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We share free history videos relating to archaeology, ancient places, unexplained phenomena, historic mysteries, and much more. Don’t miss the chance to explore these ancient mysteries videos. These ancient history videos also include interviews with authors, researchers and top experts from around the world. Explore these ancient mysteries videos and immerse yourself in the wonder of our ancient past.

Filippo Negroli helmet. Source: Metropolitan Museum of Art / Public Domain.

What Makes This Helmet a Masterpiece of Renaissance Metalwork? (Video)

This Renaissance helmet , currently an exhibit at the New York Met, serves as an intriguing example of metal craftsmanship. In the refined circles of the Renaissance, connoisseurs examined such...
Fleas on rats spread the plague. Source: kichigin19 / Adobe Stock.

What Hygiene Was Like During the Black Plague? (Video)

In the 14th century , European hygiene during the Black Plague was far from ideal. Bathing was infrequent, and people resorted to remedies like vinegar and even urine to combat the disease due to a...
Relief carving of Assyrian king Ashurnasirpal II (r. ca. 883-859 BC). Source: Metropolitan Museum of Art / Public Domain.

Realism in Ancient Mesopotamian Relief Carvings (Video)

In the domain of ancient Mesopotamian art, the reliefs from Ashurnasirpal II's palace reign supreme. These monumental creations , though dispersed far and wide by Henry Austen Layard, possess a...
Peruvian nose ornament with spiders. Source: Metropolitan Museum of Art / Public Domain.

Ancient Peruvians Loved Spider-Themed Nose Jewelry (Video)

Peruvian fashion in ancient times showcased septum jewelry adorned with spiders, a unique and captivating choice. These intricate ornaments, often cast in gold, were far from everyday wear, instead...
Medieval thief. Source: nyothep / Adobe Stock.

Thieves’ Cant: The Secret Language Used by History’s Criminals (Video)

For centuries, an enigmatic underworld thrived, its inhabitants conversing in a secret tongue that veiled their intentions. This clandestine dialect, known as thieves’ cant , existed from the 16th to...
Marble capital and finial in the form of a sphinx. Source: Metropolitan Museum of Art / Public Domain.

Why is the Sphinx Considered a Guardian Figure? (Video)

The Sphinx , an intriguing creature with the body of a lioness, avian wings, and a serpentine tail, is most commonly associated with the Egyptians but could also be found in Greek mythology . In fact...
Parque Arqueológico do Solstício in Brazil. Source: topensandoemviajar.

Deforestation Uncovers Ancient Megaliths in Brazilian Jungle (Video)

In the heart of Brazil's dense jungle, a remarkable discovery has emerged from the depths of history - a 'Stonehenge' hidden in the remote region of Calcoene . These mysterious megaliths, believed to...
Tibetan horse saddle. Metropolitan Museum of Art / Public Domain.

How This Ornate Saddle Reflects Traditional Tibetan Culture (Video)

This intricate saddle serves as a remarkable embodiment of traditional Tibetan culture , transcending the Western stereotype of Tibet as solely defined by Buddhism . Rooted in a rich historical...
Limahuli Garden Preserve, Hawaii. Source: stevengaertner / Adobe Stock.

Guardians Protect Hawaii’s Ancient Plants (Video)

Discover the remarkable Limahuli Garden Preserve, a 1,000-acre botanical haven on Kauai's North Shore. Amidst tranquil landscapes, this preserve harbors unique flora integral to Hawaiian culture ...
Crossbow of Count Ulrich von Wurttemberg. Source: Metropolitan Museum of Art / Public Domain.

Is the Hebrew Inscription on This Crossbow a Secret Code? (Video)

Art history resembles detective work , often concealing mysteries waiting to be unraveled. Among the array of crossbows at the New York Met, one stands out as truly exceptional. Its ivory panels bear...
Guédelon Castle, France. Source: Atlantis / Adobe Stock.

Building a Medieval Replica Castle Using Ancient Techniques (Video)

In the realm of modern carpentry , where power tools often reign supreme, Christophe, a skilled French-Canadian Carpenter, embarks on a unique challenge. He's part of a team constructing Guédelon...
A Sultan of the Ottoman Empire having a feast. Source: AI generated.

How a Sultan of the Ottoman Empire Dined (Video)

Ottoman sultans , including the illustrious Suleiman the Magnificent, held a profound appreciation for culinary extravagance. The kitchens of the Topkapi Palace , during the 16th century, teemed with...
The temples of Bagan, Myanmar. Source: Painting Cat / Adobe Stock.

Restoring The 11th Century Temples of Bagan (Videos)

Myanmar's ambitious endeavor to secure UNESCO World Heritage status for the 11th-century temples of Bagan signals a significant commitment to preserving this invaluable cultural heritage site...
Celestial globe with clockwork, 1579 (Metropolitan Museum of Art / Public Domain)

This Globe Features Mythology, Science, and Technology (Video)

Crafted in the 16th century by Gerhard Emmoser for Holy Roman Emperor Rudolf II, the “ Celestial Globe with Clockwork” stands as a remarkable fusion of art, science, and engineering. It incorporates...
Europe was changed after the Black Death ended. Source: Alexander / Adobe Stock.

What Happened After the Black Death Ended? (Video)

After the Black Death's devastating toll on Europe, survivors faced daunting challenges. The plague's aftermath brought about a stark transformation. The immediate impact was an economic crisis, with...
The Belles Herues of Jean de France, duc de Berry. The Metropolitan Museum of Art / Public Domain.

The Teen Prodigies Behind This 15th Century French Picture Book (Video)

Within the realm of 15th-century French artistry , the Belles Heures emerges as a striking showcase of the Limbourg Brothers' talents. This exquisitely crafted manuscript, commissioned by Jean de...
Egyptian statue of two men and a boy that served as a domestic icon. Source: The Metropolitan Museum of Art / Public Domain.

This Egyptian Statue Is Reminiscent of a Family Photo (Video)

This Egyptian statue , an exhibit at the New York MET, hails from around 1340 BC during the Amarna period and exudes a magnetic charm. These three male figures capture a profound naturalism, evident...
Royal queen in her bedchamber. Source: Anneke / Adobe Stock.

What Giving Birth Was Like for Royal Mothers (Video)

Royal childbirths, a far cry from today's private affairs, were once grand spectacles, laden with political significance. Public scrutiny was the norm, with hundreds of onlookers present to confirm...
Mesopotamian cylinder seal. Source: Met Museum / Public Domain.

How Akkadian Cylinder Seals Served As Ancient Signatures (Video)

Akkadian cylinder seals emerged during the fourth millennium BC, coinciding with the dawn of writing. These unique artifacts served dual purposes: safeguarding against unauthorized access to storage...
The Serra da Capivara National Park. Source: Marcio Isensee e Sá / Adobe Stock.

Humans' First Appearance in the Americas: Challenging Clovis (Video)

In the dense wilderness of Brazil's Piauí state, archaeologists are unraveling a profound narrative about human history in the Americas. The prevailing belief that humans arrived about 13,000 years...
The Olmec mask in The Met Collection. Public Domain.

Uncovering the Met’s 3,000-Year-Old Olmec Mask (Video)

This ancient Olmec face, on display at the Met, stands as a remarkable exhibit that underscores the enduring power of art and the intriguing craftsmanship of the Olmec culture. While commonly labeled...
Ezekiel’s Tomb. Credit: David Stanley / Flickr.

Ezekiel's Tomb: Transcending Religious Boundaries (Video)

Ezekiel's Tomb , nestled beside the meandering rivers of Babylon in Al Kifl, Iraq , is a testament to the convergence of history, faith, and the enduring human spirit. This 14th-century shrine,...
Peruvian Quipu. Source: YouTube Screenshot / The New York Times.

Quipu: An Enigmatic Communication System of Ancient Peru (Video)

In the remote highlands of Peru lies a unique community, San Cristobal de la Paz, where the ancient Inca language, Quechua , still resonates at an altitude of 13,000 feet. Here, amidst the rugged...
Portrait of Neanderthal man. Source: iridescentstreet / Adobe Stock.

Evolutionary Genetics and the Neanderthal Inside Us (Video)

Utilizing advanced techniques, scientists have delved into the genetic code of our Neanderthal ancestors. Extracting DNA from 400,000-year-old Neanderthal bones in Spain, they've achieved a high-...
