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6th-Century Ruins Uncovered in UAE Could Be the Lost City of Tuam

6th-Century Ruins Uncovered in UAE Could Be the Lost City of Tu’am

Excavations in the Umm Al Quwain region of the United Arab Emirates have revealed 6th-century ruins that could correspond to the ancient city of Tu’am. Located on Al Sinniyah Island, the island forms...
Representational image of Muslim achievements to science, medicine, philosophy and education. Source: mknisanci / Adobe Stock

“Historical Amnesia” Obscures Forgotten Achievements of Muslim Culture

In an article authored by Craig Considine and published in The Huffington Post , the veil is lifted on a profound historic oversight in some educational curriculums: the neglect of Muslim...
Saladin and Guy de Lusignan after battle of Hattin in 1187. Source: Public Domain

Saladin - Conqueror of the Kingdom of Heaven (Video)

Saladin , known as the "Conqueror of the Kingdom of Heaven," emerges from history as a figure of profound complexity and greatness. Born in 1137 in modern-day Iraq, he navigated the tumultuous...
A religious leader talks to hundreds of people. Source: ZaYoNiXx/Adobe Stock

Seven Great Religious Leaders in History (Video)

Seven significant historical religious leaders have profoundly impacted the development of faith traditions worldwide. Moses Maimonides, born in 1135 AD in Spain, was a distinguished Jewish...
Representative image of a soldier from the Abbasid Caliphate. Source: Harry / Adobe Stock

From Splendor to Ruin: The Epic Tale of the Abbasid Caliphate

The Abbasid Caliphate was an Arabic dynasty that ruled over much of the Muslim world for over 500 years. It rose from bloody beginnings to become the center of the Muslim world during the Islamic...
Abbasid palace in Baghdad, Iraq. Source: pop_gino/Adobe Stock

The End of an Empire - The Fall of the Abbasids (Video)

In the 8th century Middle East, the Abbasid Caliphate rose to power, overseeing an era later hailed as Islam's golden age. However, internal strife marked its decline. Caliph Harun al-Rashid's well-...
AI representation of Hadi Sultan of the Abbasid Caliphate.	Source: Studio shunalamya/Adobe Stock

Islam's 'Golden Age' - Rise of the Abbasids (Video)

In the 8th-century Middle East, the rise of the Abbasids marked a significant chapter in Islamic history. Seizing control of the vast Islamic Caliphate , the Abbasids held sway for five centuries,...
The liberation of prisoners in Malaga by the Catholic Monarchs, as part of the Reconquista in 1487. Source: Public domain

Reclaiming Iberia: The Epic Tale of the Reconquista in Spain

The Reconquista , a pivotal chapter in medieval European history, represents the centuries-long struggle in the Iberian Peninsula as Christian kingdoms sought to reclaim their territories from...
Arte Alhambra (Rumomo / CC BY-SA 4.0)

Islamic Umayyad Dynastic Influence In Iraq

When Europe was experiencing the so-called dark Middle Ages, during the seventh and eighth centuries AD, in the East, Islam was on the rise, and the Umayyad Dynasty was on the forefront of conquering...
Tuareg man with his traditional tagelmust face and head covering in the mountains of Hoggar, Algeria.	 Source: Sahara Nature / Adobe Stock

The Ancient Tuareg: “Free Men” of the Sahara Desert

In the heart of the Sahara Desert, an ancient people known as the Tuareg have thrived for centuries. The enigmatic history, which can be traced back thousands of years, unfolds as a testament to...
Fortress of Al-Ukhaidir or Abbasid palace of Ukhaider in Iraq. Panoramic view from the ramparts ( Janos / Adobe Stock)

Ukhaidir and Samarra: Architectural Legacy Of The Abbasid Dynasty

The Abbasid Dynasty, founded by Abu al-Abbas as-Saffah in 750 AD, marked a significant transition in the Islamic world. It succeeded the Umayyad Caliphate and shifted the Islamic capital from...
Dome of the Rock, Jerusalem. Source: andyross / Adobe Stock.

Is This the World's Most Contested Religious Site? (Video)

In Jerusalem's Old City lies the Alexa mosque within the Dome of the Rock, a site of profound religious significance. For Jews, it's the Temple Mount , while for Muslims, it's the noble sanctuary...
Ezekiel’s Tomb. Credit: David Stanley / Flickr.

Ezekiel's Tomb: Transcending Religious Boundaries (Video)

Ezekiel's Tomb , nestled beside the meandering rivers of Babylon in Al Kifl, Iraq , is a testament to the convergence of history, faith, and the enduring human spirit. This 14th-century shrine,...
Haji piyada nine domes mosque, Afghanistan. (Masoud Akbari / CC by SA 3.0)

The Mysterious, Ancient Nine Domes Mosque of Afghanistan (Video)

The ancient Nine Domes Mosque in Afghanistan in Balkh, Afghanistan is a fascinating enigma that has intrigued archaeologists for centuries. Built in the 8th century, it stands as one of the oldest...
A Muslim and a Jew inside a Jewish synagogue in Kolkata, India. Source: YouTube Screenshot / Atlas Obscura.

The Muslims Preserving Kolkata's Last Jewish Synagogues (Video)

In the vibrant city of Kolkata, India, a heartening and harmonious interfaith tradition is flourishing as Muslim caretakers diligently preserve the last remaining Jewish synagogues . This unique...
Steaming cup of coffee. Source: alexandarilich / Adobe Stock

Coffee Sparked a Controversial Caffeine Crackdown in Mecca

Coffee drinking is part and parcel of everyday life, though it hasn’t always been that way. Curiously enough, coffee drinking was deemed so controversial in the early 16th century that it was banned...
Ancient Koumbi Saleh, a busy center of trade. Source: dasom/Adobe Stock

Gold, Salt, and Islam: The Story of Koumbi Saleh

Koumbi Saleh was one of the most important economic centers in West Africa during its peak around the 9th century. This wealthy trade city was once a hub of economic activity, with trade, agriculture...
A tired Muslim woman awakening early during Ramadan. (Odua Images/Adobe Stock)

In Centuries Old Tradition, Drummers Awaken a Sleeping Istanbul to Ramadan

3,400 Muslim drummers dressed in Ottoman period costumes will march through 1000 Istanbul neighborhoods, reciting ancient poems before dawn, preserving “a beauty” from the month of Ramadan. Selami...
The Moors left behind a legacy of culture and architecture, such as the Alhambra palace complex in Granada, Spain. Source: lunamarina / Adobe Stock

15 Facts About the Moors You've Probably Never Heard

The Moors left a significant mark on medieval Europe, especially with their conquest of the Iberian Peninsula in 711 AD. They ruled over Spain for several centuries, transforming it culturally,...
Blue Mosque, Istanbul, Turkey. Source: yusuftatliturk / Adobe Stock

The Majesty of Mosques: 12 Captivating Photos That Showcase Islamic Architecture

Mosques are known for their stunning architecture and intricate craftsmanship. From the grandeur of the Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque in Abu Dhabi, to the delicate beauty of the Blue Mosque in Istanbul,...
The intricately carved Mughal Emerald is an impressive example of the skilled gem carvings of the time. Source: Museum of Islamic Art Twitter

The Mughal Emerald: The World’s Largest Engraved Emerald

Precious jewels have been symbols of wealth and status for thousands of years. From rubies to sapphires to emeralds, societies all across the world have desired these stones for their use in...
A woman wearing a veil, a tradition which has taken many different fomes throughout time and place.	Source: eugenepartyzan / Adobe Stock

Wearing of the Veil Traditions Throughout History

There is perhaps no piece of clothing in history that has caused more controversy than the veil. Currently, protests to raise awareness of the tragic death of Mahsa Amini, a lady who died after being...
A drone shot of the monastery, including a single-aisle church, refectory, cistern, storeroom and kitchen. The nearby courtyard building, lower right, may be an abbot’s house or ‘bishop’s palace.’ Siniyah Island in Umm al-Quwain, United Arab Emirates.	 Source: Nasser Muhsen Bin Tooq / Department of Archaeology and Tourism of Umm Al-Quwain via AP

Pre-Islamic Ruins Found in UAE Belong to Rare 6th Century Christian Monastery

The ruins of a Christian monastery dating back to the sixth or seventh century have been discovered on sandy Siniyah Island (Al Sinniyah Island), which is located in the southern Persian Gulf just...
Female monarchs have been rare, but not unheard of, across the world. Like their male counterparts, they had mixed track records. Source: FrankBoston / Adobe Stock

Five Female Monarchs of the Muslim World

The death of British Queen Elizabeth II earlier this year provoked retrospectives on her reign, as well as reflection on the rule of other female monarchs. Many powerful women leaders of the West are...
