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Early humans

AI image of primitive man, delving into the mysteries of early human existence and survival in the ancient epochs of our evolutionary past.   Source: Alla/Adobe Stock

Prehistoric Africa: A Terrifying Reality for Early Humans (Video)

Prehistoric Africa served as a gruesome theater of survival for early humans, challenging their very existence. Anthropologist Raymond Dart's grim portrayal depicts our ancestors not as idyllic...
A Neanderthal hunting. Source: Bartek / Adobe Stock.

Amazing Things That the Neanderthals Did (Video)

Around 300,000 years ago, before humans roamed the Earth, another species known as Neanderthals inhabited much of Eurasia. Their name comes from the Neander Valley in Germany, where the first remains...
The Serra da Capivara National Park. Source: Marcio Isensee e Sá / Adobe Stock.

Humans' First Appearance in the Americas: Challenging Clovis (Video)

In the dense wilderness of Brazil's Piauí state, archaeologists are unraveling a profound narrative about human history in the Americas. The prevailing belief that humans arrived about 13,000 years...
Top image: Homo erectus reconstruction. Source: AlienCat/Adobe Stock

Homo Erectus: Why Did the Most Successful Early Human Go Extinct? (Video)

Homo erectus , the remarkably successful early human species, emerged around two million years ago in Africa. With a brain size of 900 to 1000 cubic centimeters, Homo erectus showcased the first...
Early humans took detours to pleasant environments on their prehistoric route to Europe. Source: Kovalenko I / Adobe Stock

Humans Took Pleasant Detours on the Prehistoric Route to Europe

New research shows that the environment is a key factor in mapping the prehistoric routes that humans took when they headed out of Africa towards Europe. More favorable climates enticed Homo sapiens...
Border Cave Excavation site, Lebombo Mountains, South Africa.        Source: Credit Dr Lucinda Backwell/ Wits University

170,000-Year-Old Human Diet Contained Roast Vegetables

New research focused on the roasted remnants of rootstalks found in a Lebombo Mountain cave in South Africa suggests early humans brought the plants to the cave to feed to their young and old. A new...
Great Ape

Lucy Wasn’t As Smart As Today’s Great Apes

Researchers have found that early humans such as the famous ‘Lucy’ were not as smart as the great apes. Using new methods, they have been able to determine that early humans did not have the same...
Early Human diet: Marrow inside a metapodial bone after six weeks of storage. Source Dr. Ruth Blasco/AFTAU

Did 420,000-Year-Old Humans Plan Their Diets and Store Food?

Israeli scientists have found evidence that early humans thought ahead and stored fat and marrow laden animals bones for rainy days. According to a new study published in Science Advances the early...
Experts, using neurosciences, study the human brain’s reaction to ancient engravings. Source: E. Mellet et al. The Royal Society Publishing / CC BY 4.0

Neuro-imaging and Ancient Engravings Allow Experts to Understand Prehistoric Thinking

Researchers in France have used neuroimaging to monitor the impact of prehistoric engravings on modern human brains. To their astonishment, they found that the minds of modern people treat the...
Charred food remains from hearths were discovered, left by ancient humans eating starch. Source: PetarPaunchev / Adobe.

Earliest Evidence for a Cooked Starch Paleo Diet

New discoveries made at the Klasies River Cave in South Africa's southern Cape, where charred food remains from hearths were found, provide the first archaeological evidence that anatomically modern...
Rock paintings in Tadrart Acacus region of Libya dated from 12,000 BC to 100 AD.

Have Humans Always Gone to War?

The question of whether warfare is encoded in our genes, or appeared as a result of civilization, has long fascinated anyone trying to get to grips with human society. Might a willingness to fight...