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The Serra da Capivara National Park. Source: Marcio Isensee e Sá / Adobe Stock.

Humans' First Appearance in the Americas: Challenging Clovis (Video)

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In the dense wilderness of Brazil's Piauí state, archaeologists are unraveling a profound narrative about human history in the Americas. The prevailing belief that humans arrived about 13,000 years ago, known as the Clovis first theory, is now being challenged. The remote Serra da Capivara National Park holds the key to this revelation. Amid the thorn forests, evidence of human habitation extends back tens of thousands of years, defying previous notions of migration through the Bering Strait, North America, and the Amazon rainforest. Dr. Nia de Gong, a French-Brazilian archaeologist, has diligently overseen excavations in this region for decades. Their discoveries include fire-making structures and stones dated to a staggering 22,000 years ago.

While some critics remain skeptical, the stones' unmistakable craftsmanship challenges the rock fall or monkey-made theories. Dr. G Dawn's assertion that humans lived here 100,000 years ago may not be universally embraced, but the evidence across the Americas increasingly supports early habitation. This newfound perspective not only enriches our understanding of history but has also transformed this impoverished region into a hub of research and discovery. A museum, laboratories, and a public university now nurture the curiosity of young archaeologists, further unraveling the enigmatic tale of humanity's first appearance in the Americas.

Top image: The Serra da Capivara National Park. Source: Marcio Isensee e Sá / Adobe Stock.

By Robbie Mitchell



With the footsteps found in the ancient lake bed in White Sands National Park dating to 22,000 years ago, this goes right along with the time period. The Meadowcroft Rock Shelter near Pittsburgh Pennsylvania showing inhabitants over 19,000 years ago and the Cactus Hill Archaeological Site in Virginia showing inhabitants 18,000 to 20,000 years ago. I’m pretty sure the Clovis first theory is historically proven wrong!

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I’m a graduate of History and Literature from The University of Manchester in England and a total history geek. Since a young age, I’ve been obsessed with history. The weirder the better. I spend my days working as a freelance... Read More

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