used to expand the narrative and less for shock value, unlike many other historical dramas.

How Historically Accurate is it? The story is centered on entirely fictional characters, but the executive producer has called it a historical fiction drama, possibly for its historic setting. The North American fur trade was real and it did involve the Hudson’s Bay Company and its trading posts. Like many other history series, it’s an imaginative tale inspired by history.

Marco Polo (2014-2016)

What’s it About? Marco Polo in the Mongol Empire creates a recipe for exciting times. The series begins with Marco Polo as Kublai Khan’s prisoner and goes on to explore political intrigue, assassination attempts, greed, betrayal, a love story, and scenes of Marco Polo enhancing his fighting skills in kung-fu movie/matrix-style training sessions with a blind master named Hundred Eyes.

What Stands Out? The series was cancelled after two seasons, but in that time the big-budget series, in which East meets West, was acknowledged for its sets, cinematography, and music.

How Historically Accurate is it? The series’ executive producer and writer stated that historical accuracy was “very important,” but that the series wasn’t “chained to history.” Most characters were real people, but many of the events depicted about their lives were not.

In Marco Polo, historical accuracy was “very important” but the series wasn’t “chained to history.” (Артем Дубровин /Adobe Stock)

In Marco Polo, historical accuracy was “very important” but the series wasn’t “chained to history.” (Артем Дубровин /Adobe Stock)

Vikings (2013-2019)

What’s it About? Inspired by the sagas of one of the best-known legendary Norse heroes, Ragnar Lothbrok, the series follows the life of Ragnar and his family as he transforms from farmer to successful raider to Scandinavian king. Later seasons depict the stories of his sons as they adventure across England, Scandinavia and the Mediterranean.

What Stands Out? While not necessarily historically accurate, the series’ acting, writing, sets, and props, have all been praised for their attention to detail and these elements come together to create an in-depth story. Raiding and pillaging are combined with exploring Norse religion and family life.

How Historically Accurate is it? The series is inspired by the Norse sagas and some of the people in them, which themselves are a mix of fact and fantasy. Other documents from the period were also consulted to depict some events with some accuracy, such as the Lindisfarne raid in 793 AD. However, artistic license also brings together characters who could have never met in real life, and also alters the details of some historical events.

The Last Kingdom (2015-2019)

What’s it About? Revenge and the fight for political power are two elements presented in this series focusing on the Danish conquest of England. The TV series explores this historic event from the perspective of Uhtred Ragnarson, the son of a Saxon nobleman, who is raised by Danes but finds himself questioning where his loyalties lie: with the kingdom of his ancestry or the people who he grew up with. The title refers to the Kingdom of Wessex, the last major stronghold against the Danes.

What Stands Out? The acting, fight scenes, music, costume and plot have received a lot of praise. The series portrays a gritty, vivid picture of life in the area during that time of transition.

How Historically Accurate is it? Historic events and people mingle with fictional characters and scenes, combining to depict the time and reign of Alfred the Great. Uhtred is a fictional character created from an amalgamation of several historic characters of the same name who also ruled Bebbanburg (Bamburgh Castle). Danish warlords Ubba and Guthrum existed, as did Alfred the Great and Asser the Monk. Of course elements are added to aid with storytelling and entertainment, such as some of the battle scenes.

Viking battle scenes are always exciting! (Альберт Гизатулин /Adobe Stock)

Viking battle scenes are always exciting! (Альберт Гизатулин /Adobe Stock)

Knightfall (2017-2019)

What’s it About? The adventures of fictional Templar leader Landry du Lauzon, a knight who became disheartened by the Crusaders’ failures in the Holy Land but reinvigorated by rumors that the Holy Grail has resurfaced. The series follows the successes, fall, persecution, and suppression of the Knights Templar.

What Stands Out? Chaotic and videogame-like fight scenes, political intrigue, the struggle for power, and dramatic scenes mix the myth and legends to present the Templars as religious warriors with personal battles and contradictory actions.

How Historically Accurate is it? This series is based on history and loosely based on events and crusaders from that time. However, many of the characters, dates, and events have been altered for entertainment purposes. The creators’ goal is more to be “true to the spirit of the time” than to achieve historical accuracy. Pope Boniface VIII, Princess Isabella, King Philip IV of France, and Queen Joan of France and Navarre are all real historical figures.

The series Knightfall follows the successes, fall, persecution, and suppression of the Knights Templar. (guerrieroale /Adobe Stock)

The series Knightfall follows the successes, fall, persecution, and suppression of the Knights Templar. (guerrieroale /Adobe Stock)

Resurrection: Ertuğrul (2014-2019)

What’s it About? This Turkish historical adventure series, which is in Turkish but with English subtitles, tells the story of Ertuğrul Gazi – the father of the Ottoman Empire’s founder, Sultan Osman I. The focus is on Ertuğrul’s mission to find his tribe, the Kayi, a permanent homeland in the 13th century. He fights the Knights Templers, the Mongols, and the Seljuks.

What Stands Out? For most viewers, this provides an alternative perspective on the groups presented in the series, not to say it’s a true to life view, but it’s something interesting to consider. The costumes, music, and story may also appeal as something different for a Western audience.

How Historically Accurate is it? Although Ertuğrul was a real person, there is little concrete information available about his life other than what was passed on through oral traditions. It’s known he was the son of Sulayman Shah, but it’s not certain if he was really part of the Kayi tribe. The presentation of when and where real historic events occurred is probably accurate. However, the behaviors presented of the different adversarial groups, especially the Crusaders, the Mongols and the Byzantines, is probably not true.

The history series ‘Resurrection: Ertuğrul’ provides alternative views. (darkmedia /Adobe Stock)

The history series ‘Resurrection: Ertuğrul’ provides alternative views. (darkmedia /Adobe Stock)

Empresses in the Palace (2015 – Netflix Version, 2011 - China)

What’s it About? Trimmed way down from 76 episodes to six in the US version, Empresses in the Palace (aka The Legend of Zhen Huan) is a Mandarin-language TV series available with English subtitles. Depicting the trials and tribulations of Zhen Huan, a young concubine to Qing Dynasty Chinese emperor Yongzheng, the series follows her as she survives the perils of the harem in the Inner Palace. Nothing is as it seems and the fierce infighting between the Empress and the concubines means Huan has to use her wits and talents to survive.

What Stands Out? Praised as one of the best historical dramas to come out of mainland China in recent years, this series has attracted audience attention due to its intricate plot, fancy costumes, and addictive storyline. If you’re looking for less violence and more love, this story combines that force of nature with political themes, historic values, and the cruelty and decadence of the higher echelons of Chinese feudal society. The strong, self-actualized women living in the harem provide a perspective that is far from what you’d expect. You may also be surprised that a show about concubines doesn’t depict sex.

How Historically Accurate is it? The setting is historical and certain characters, like the Emperor, were real, but like all the other TV shows on the list, this is a historical-fiction story. Most of the female characters are fictionalized and, because there is very little information recorded about Imperial women at this time in China, their motivations, desires, behaviors, and actions all come from the creators’ imagination. However, Zhen Huan is loosely based on Dowager Xiaosheng, the Noble Consort Xi to the Yongzheng Emperor and mother of the Qianlong Emperor.

A Chinese empress. (wichansumalee /Adobe Stock)

A Chinese empress. (wichansumalee /Adobe Stock)

Ekaterina: The Rise of Catherine the Great (2017-2018)

What’s it About? The first season follows princess Sophie Friederike Auguste as she rises to power and becomes the Empress of Russia following a coup d'état and the assassination of her husband, Peter III. The second focuses on the challenges she faces during her reign, the era in which she became known as Catherine the Great. This historical TV series series is in Russian but available with subtitles.

What Stands Out? A well-paced plot, beautiful costume design, impressive sets, and a moving musical score enhance the storyline and have inspired many viewers to watch this series. The story itself is filled with betrayals, adultery, and political intrigue. Suspense is rampant throughout the show.

How Historically Accurate is it? The show has been praised for its historical accuracy, especially when compared to other popular historical dramas. Some say the character development is mostly in-line with historical facts.

Top Image: Over recent years, ancient history and its most famous characters have inspired countless TV series. Sources: nicoletaionescu /Adobe Stock and Alexandr Bognat /Adobe Stock

By Alicia McDermott



Hello Alicia,

Thank you for sharing this thought provoking article; I enjoyed reading it quite a bit.

I've been frustrated by Historical Dramas that were under the heading of Creative Licensing spinning a Historical Moment around to fit with someone else Ideas takes away in my opinion the whole lesson with The Historical Event.

When the updated version of The Jackie Robinson Story 42 was release at first glance you'd think the storyline was right on track then here's this pivotal moment when Jackie gets so Mad He breaks the Bat and goes to the locker Room and of course Ricky played by Harrison Ford has to convince Jackie to come out and Play Ball.

Accept that never happened the director made that little action up because He Internalized what He would have Done. Well He wasn't Jackie Robinson.

African Americans throughout America's History has always been altered somehow in Hollywood that distorts what really happened too Us Play's it Down.

If Jackie Robinson would have responded in that Manner the way 42 was done; Jackie would of failed in gaining Us meaning African Americans traction in Professional Sport's. And that's Why Jackie Died at The Ripe Age of 53 Because That's How He Internalized what he experienced.

42 Biopic just from that one decision in the Movie is Historical Fiction.

If Hollywood does a Movie about The Freedom Riders and interjects something that never happened that would upset Me greatly.

That is just one example of Altered History Dramas.

Lately since the World is a bit upside down at The Moment I've been watching kiddie programs on PBS No I don't have children.

There's this New Educational Program Xavier and The Secret Museum.

The story plot is quite basic three little children spends their day in The Secret Museum that is owned by the brother/sister duos Family, the siblings has one friend Brad.

Whenever the children have a problem they can't figure out for themselves then a gadget friend Furby, I think? Transports them in Time to meet Historical Figures who assist them in providing Solutions to specific problems.

The 3 little children Team often meet these great figures of History when They Were Children & unsure of what they'd do in certain situations; as usual the Historical person that they search for often encounters the same problem that confronted the 3 Explorers back at the Museum.

I'm sure you're probably thinking that doesn't seem so bad.

No but if your going to do cartoons about Historical African Americans it is imperative you get it right.They've added four new episodes to Xavier & The Secret Museum pertaining to Frederick Douglass, Harriet Tubman & Rosa Park's.

Since the program last just shy of 30 seconds they don't have as much Time for the lesson at hand but they still squandered an opportunity when the Children Met Harriet Tubman.

The Children encounters Harriet Tubman when She was sneaking away in The Woods to visit with her Family Following the North Star. She did tell the children that she and her family were enslaved but, didn't address the fact they were Slaves because of the color of their Skin that was left out.

The program didn't address why The North Star was so important with the lesson of Harriet Tubman are to Slaves in general. The Children did learn how to keep their Eye on the North Star to get too Harriet's family living on another Plantation.

The other issue when the children met Harriet she didn't have 3 scars on her neck from being whipped when she was 11.

Harriet Tubman and her family spoke perfect English. That's incorrect there really was such a thing known as The Slave Dialect. African American Comedians make light fun of it now but it was an real language.

Since education was denied to Us in Slavery the many Africans brought on The Middle Passage spoke diverse languages from Africa but learning the English language without going to school the language barrier is going to flounder a bit giving rise to broken English spoken.

When the children leaped forward in Time a second time when Harriet was grown they again encountered Harriet waiting to lead Slaves well Her Parent's to The North to Freedom Harriet was grown by that Time.

Remember Harriet Tubman Head Injury? An overseer threw a Weight intended for another Slave that had ran away from the Field's?

Harriet stepped in the way and was struck in the head and for the rest of Her life she had Sleeping Spells as a result of Her Traumatic Brain Injury.

Harriet Tubman didn't experience her Sleeping Spell ever through the segment while getting Her parents too Freedom in The North.

At the end of the episode the brother/sisters Parent's Museum built a Statue of Harriet but, they sculpted Harriet out of white marble there was No Hint of Her African Features on display. The adults chose White Marble to sculpt Harriet from Harriet was Black she wasn't White that's what we call White Washing History in the African American Community.

Another person may think it's not a big deal well to me I'm African American Woman and it's a Huge Deal to Me they did the episode egregiously.

Look growing up African American we as Children are immediately taught about The Black Experience in order too understand why The Country is the Way it is.

When programs like Xavier and The Secret Museum glosses over uncomfortable subjects Topics Harriet Tubman, Frederick Douglass then the lesson being taught gets lost in translation.

It's also away to erase History to fit ones Philosophical perceptions.

So it's small inconsistencies like with Harriet Tubman that becomes a problem when doing a Historical Drama it's still distorting the Truth somehow.

Obviously it may seem that I'm only paying attention to Dramas pertaining To Me and my History in the U.S.A. I'm not there are other subjects that bother me involving Hollywood Biopic Movies.

I'm Seventh Day Adventist and when the Movie Hacksaw Ridge was released that's about the Conscientious Objector Medic Desmond Doss, in World War II, I remember this feeling of trepidation.

Doss was Adventist like Me, I had heard of him off and on in The Church; and that was how little I knew of Him. I didn't really get the real picture of Doss till the Movie was released.

Then I remembered something very important about Doss and I felt bad when Doss' experiences came out on the Big Screen.

Only because He never wanted the Movie made.

He was declared a War Hero and Hollywood came around knocking trying to do the story and Doss wouldn't comply.

From a Christian stand point of view Desmond Doss refused to take Credit for something that was strictly God's doing He kept giving Praises to God.

The other issue why Desmond didn't want it done on The Big Screen is because Hollywood makes stuff up they put their own spin on the story that tends to be a Lie rather than the Truth.

Which did happen The director in an effort to explain why Desmond Doss refused to carry a Gun rather than accept that's who Doss was the Director invented an explanation involving a drunk father confronting Him with a Gun, that never happened at that Time Adventist were like The Methodist they were Against the use of Guns pacifist.

If a person decides to do a story about an Historical Christian one should attempt to respect their wishes and remember that The Bible teaches about the Sin of Lying.

At that time in Doss Era Adventists didn't really believe in going to The Theatre, the Movies. Because Storylines generally are in direct opposition to what The Bible Teaches.

Understanding Doss' refusal for his Movie being made is found In The Bible to after, Jesus Baptism.

Jesus was led to The Wilderness to be Tempted by Lucifer.

The last obstacle waywardly offered by The Adversary was asking of Christ All the Kingdoms of The Earth I will give thee if you Will Bow to Me in which Jesus Rebuked Him with These Words Away from Me Satan for It Is Written Worship the Lord; Serve Only Him.

Accepting Worldly Good could be a trap by the Enemy. As believers were often taught to be Vigil for Devil Goeth about like a Lion seeking whom He may Devour.

One maybe thinking it's just a thank you for saving people's life yes but Desmond maintained it was All God's Doing; He prayed to God for Help and God granted his Prayer.

He's the only one that I'm aware of who even tried saving wounded Enemy Japanese Soldier's that's how you know There's A God.

Anyway I suppose that I've successfully completed my rant regarding Biopic Historical Movies and Drama Show's until next time Alicia Goodbye!

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Alicia McDermott holds degrees in Anthropology, Psychology, and International Development Studies and has worked in various fields such as education, anthropology, and tourism. Traveling throughout Bolivia, Peru, Colombia, and Ecuador, Alicia has focused much of her research on Andean cultures... Read More

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