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Ancient Koumbi Saleh, a busy center of trade. Source: dasom/Adobe Stock

Gold, Salt, and Islam: The Story of Koumbi Saleh

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Koumbi Saleh was one of the most important economic centers in West Africa during its peak around the 9th century. This wealthy trade city was once a hub of economic activity, with trade, agriculture, and mining forming the foundation of its bustling economy. So why was it abandoned by its people in the 14th century? Uncovered artifacts in Koumbi Saleh’s ruins have given historians a glimpse at its rich and tragic past. 

Built at the Hands of the Soninke People

At the heart of the story of Koumbi Saleh are the Soninke people, a dynamic and enterprising ethnic group that forged one of the most powerful empires in West Africa: the Ghana Empire.

Koumbi Saleh, important trade center in the Ghana Empire. (Barada-nikto/CC BY-SA 4.0)

Koumbi Saleh, important trade center in the Ghana Empire. (Barada-nikto/CC BY-SA 4.0)

Koumbi Saleh was founded in the 4th century AD by the Soninke people, who were known for their skills in farming and trade. They built a vast network of trade routes that crisscrossed the savannah and forest regions of West Africa, linking them to the bustling markets of North Africa and the Mediterranean world. These routes gave the Soninke people opportunities to trade in gold, salt, ivory, and other valuable goods, amassing significant wealth and power in just a short amount of time.

The Ghana empire rose to power mainly by capitalizing from the gold trade, as well as copper, iron-smelting & salt. (HomeTeam History / YouTube)

The Ghana empire rose to power mainly by capitalizing from the gold trade, as well as copper, iron-smelting & salt. (HomeTeam History / YouTube)

Koumbi Saleh was the epicenter of the Ghana Empire's trade and political activities, a hub of activity that drew merchants, scholars, and adventurers from across the continent. The city was renowned for its wealth and sophistication, well-planned streets, elaborate architecture, and sophisticated political system. Its diverse population included Soninke people, Arab and Berber traders, and more, creating a true melting pot of cultures and beliefs.

Diobé, ruler of Soninke colonial era town of Bakel, with his advisors. (Public Domain)

Diobé, ruler of Soninke colonial era town of Bakel, with his advisors. (Public Domain)

The Soninke people played a pivotal role in the rise and fall of the Ghana Empire, and their legacy can still be seen in West Africa today. Modern-day Mali and Senegal, among other countries, are home to significant populations of Soninke people who continue to maintain their cultural traditions and heritage. 

The Thriving Home of the Sahara’s Salt and Gold

Gold was the currency of Koumbi Saleh, and the Ghana Empire had it in abundance. The region was rich in gold deposits, and the empire controlled the production and distribution of this precious metal throughout West Africa. 

This gold was typically mined throughout present-day Ghana and transported to Koumbi Saleh for sale to Arab and Berber traders. From there, it made its way north across the Sahara to North Africa and the Mediterranean world, spreading word of the treasure trove called Koumbi Saleh.

Salt was another commodity that made Koumbi Saleh a major center of trade. The city was located near the Taghaza salt mines in present-day Mali, which were the largest and most important salt mines in West Africa. The Tuareg people mined the salt and transported it to Koumbi Saleh, where it was traded for gold, cloth, and other goods. 

However, Koumbi Saleh's economy was about much more than just mining and trade. The city was also a center for agriculture, with farmers growing crops such as millet, sorghum, and rice. Located on the edge of the Sahel region, the city had fertile soil and a reliable water supply, making it a perfect place for farming. The farmers of Koumbi Saleh traded their crops with other regions of West Africa, creating a vibrant economy that helped sustain the city's population.

Koumbi Saleh was truly a city of wealth and prosperity, fueled by its location at the center of the trans-Saharan trade network, its control of gold and salt, and its thriving agricultural economy. 

A Melting Pot of Islamic Influence

Koumbi Saleh may not have been a Muslim state, but it was still a melting pot of Islamic influence that left an indelible mark on the region's history.

Islam was brought to Koumbi Saleh by Arab and Berber traders who crossed the Sahara Desert to trade with West Africa. The religion soon took root and began to spread throughout the Ghana Empire, with many of the city's rulers adopting it as their own. By the 11th century, Islam had become the dominant religion in Koumbi Saleh and other major cities of the empire.

The 13th-century Great Mosque of Djenné, listed as an UNESCO World Heritage Site, is a superb example of the Sahelian architectural style predominant in the area of Koumbi Saleh in West Africa. (Public Domain)

The 13th-century Great Mosque of Djenné, listed as an UNESCO World Heritage Site, is a superb example of the Sahelian architectural style predominant in the area of Koumbi Saleh in West Africa. (Public Domain)

The city became a haven for Muslim scholars, traders, and religious leaders, attracting people from all corners of the Islamic world. The Great Mosque, an impressive structure built in the 9th century, was the centerpiece of religious life in the city. It was also a center for education, with prominent Muslim scholars and teachers working there. The mosque was an important site for pilgrimages and attracted Muslims from all over West Africa and beyond.

The Great Mosque was just one of many Islamic institutions that were built throughout the city. Koumbi Saleh was home to several madrasas (schools), libraries, and religious centers that helped to spread Islamic knowledge and culture throughout the region. These institutions were a testament to the city's wealth, power, and cultural influence, and they played a pivotal role in shaping the development of Islam in West Africa.

The Fall and Mysterious Abandonment of Koumbi Saleh

There is no single explanation for why Koumbi Saleh was abandoned, but historians and archaeologists have put forth several theories to explain its mysterious abandonment. One possibility is that a severe drought or environmental disaster struck the region, making it impossible for the population to sustain itself. Another theory is that invading armies, like the Muslim Almoravids, conquered the city, imposing their will and forever changing the region.

The decline of the trans-Saharan trade routes may also have played a role in Koumbi Saleh's demise. As trade shifted to coastal routes and the economy of West Africa changed, the importance of the city as a trade hub may have diminished, leading to its eventual abandonment.

But it was the Almoravids who dealt the final blow, sweeping in from North Africa with their military might. Their campaigns were too much for Koumbi Saleh and other cities within the empire, leading to its ultimate decline. They conquered the city, imposed their own religion, and forever changed the region.

The fall of Koumbi Saleh was a tragic result of a combination of factors, both internal and external, including political instability, environmental impact, a decline in the gold trade, and the invasion of the Almoravids. It was a turning point for the Ghana Empire, which slowly lost its grip on West Africa. 

The exact reason for the city's abandonment remains a topic of debate among historians, but one thing is clear: Koumbi Saleh was no longer a place where a population could thrive. 

Koumbi Saleh’s Rich Legacy Lives On

Although Koumbi Saleh may have fallen, its story is far from over. As a UNESCO World Heritage site, ongoing efforts are underway to preserve and protect this important site for future generations. 

Excavations continue to uncover artifacts that offer insight into the city's economic, political, and religious life, revealing the picture of a once-great empire that succumbed to several tragic factors. Today, the remains of Koumbi Saleh serve as a reminder of the empire's rich legacy.

Top image: Ancient Koumbi Saleh, a busy center of trade. Source: dasom/Adobe Stock

By Lex Leigh


African Heritage . 2020. The Ghana Empire: Great and Magnificent Ancient Kingdom of Africa. Available at:

Britannica, T. Editors of Encyclopedia. 1998. Kumbi. Available at:

Fisher, H. J. 1982. Early Arabic sources and the Almoravid conquest of Ghana. Available at:

Masonen, P., & Fisher, H. J. 1996. Not quite Venus from the waves: The Almoravid conquest of Ghana in the modern historiography of Western Africa. Available at:

Mauny, R. 1959. Kumbi Saleh, ancient capital of the 'Land of Gold'. Available at:

McLean, J. (n.d.). Early World Civilizations. Available at:

Samakie, A. 2001. Koumbi Saleh. Available at:


Frequently Asked Questions

Koumbi Saleh was the capital city of the ancient Ghana Empire, located in present-day Mauritania.

Koumbi Saleh was important because it served as a major center of trade and scholarship in West Africa during the height of the Ghana Empire.

The two sides of Koumbi Saleh were divided by a large stone wall, with the northern side housing the king's palace, administrative buildings, and Muslim scholars, while the southern side was mainly inhabited by non-Muslim traders and artisans.

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Lex Leigh is a former educator with several years of writing experience under her belt. She earned her BS in Microbiology with a minor in Psychology. Soon after this, she earned her MS in Education and worked as a secondary... Read More

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