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New Date for Chedworth Roman Villa Mosaic Changes English History

New Date for Chedworth Roman Villa Mosaic Changes English History

Scientific dating methods occasionally rewrite history, and this is certainly the case at the UK Chedworth Roman villa. Using precise radiocarbon dating techniques, scientists have been able to...
An aerial view of Marree Man and an outline illustrated by Lisa Thurston.

The Mysterious Marree Man of Outback Australia: Largest Geoglyph in the World

By April Holloway | Epoch Times Etched into the dry sand of Australia’s barren outback is the world’s largest geoglyph, known as “Marree Man,” an enormous figure of an Aboriginal man hunting birds or...
The Lady of Baza, a famous example of Iberian sculpture by the Bastetani, has long been a source of contention. Source: Juan Aunión / Adobe Stock

The Lady of Baza and the Battle to Take Her Home

The Lady of Baza, a statue unearthed in Baza, has long been a subject of contention. Discovered in 1971, it was swiftly removed and taken to Madrid where it has been kept at the National Museum of...
St. Mary’s Church, the medieval church that was slated for restoration until Brexit politics nixed the project, despite huge public protests.            Source: Josh Tilley / CC BY-SA 4.0

Medieval Church Restoration Project Sidelined By Truck Park Takeover

A historic English medieval church site has been overtaken by a Brexit overflow lorry park and plans to restore the Grade-1 sacred site have been scrapped, in a controversial government move...
Lost ‘Cosmic’ Amazonian Villages Discovered in Brazilian Rainforest

Lost ‘Cosmic’ Amazonian Villages Discovered in Brazilian Rainforest

Helicopter Lidar scans have revealed an ancient Amazonian “cosmos” of circular settlements, all connected by straight roads. Acre is an Amazonian rainforest state in northwestern Brazil known for...
Orthostats Of Çayönü Tepesi, Nevalı Çori And Göbekli Tepe

Orthostats Of Çayönü Tepesi, Nevalı Çori And Göbekli Tepe

One day in October 1994 Professor Klaus Schmidt, an archaeologist working with the German Archaeological Institute and the University of Heidelberg, made the trek out to a bleak limestone plateau,...
Lost Key to St. Leonard’s Tower Mysteriously Returned After 47 Years

Lost Key to St. Leonard’s Tower Mysteriously Returned After 47 Years

When the large brass key to St. Leonard’s Tower in Kent went missing in 1973, no one knew if it had been lost or stolen. Now, 47 years later, the key has been returned , and its sudden arrival is...
The Northern Mysteries Current: Futhark and Mystery Schools of the Viking Age

The Northern Mysteries Current: Futhark and Mystery Schools of the Viking Age

The existence of mystery schools in the Viking Age (800-1200 CE) is deduced from myth and folklore. The poems of the Edda display the structure and content of cultic texts used within the framework...
Silla Kingdom Princess’ Grave Is Dripping with Gold and Privilege

Silla Kingdom Princess’ Grave Found Dripping With Gold

A treasure trove of ancient and valuable artifacts have recently been discovered at a tomb located in southeastern South Korea , reports The Korea Times . According to the Gyeongju National Research...
The analysis of fat residues on pottery reveals clues about ancient Indus Valley food preferences.

Pot Residues Lift the Lid on Ancient Indus Valley Food Choices

Researchers are getting a glimpse into ancient Indus Valley food choices by analyzing residues on ceramic pots from urban and rural settlements during the Mature Harappan period (c.2600/2500–1900 BC...
Planets Align To Form ‘Star of Bethlehem’ This Winter Solstice

Planets Align To Form ‘Star of Bethlehem’ This Winter Solstice

This year, as dusk gives way to darkness on the night of the Winter Solstice (December 21 st 2020), residents of the United States, the United Kingdom, and other nations across the Northern...
Artist's impression of Teuta, Queen of the Illyrian Ardiaei tribe

The Fierce Queen of the Illyrians: Teuta the Untameable

Following the defeat of Carthage in the First Punic War in 241 BC, the Roman Republic became a dominant naval power in the Mediterranean. Nevertheless, Rome’s control of the seas was not absolute. To...
Analysis of the Cova Foradada Skull has revealed the story of the ancient incident. Source: Rovira i Virgili University (URV)

Solved: The 4000-Year-Old Murder Mystery Of The Cova Foradada Skull

A murder that took place over 4,000 years ago in Spain’s Cova Foradada Cave has been “solved.” Archaeologists investigating the scene of the brutal murder in the Spanish cave have now used high-tech...
Aleister Crowley Panic Gets Stirred Up Over Boleskine House

Aleister Crowley Panic Gets Stirred Up Over Boleskine House

Satanic panic grips Loch Ness as an innovative historian attempts to conserve the “not so good” name of England’s most controversial occultist, Aleister Crowley. Back in November the Daily Record...
Did Romulus, the legendary first king of Rome, (neurobite /Adobe Stock) really exist? (samott /Adobe Stock)

The Romulus Riddle: Did the Legendary First King of Rome Really Exist?

Recent excavations in Rome have re-ignited the debate over whether the legendary first king of Rome, Romulus, was a historical character or just a fanciful work of fiction. In fact, earlier this year...
Fall of Tenochtitlan - Spanish Conquest of Mexico

The Fall of Tenochtitlan - Truly the End of the Aztec Empire?

The fall of Tenochtitlan is an important event in the history of the Americas as it marks the end of the Aztec Empire. This event took place on August 13, 1521 and was the result of a three-month...
Maya Animation? Breathing Newfound Vitality into Ancient Maya Art

Maya Animation? Breathing Newfound Vitality into Ancient Maya Art

This article presents a major breakthrough in Maya art and archaeology, revealing the sophisticated way that Maya artists animated ancient artworks. There is a lot of excitement surrounding the...
An invocation to I-em-hetep, the Egyptian deity of medicine by Ernest Board. (Wellcome Images/ CC BY-SA 4.0)

Medicine Of The Gods: Egyptian Secret Book Of The Physician

As in many other areas of endeavor, the Egyptians had a very good reputation for their medical skills - diplomatic letters often made requests for remedies, including the seemingly miraculous, when...
Isaac Newton And His Alchemical Interest In The Lost Pyramid Code

Isaac Newton And His Alchemical Interest In The Lost Pyramid Code

Unpublished 17th-century AD alchemical documents reveal Sir Isaac Newton’s private Egyptian pyramid studies, in his quest to calculate a date for the End of Days. In July 1936 AD, a metal chest...
Calligraphy of Tang Master Yan Zhenqing Unearthed in Ancient Tomb

Calligraphy of Tang Master Yan Zhenqing Unearthed in Ancient Tomb

Following the Sui dynasty, the Tang dynasty, or Tang Empire, was an imperial dynasty that ruled China from 618 to 907 AD, and was followed by the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period. Now,...
Rare Greek-Illyrian Helmet Found in Croatia

Rare Greek-Illyrian Helmet Found in Croatia

Archaeologists exploring in an ancient burial cave in Croatia have discovered a warrior’s grave containing an exceptionally rare Greek-Illyrian type bronze war helmet. The open-faced, bronze, Greek-...
Babylonian Talmud is More Detailed On The Birth Of Jesus Than The Bible

Babylonian Talmud is More Detailed On The Birth Of Jesus Than The Bible

For historians, whether Christian, Jewish or Muslim, the Talmud is in many ways the perfect primary source, a first-hand account with a direct connection to Judaism. Through the Talmud, we can learn...
A Polar Explorer Died Heating Up His Own Feces

A Polar Explorer Died Heating Up His Own Feces

Jørgen Brønlund was a Greenland-born Inuit polar explorer, educator, and Catholic catechist who participated in two Danish expeditions to Greenland in the early 20th century. Famously, he was the...
The 500-Million-Year-Old Evolutionary Arms Race Towards Better Vision

The 500-Million-Year-Old Evolutionary Arms Race Towards Better Vision

A new study suggests a half-billion-year-old “evolutionary arms race” might have been sparked by developments in the vision of deep-sea giants called “radiodonts.” The “Cambrian explosion” occurred...
