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Remains of the oldest Forum building, the Temple of Saturn.  Source: Yasonya / Adobe Stock

Roman Forum: Heart of the Empire and Symbol of Grandeur (Video)

For a thousand years, the Roman Forum was the epicenter of the Roman Empire. This symbolic center, known as the ‘umbilicus Romae’ housed the ‘miliarium aureum’, the golden milestone from which all...
: Roman Colosseum.	Source:	FeaturedPics/CC BY-SA 4.0

Myths and Legends: The Colosseum After Rome's Fall (Video)

In the centuries following the fall of Rome , the Colosseum underwent significant transformations and became a site of legend and varied uses. By the 16th century, it was a dilapidated ruin, where...
AI generated Ancient Celtic warrior prepared for battle.

Warriors and Kings: The 1500-Year Battle for Celtic Britain - An Interview with Martin Wall

We sit down with Martin Wall, author of Warriors and Kings: The 1500-Year Battle for Celtic Britain, to discuss his recent publication, the motivation behind it and more. Petros Koutoupis: Who is...
Wall purported to be used to contain Spartacus in Calabria, Italy	Source: Archaeological Institute of America

Archaeologists Find Roman Wall Built to Trap the Legendary Spartacus

In a discovery sure to capture a good deal of public attention, a team of archaeologists have found the remains of a Roman wall built to trap the forces of Spartacus , the escaped former Roman...
AI image of the Roman Republic

Visualizing Republican Rome's Splendor (Video)

Republican Rome , emerging from the ashes of monarchy, left a tangible legacy in the landscape of ancient Italy. With the expulsion of kings in 509 BC, Rome sought to carve its own identity. Temples...
AI image of the Roman Republic. Source: Alfaza503/Adobe Stock

Visualizing Republican Rome's Splendor (Video)

​ Republican Rome , emerging from the ashes of monarchy, left a tangible legacy in the landscape of ancient Italy. With the expulsion of kings in 509 BC, Rome sought to carve its own identity...
Historical illustration of the great Roman Empire. Source: Roman /Adobe Stock

Imperium Sine Fine, Frontiers, and City Walls: Early Rome to the Emperor Aurelian

The Latin word imperium originally meant power, specifically the power to command armies, and also civilians. Such power was conferred by law on a Roman official, such as a consul, a praetor, or any...
"Dying Gaul" in the museum on the Capitol, Rome, Italy. Source: Valery Rokhin/Adobe Stock

Historical Journey of the Dying Gaul

The 2,000-year-old sculpture of the Dying Gaul is a larger-than-life marble sculpture of a nude man on the ground holding himself with one arm, resting weakly on an outstretched leg. His hand sits...
Roman copy of a Hellenistic sculpture of a Gallic warrior. Source: Public Domain

Gallant Gauls: A Journey Through Ancient Europe

The story of the Gauls, ancient inhabitants of modern-day France, Belgium, Switzerland, and parts of Italy, offers a fascinating journey into a civilization often overshadowed by their Roman...
Side view of the colossal head of Decebalus. Source: Cazanele Dunării/CC BY-SA 4.0)

The Colossal Head of Decebalus, King of the Dacians

In the heart of Rome stands a 38-meter tall (124.67ft) tall column built in the 2nd century AD. Carved in low relief spiralling around the monument are over 2600 figures, representing the combatants...
A Roman love scene. Mosaic found in Centocelle (1st century AD).	Source: Kunsthistorisches Museum/CC BY-SA 2.5

Silphium, The Ancient Contraceptive Herb Driven To Extinction

As an institution of spiritual authority, the Catholic Church wields much influence over the attitudes and beliefs of millions of people around the globe. From scriptural doctrine to less refined...
The tightly packed amphorae of the Ses Fontanelles Roman shipwreck. Source: Sebastià Munar Llabrés, Jaume Cardell, Carlos de Juan, Miguel Ángel Cau, Darío Bernal-Casasola, Llorenç Picornell & Enrique García Riaza / Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences.

Roman Shipwreck Reveals Entirely New Type of Amphora

Archaeologists excavating the hold of a Roman cargo ship off the coast of Mallorca have turned up something new. An entirely unknown type of amphora has been found inside the wreck, which is believed...
AI generated image representative of Alba Longa, legendary ancient Roman city.	Source: LukaszDesign/Adobe Stock

Alba Longa and its Legendary Kings

Alba Longa, an ancient city located in the Latium region of Italy, holds a prominent place in the realm of myth and legend. According to tradition, this fabled city's origins can be traced back to...
Pantheon of Agrippa at night. Rome, Italy. Source: euclem/Adobe Stock

Exploring The Pantheon of Agrippa (Video)

The Pantheon of Agrippa , erected in 25 BC during Marcus Agrippa's consulship, exemplifies ancient Roman architectural ingenuity. Initially featuring a grand porch leading to a rotunda, its...
Sex scene in ancient fresco in Pompeii in the Casa delle Lupanare. Source: BlackMac/Adobe Stock

Roman Brothels, the Controversial Ancient Societal Hubs

Ancient Rome had a very vibrant and complex society, where prostitution played a major role. It was legal, licensed, and very common. In fact, brothels occupied a unique and controversial position in...
In 477 BC, the Battle of the Cremera was fought between the Roman Republic and Veii, leading to the loss of Roman control over the river Cremera. This allowed Veientes to penetrate deeper into Roman territory.	Source: Frans Vandewalle / CC BY-SA 2.0

Clash of Titans: The Roman-Etruscan Wars of Ancient Italy

The Roman-Etruscan Wars represent a significant chapter in the ancient history of ancient Italy, marking the clashes between the burgeoning power of Rome and the advanced civilization of the...
Aerial view of Circus Maximus, an ancient Roman chariot-racing stadium and mass entertainment venue in Rome, Italy. Now it's a public park but it was the first and largest stadium in ancient Rome. Source: Stefano Tammaro/Adobe Stock

What Happened in Rome’s Circus Maximus? (Video)

The Circus Maximus , a sprawling amphitheater nestled between the Palatine Palace and the Aventine Hill, epitomized the grandeur of ancient Roman entertainment . Originally a venue for celebratory...
Engraving of Cornelius Tacitus from a drawing by Brooke. Source: Public domain

Tacitus: The Master Chronicler of Ancient Rome

Publius Cornelius Tacitus, better known as just Tacitus, is arguably one of the most illustrious figures in Roman historiography. His writings cast a profound light on the intricacies and nuances of...
Representational image of Roman Emperor Maximinus Thrax. Source: JUSTIN / Adobe Stock

Maximinus Thrax's Turbulent Rule: Rome's Unsuccessful Giant Soldier-Emperor

The history of the vast and powerful Roman Empire was defined by its many rulers. After all, talented emperors were responsible for maintaining that venerable and very complex social machine. However...
left obverse and right reverse of the silver denarius from Rome, dated 113-112 BC. Source: American Numismatic Society

Coin Reveals Ancient Rome’s Fight Against Voter Intimidation

David B. Hollander /The Conversation This silver denarius, minted over 2,000 years ago , is hardly the most attractive Roman coin. And yet, the coin is vital evidence for the early stages of a...
Worst Roman emperors of the Roman Empire. Source: Public Domain, Public Domain, Egisto Sani/CC BY-NC-SA 2.0, Public Domain

The 8 Worst Roman Emperors and Their Dastardly Deeds

The history of the Roman Empire is filled with tales of grandeur, conquests, and the rise and fall of mighty rulers. From a small city-state, it rose in power, became a kingdom, a republic, and...
Artist's impression of Teuta, Queen of the Illyrian Ardiaei tribe, leads a pirate expedition against Rome. According to Illyrian laws, piracy was a legitimate trade, which led to war against the Roman Republic, who did not approve. Source: © The Creative Assembly / SEGA from Total War.

Piracy in the Ancient Mediterranean and the Notorious Cilicians

Piracy (in its maritime context) is thought to have existed ever since the seas were used by merchants as trade routes. The Mediterranean Sea was no exception, and piracy has been notorious in this...
Sculpture details of classic male form in Venice, Italy. Source: Andrew Deer/Adobe Stock

A Brief History of Homosexuality in Rome (Video)

Homosexuality in ancient Rome was a multifaceted aspect of society, often overshadowed in historical narratives. From prominent figures like Julius Caesar to Emperor Nero, instances of same-sex...
Statue of Socrates    Source: araelf/Adobe Stock

Did the Ancient Greeks and Romans Experience Alzheimer’s?

Leigh Hopper /University of Southern California You might think age-related dementia has been with us all along, stretching back to the ancient world. But a new analysis of classical Greek and Roman...
